>Friends just texted me
>They want to go out
>I turned off my phone, i just want to be left alone
fuck it Veeky Forums i just want to be left alone. why do they want to do things with me
>Friends just texted me
>They want to go out
>I turned off my phone, i just want to be left alone
fuck it Veeky Forums i just want to be left alone. why do they want to do things with me
Other urls found in this thread:
>having friends
>having people who want to be around you
>wasting your days alone by choice instead of because despite all your efforts, no one wants to be around you
Must be nice
Cook tomorrow's meals or visualise your next gym session instead breh
"Not tonight lads, I got a few personal things to take care of"
if i turn on my phone, they might try calling/testing again. i seriously want to be left alone right now
what do i say if they call? plz help fit. plz help
why dont u want 2 go out
whats wrong with you
Be grateful that you have friends you pathetic cuck.
scared to talk about it desu
you're on another level of autism
sooner or later you'll grow up a little bit and actually start trying to be around people
but then it's gonna be too late for recovery
its no use OP. Youre going out and getting some sexy pirate costume bitch prego tonight. Your friends are already on route to pick you up.
This is why im on bulgarian method and drugs. No signal in my gym too
Other user.
But my friends kill my gains when i hang out with them.
>mfw can't lift while hanging out
>mfw can't eat while hanging out
>mfw can't sleep while hanging out
>mfw they always want me to drink alcohol
>mfw they maybe even want to smoke
>I am fucking up and I know/understand this
>But I still want to be left alone
>I am a very social guy as it turns out, but I ended up moving to another state for work sometime last year and eventuaally I actually did make some friends in this state. Sadly, a few of them moved on and I have a group of guys I know now, but we are not in any way good/best friends. I am 28 years old, single and fucking lonely most of the time.
When they ask to go out or do something, I honestly don't want to but have done so in the past. But for today, this one time i just don't want to go out... please leave me alone....
>There is definitely something wrong with me, I understand this but it is who i am and I want to be left alone and not drink every week...
I honestly need to make new friends at this point, but i am fucking terrified because most people do not want a new friend or someone to chill with and if you come out as being too needy than you just embarrass yourself..
>I never ask my friends to go out/do something pretty much because I don't want to be seen as being needy and wanting to spend time with people, is this why i am ending up alone?
Fuck, I made a mistake
i turned on my phone and texted them, they have a party to night.. but i want to be alone
Then text them that you don't feel good and can not come.
i made a mistake, told them i might make it but it depends.. fuck they all have girl-friends and he has kids... i don't want to be looked as a loser in the group because i am single, i fucking hate going out with them because i am a third wheel!!! they all have gf's but they invite me out. there will be some girls there tonight though
so its later tonight, i still have time to prepare/get dressed/bring some drinks...
fuck, they're begging in a way for me to come out
they saying come on man, ....
fuck you motherfuckers
i just want to be alone
guess im going out tonight
my mind right now
I'm still here and I love it. Met some cool people tonight I should really be more social
is this really true? as i get older, i get more and more reclusive. i used to go out a lot between 18-21, but now i want to be left alone.
Was chatting up this jap at the bus stop last night on mdma. Thought she was taking a different number but we took the same number.. Her body language changed when I sat next to her. Said a few words then shut up. She made me feel like a creep. I let these little things get to me
greentext bruh
They say they love me. I have been on Veeky Forums way too long. I have secluded my 's LG too ducking long
I saw your stupid beard lel
Lol that's OK man. I am having fun tonight. I met some new cool people. I don't K of why but I keep secluding myself... lol they said they love my though. I have a good group of friends but I choose not to do shot with them.. I am so anti social. I am an idiot
It wasn't that stupid though..
needs ta fill out the cheeks more, and a trim maybe
That's OK I could also use a little more dead lifts and squats...
Squats and oats senpai
Same with me bro.
From 14 -22 I was constantly out partying getting laid having fun. Then I too just wanted to be alone. My reasons are no one views the world like me. I see invaders flooding through our gates and a corrupt government that cares more about their personal wealth then their nations sovereignty. They see people in need who we cant just turn down.
My friends are weak, my family is weak, the people I meet are weak, and I have no time for such weakness. Thats why I spend my days training.
