How do I cure my forward head posture?

How do I cure my forward head posture?

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Dunno mate

Make sure your shoulders aren't hunched over, make sure you keep your back straight, the neck should come with it.

I used to be like that, its more about making a concious effort to keep your posture good until it comes naturally to you.

Stop doing it

mewing helps my head and neck posture.

Believe me I've done this for years. Every single time I walk past a mirror I check my posture, but it just stays shit. Obviously I work out too being here on Veeky Forums.

I'm actually trying to fix this myself.
Basically I just avoid putting my neck in that position and make it as straight as possible as much as possible. i.e looking up when walking around (instead of facing the ground like an autist), not looking down at my phone, not fucking myself up by laying in bed with my neck propped up against the wall (i think this is the main thing that caused it for me), sitting at my computer desk with screen at the right height and chair at the right height, etc etc...

Good luck bro, we're all gonna make it brah

do this shit now, try it !!!

it helped me after a month of doing, it will help you

I have what can only be described as a hump of fat on my neck, when I was a skelly it wasn't noticeable but I became a fatty I literally look like I have a camel hump.

Do you overwork your shoulders or something? Have you always had a weird head position?

>dear diary

hang thyself

>not fucking myself up by laying in bed with my neck propped up against the wall

this is my exact issue

Thanks, I'll try that.

Stand/walk/whatever on manual mode

I thought fit was a bully free zone


my rhomboids hurt like fuck when I stretch my neck in the opposite direction or even try to get correct posture.

nice contribution faggot

Oh god need to stop doing that

Don't use a pillow when sleeping

Foam roll thorasic spine

this ain't planet fitness

I actually fixed it a few years ago. It's a muscular imbalance, you just need to incorporate facepulls into your routine.

i tried it and it worked

What's mewing?

Squats and pats n shit

Squats and oats n shit

>foam roller
>dual ball rolling
>stretching sterno cleido mastoid
>dooing cobra yoga pose
>push head and back against wall - row with arms against the wall upwards keeping back of head and back against the wall
>posture awareness

That's actually a lump of muscle, m7+1. Your spinal cord started stretching, and your brain thought your head was falling off, so muscle grew in that gap to keep your head from "falling off." As far as I know, once you get that muscle growth, it's best impossible to get rid of it. Your posture may improve, but the muscle will always be there to hinder you from have a straight and aligned neck.
