Exercise spreadsheet

Well, pretty much what the title says. I've made a spreadsheet in excel that you can use to keep track of your exercises and progress. I've also put in points and titles to help you stay motivated. Exercises, scores and titles can be changed as you see fit (hehe get it?). Also, I tried to make it as simple as possible so anyone can use it.

I primarily made it for myself but since I've worked on it for a couple of days and it turned out ok, I thought why not share.

In any case here's the link for download (I hope it works): dropbox.com/s/3h9j9hi1i1kcur8/Excercise_v1.3.xlsx?dl=0

If you also have any suggestions, lemme know

Shameless self-bump?

>not using microstrategy to record and track training

Jesus christ, do you have enough ab workout?

Yeah I think so haha

I must admit that I don't understand

Gotta do abs for the lads

yeah, kind of lazy lately tho

Seems like something for normies. Most people here just follow linear progression and if they finished that they move on to periodized training if they're looking for strength or a PPL routine if they're going for aesthetics. So that spreadsheet is useless.

Sry for offending you mr.pro




So any time i run i become alpha? Seems a bit too easy

Why not? 600m for one point seems pretty ok to me.
Uhh no? Download the sheet and type in that you ran 1200m it will apply appropriate points, aka 2pts

Since some don't understand. It works like this. Under the "Point" column, whichever value you type in beside your exercise will be the amount required for one point. So when you are looking at 600m in the running excercise it means that if you ran 900m it will calculate it as 1.5pts. When you change the values under the "Point" category the formula changes accordingly. Meaning you are allowed to assign points as you see fit. I assigned them like this because I thought it was fair. Same goes if you change the titles to the right. The titles that you put in will be assigned to you for the specific ranges.

Thanks for clarification. For a moment i thought i became alfa. Really great spreadsheet familia

Np and thanks m8

do the background color of the point cells change according to your rank?

would suggest adding meditation (5 min/pt) and stretch (2 min/pt) in the empty slots

I've only made the color of the letters and numbers change according to the appropriate ranges. You can make the background change easily as well. Just click on that cell and go under conditional formatting, you will see the rules I imposed, click on them and add appropriate background colors to them. Also, you can remove every exercise and put your own in and allocate the point values yourself. Just as I explained above. I left those 2 blank slots just for that, so you can try and add some of your own. But as I said you can change mine as well. I just couldn't think of what else to put in haha.
P.S. for your routine it would go like this. Under "point" put 5, which will indicate 5 minutes per point. Then if oyu did 5 minutes you write in 5 and it will allocate 1 point to your score. If you write 8 it will allocate 1.6, and so on and so on.

You strike me as a guy who uses a mouse in excel


I do. Not sure if that's supposed to be a bad thing though.

what is an open source version of excel ??


does excel files port over at all? or is it like google sheets, where there are a bunch of function errors everywhere?

depends on the spreadsheet.
try and see.

Oh yeah, that's the reason why I gave up on google docs. It didn't want to recognize all the conditional formatting. So I just posted it on dropbox.

I recommend you use excel 2010 or above.

>I recommend you use proprietary software
fuck off.

Uhhhh, ok?

Don't recommend non-free software.

Fix your shitty spreadsheet so that it uses an open document format.

Why bother with a whole spreadsheet with formulas and point system? KISS principle. I have an entire MSWord document with every single exercise I do that I can easily copy over to a workout plan and fill in the blanks based on my progression. This way, I can vary my workouts, fill in details, etc as I go along. If I need to look back, I can scan them in. If I did horrible one week, I can just see it, and fill in the blanks for lesser or same amount of sets and reps.

Pic related. It's actually a starting point of a workout plan that's continuous as I'm doing an extreme endurance plan instead of strength or power which includes long distance running. This continues for another 5 weeks.

>I'm too poor to buy software with better features than the free software
Poorfags gonna poor.

I'm not "fixing" anything. Don't use my shitty spreadsheet then, mongrel.

P.S. I don't recommend working out on your period.

That's not what free means in this context, you dumbass.

Who the fuck said I want to use your retarded spreadsheet?

Whatever you say, Stallman.

Yeah but you're printing out those?
I was just going for max convenience. You work out for the day, sit down for 2mins, write it all in and you have the data. For the whole month. Then you just open a new spreadsheet for the next. Plus, I like this ranking idea so I had to do it. But I see no problem with your method. To each their own, I just thought I'd share mine.

>2 sets of 10
Why just 2?

Why are the common lifts not on there, bench etc.?

hey man, dont be so hard on yourself. the spreadsheet is cool, and the reward system is solid.

but when user was talking about non-free software, he wasnt talking about free as in free beer. he was talking about freedom.

It's because I personally don't go to the gym nor use any of the equipment. Just plain ol' exercises. As I said at the beginning I planned to make it for myself. Didn't really plan on posting it at the time. But feel free to add or change the exercises. I know it seems a bit complicated but trust me it's not.

I misunderstood then, still he was a bit mad imo. Regardless, thanks.

Go away Stallmen

Don't pay attention to /g/tards. They come from most toxic board in this shithole.

>loving freedom over slavery
pick 1

enjoy your 0 privacy

I wouldn't know, can't believe this thread is still up tho. Thought it would rip by now