>I am a very social guy as it turns out,
I apparently am too in the right situation
>out with friends last night
>friends fiancé is a creeper with snapchat
>records me talking to friends about random shit
>sends it to her sister
>her sister says "he seems like a very charismatic man"
>tfw I'm awkward and shy and a weirdo
I'm not a social butterfly at all. I always clam up when a friends friend kind of comes into our social circle. I think there's expectations that come when one is tall, fit, and looks like a normal person. Nobody expects that guy to be weird and shy.
It's ok brother, I know we all just want to be left alone.
It's not to late! You could kill yourself!*
*don't kys
Not anymore if you just ignore them and don't say anything, you piece of shit.
Literally just do this.
The normies all want to act like robots to be cool
Some of us are real robots though, who are forced to be "normal" i was also anti-social until i started lifting weights
can mods delete this thread btw. :) really appreciate it.
Just don't go out then, idiot.
it was worse btw, she was in a witch costume, she wasn't dressed slutty, but she talked to me a lot tonight, i feel she is a fucking whore though... fuck that bitch im not interested in those type of qt girls
I got some numbers from tonight though, they said they want to hang after etc...
What level of autism is this??
Another user here.. was invited to party tonight but I just didn't want to deal with forcing myself to talk to people I don't really know. I'm cripplingly autistic and also just don't wanna ruin the party or be unwanted
hmm, at a certain point it wont matter
i or some of us on here just don't even have someone who will invite us out etc..
>friends want to go out
>no money
>they pay for me if I go
>why do you have time for the gym
>it's free because military gym
I just don't go anymore, can't spend extra money just because I use my free time for gym. I don't buy pills nor products
>college student who pays for his own tuition
Haha, I didn't want to go out yesterday and nobody even asked me to.
This is because I'm negative, antisocial and extremely critical of everything, everyone and their shit.
I also made it public 10 months ago that I don't drink alcohol at all anymore and that I only smoke weed if I want to use some substances.
This effectively isolated me from about 70% of my friends and aquaintances and nowdays I have only 1 friend left who will do any kind of initiative in my direction. The rest is and has always been on my own accord.
There are different reasons why people don't like me, but I think the most common is that I might unknowingly roast everyone by pointing out something stupid someone does, because everyone knows that I never do anything stupid at all..
what a wonderful gif
drinking, fake social interactions, no interest in meeting new people
You are not alone with this sentiment.
Nah cba tonight lads, shit to do
how do you talk to girls? I was at a party today and we made some small talk but how do you go from small talk (i.e what they're studying, hobbies and shit) to fucking
fuck everyone else, better yourself in both mind and body. normies don't know better.
i thought pepe was going to tongue-glue the butterfly at the end
>fuck it Veeky Forums i just want to be left alone. why do they want to do things with me
Go out anyway. I used to have a lot of friends, but like you I just wanted to be left alone. Now I'm pretty much all alone and believe me, it's hard as fuck to make more friends when you're done with university, getting older and most people your age are in relationships, have kids and/or don't have much time to socialize with new people. I wish I had made an effort to keep my old friends. Even if they seem shallow and immature right now they will mature and you'll value their friendship.
Bro talking to people you don't know absolutely sucks.
That's why you should be with close friends as much as possible.
Parties actually suck. This is from a guy who was in a fraternity all throughout college. Not to sound like a dickbag - just saying that parties are very overrated. They're just a bunch of fake social interactions that last 5-10 minutes consisting of getting to know the very basic piece of information of someone that you will very likely never see again in your life, and feeling good about it cause you say 'fuck yeah, i'm the type of guy that can go out and party and socialize', but then you realize that it's all just to satisfy your ego and the happiness you're getting from faking socializing with these people is bullshit.
That's when you realize to only kick it with your good friends and nothing more.
Pick one. Robots secretly want to be normies anyway.
been down that road, now I only have two good friends left. careful what you wish for.
In my case it's because I'm autistic as fuck and always end up making some social blunder which embarasses me for weeks. It's simply MUCH less dangerous to just stay inside alone and bored than go out and have a 99% change of feeling 10 times worse.
>Keeping friends in 2016
>Not subjecting the NWO dehumanization program >Not being affected by degenerative substances such as vaccination and fluoride in the water causing autism
>having friends
>having people who want to be around you
That's not the case at all with most people, the people who show up at these parties just want to be seen that night. They don't want to just sit at home with nothing to do even if they have a gf/bf.
>>wasting your days alone by choice instead of because despite all your efforts, no one wants to be around you
Don't think anyone is alone by choice