Does Veeky Forums take a multi vitamin? if so, why or why not?

Does Veeky Forums take a multi vitamin? if so, why or why not?

yeah, because I don't eat too much fruit so I like multivitamins to cover any deficits

This is a stupid fucking question, jesus christ.

If you think your diet is lacking, fucking take one. Or just take one anyway because it's not going to hurt you. Fucking christ how dumb are you?

I take Super B complex
Vitamin D3
Multivitamins are usually too low in doses imo

Did Op say anything about if he takes one of not? Relax there matty.

What multi vitamin should I take?

Rainbow light men's one

yes, because my diet literally consists of whey and casein powder, oats, peanut butter, and eggs.

i get one of those one a days because its like 15 bucks for 6 months so why the fuck not

no I'm white

doesnt that have a bunch of fillers and shit?

no, I get plenty of micronutrients from vegetables and only supplement specific things, like zinc and magnesium

If you start taking a multi vitamin you have to take it for the rest of your life or you lose the effects.

He's right.
You're body won't be able to recognize micros from real food anymore so you'll have to keep supplementing or you'll just atrophy like a fucking raisin.

that's fine, they're cheap and i'd rather eat what i want

yeah because I'm too lazy to cook vegetables and fruits have too much sugar.

Benefits are marginal, like 10% more health, it's not a 150% increment like they advertise.
And that's when you're really in a bad condition, otherwise that's why you don't feel anything different when you take them.

this 100%, the bro science knows

>take multi
>piss turns neon green

Every fucking time this happens. What gives?

hmm people who eat vegetables are generally healthier and leaner than people who don't. Wonder why.

You can go back to your vegan community user, you don't have to stay here if you don't want to :)

this your cat?

its the vitamin b, cunt

this is so far wrong lmao. its true that multivitamins wont do much, bu they are certainly not for people who are in really bad condition. the dosage for those who are vitamin deficient is in the 10's of thousands of mg's.

take them. you're most likely deficient in something. there's no harm in them. your body is well equipped to deal with slightly high levels of vitamins and minerals.

>like they advertise

the reason your multi has 150% of your DV of vitamins in there is because it is not absorbed in its entirety

they do work, though. my blood tests confirm.



i started taking a costco multivitamin

i got horrible gas so i stopped taking em and returned

no because multivitamins aren't natural they are chemicals and they have to be broken down my your kidneys and liver so id rather not have liver cancer at age 25 and i dont want to throw up blood and die young because i wanted to supplement my diet everyone on this board is stupid as fuck if they think otherwise, all supplements are damaging to your liver and will kill you one day

good luck dying like zyzz faggots

Large amounts of b2 vitamin, go easy on b2 too much can cause kidney stones.

If you're lacking an essential vitamin you will generally notice right away after you start taking it.

Fortunately humans are pretty good about sporadic nutrition as it wasn't until recently that we had constant food supply.

There are however a few vitamins generally good for everyone.

Do your own research because there is no vitamin I can convince you to take from an internet forum.

Yes, my doctor forges CBC. Surely.

They have low bioavailability and I always get at least 3 different fruits/veg a day in my diet.

i take a multi vitamin every week and i take garlic pills, ginger pills and vitamin D every day.

>10% more health
that's gonna save your ass in PvP so many times you fucking idiot

Source Naturals, but I only take 1 pill in the morning with a fishOil

everyone should supplement vitamine d3 though. unless your homeless and live outside. (even then if you love in cloudy ville you would need it.