Any shroom enthusiast on \fit\? I found this growing next to my porch, which is weird. Just curious as to what kind it is. Also, who loves shrooms on their pizza when having a Chad day?
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A mushroom that's called Destroying angel, I shit you not. If you have consumed it, seek medical attention immediately.
OP photo is of a guy wearing gloves retard
It's a portabello mushroom
Looks like it's safe to eat OP!
Reverse image search shows nothing, it is OP in that picture.
Not b8, desu. I just want to know what kind it is.
Confirming it's portobello. Not fully ripe but edible. Good find, OP
my allergy to mushroom has been growing steadily. use to just be for portobello. not its for the ones they put on subs and pizza.
>tfw can no longer eat magic mushrooms bc allergies will ruin the trip
Have not eaten since I know better
Ha! I'm fine, dude. I was curious. I really, really doubt that I actually found a "destroying angel." It was next to my porch, not the middle of the Amazon. But no, I haven't eaten it.
This is one of the most autistic hobbies there is.
It's 45 degrees here, which is odd that it's even growing at this temp
Please be b8, but in case it is not, this mushroom will kill you. Please do not consume OP. Life can get better
>it's an OP eats a destroying angel and fucking dies episode
Oh, that fucking sucks, user. I thought being allergic to shrimp was bad. I just get hives, sometimes face turns red. What about you?
>tfw literally eat several kg of mushrooms a week because of how easy it is to steal them from supermarkets
I can easily eat up to 20-30 common mushroom cups a day, my diet is literally like 80% mushrooms
Looks like you figured out the basis behind the bait and still replied. Wonderful.
Just eat it already so we can be rid of your horseshit threads.
Literally nothing more comfy than walking through the forest and picking mushrooms on an overcast day. I have a book on mushrooms and while I can't identify many of them yet - only the main delicacies - it's fun to take pictures of them and look them up in the book when I get back home.
When I get a gf this is the kind of thing we will do together. I will bring my dad's old analog camera and we will take funny pictures of each other in our awesome outdoorsy attire.
Since I have no gf I just do this with my mom sometimes, minus the camera and cute stuff.
Sorry for blog
Why is it an austic hobby?
>Go inna woods and spend time
>find lots of tasty mushrooms
>dry them up
>make delicious soups
>or pickle them
It's fine. Nature is pretty. Get over yourself.
t. guy that does this with his girlfriend
That's poisonous bruh,
OP here. I just wanted to know what kind it was. Got confirmation it's portobello. Will not be eating anyway. Thank you to those that helped. For the rest of you sacks of shit on leg day, here...
>When I get a gf this is the kind of thing we will do together
Sure user, she'll be absolutely THRILLED to hike with you in the muddy slosh of the forest picking fucking mushrooms instead of snapchatting her friends and binge watching netflix shows
I'm sure women aren't this one-dimensional, but I admit I used to share your /r9k/ mentality. I think you and I both need to go out and discover people in the real world
Man, not every tinder slut is your stereotypical degenerate with a vagina.
Yes, yes you do. Start with a meetup group. It's full of spergs and autismos. That's where I had success, and you can too
>Why is it an austic hobby?
Well, let's see
>autistically learning all of the fine features of a fungus that grows in shit and consumes dead things
>risk poisoning or killing yourself if you make a mistake
>delicious soups can be made 1,000 other ways
>the best mushroom on earth still isn't that great of a food
>wondering around the forest looking for a fungus that grows in shit and consumers dead things instead of hunting or hiking
If you and your girlfriend scare off a buck I'm hunting looking for this shit there's going to be a hunting accident in tomorrow's paper.
How do you steal so easily from the supermarket??
Don't listen to other people shitting on you. I think this is great. People don't appreciate nature anymore and I think taking steps to do it is neat.
>tfw you find psilocybin mushrooms
I like to trip, I have a bunch of 4-AcO-DMT which is supposed to be similar to shrooms. Done it a bunch of times.
How does it compare? Asking for my dog.
dogs will respond to tryptamines differently than humans because of receptor functionality, it's best to look elsewhere for puppotrips.
I have no clue. I've never done shrooms. I like it, though. It's not as good as acid, though I would say it's close.
I'm pretty sure thats the one mario eats for his instant natty gains. Eat it desu. Gains await you
confirmed. Ate one of those and am now 16 feet tall, 1900 lb.
Surprise, live in area of several delicious mushrooms, go hunting with boyfriend, we take cute pix and Eat the picnic I packed. It's a thing and has the RIGHT idea.
Cute boots close in waterproof styles.
That's a thing too, we don't forage in hunting areas during deer or bird seasons for this reason, it's rude to hunters.
Who hurt you
girls love mushrooming especially when they're a bit older or they come from cultures in which it's common
Literally walk out without paying, pocket small items, or just generally not scan them when putting them into bags at the self-serve checkout
i can lift 200 shroom
>Picking wild mushrooms is a dangerous hobby, even for experts
>OP is asking people on Veeky Forums
You gon die, dude.
Remkve cap and place ut face down on sheet of paper. Put big jar over it so its undisturbed over night. Take picture of spore print then post it on shroomery or similar sites
How are mushrooms any easier to steal compared to any other food?
That looks like a mushroom that I see on my front lawn after it rains. Then I kick the head of it to see how far it can fly. It makes a nice floompop sound! :)
>"I have no friends so I lash out towards Anonymous people on Veeky Forums" the post
Glad I came to Veeky Forums today to talk about mushrooms.
Fuck this board is stupid.
Is there any good hunting in south texas? Not really keen on rummaging through cow pastures unless i want some psilocybin. More interest in foresty stuff
>the best mushroom on earth still isn't that great of a food
pleb detected
>picking up mushrooms with rubber gloves
I'm a Yurofag and this definitely isn't something you should eat. Definitely not fucking Agaricus bisphorus, that things looks like something out of Amanita genus which means you should throw it out.
I love mushrooms too, eat portobellos every day. Just remember always to pick the ones you can easily recognize, nothing is worth losing your liver.
>tfw it hasn't rained for months now
no mushrooms for me
I love shrooms, so tasty
Pic is literally me
Sounds fun, I wish I had a girlfriend to take hiking. We have a family cottage in a mountain forest where there's lots and lots of places to just walk for hours. There's moose there too so would be fun to see one, that's the least they could do for us after eating all our blueberries.