It's Sunday!

It's Sunday!
Y'all niggas cool your food for the week?

Lets assume you eat 3 meals a day (cmon) so thats 21 meals per week. Your telling me you are gonna calculate your macros and pre package 21 meals just so you can give yourself the idea that the effort and control it takes to plan your exact eating habits for the next 7 days will be workth it?
>fell for the meme

Why not cook 7 days worth of chicken and 7 days worth of rice or whatever and just heat the shit up as you eat it.

Instead you go on instagram and see these fucking fitness "figures" posing with protein powder and pre packaged food and you hop on board like a fucking stupid faggot that you are. Kys plz

damn girl you are mad

Its dyels like you that give me cancer with shitty posts like this

All I did was put some chicken broccoli and rice in a plastic container

It is literally his lunch for 5 days while at work or some shit calm the fuck down. No one makes 21 prepared meals a week it's just for when you can't cook because we have a fucking life

Fuck you



I don't portion it out into servings like that, but every Sunday I cook up a big crockpot full of turkey chili for lunches and a bunch of chicken breast and veggies for dinners. Going out of town for a week on weds so I didn't do any cooking today, feels weird.

Just threw six chicken breasts in the oven. Put two cups of rice into the rice cooker. Gonna peel some potatoes then throw them in the steamer. Lastly I have some greens that need steaming then I'll be set for half the week.

Whats cookin?

looks boring as fuck

My cook day is Monday. Going to roast garlic chicken and make a big pot of posole using pork roast.

I'll make some chicken salad, dice some chicken to go on greens, make a chicken stir fry.
Freeze some posole containers.

Prepping about 1/3 of bf and my meals every week really helps me stay on track.
I like to make our dinners on the spot but I love having food to grab room the fridge or freezer.
Saves money too.

All done.

>people are still eating grains

>white rice

Jesus christ, man.

no one man should eat all that chowder.

that's lotus, dude.
get big, my man.

Honestly you both eat baby girlly meals.

I just ate two full size pizzas and I'm about to make 7 hard boiled eggs.

How's dirty-perma-bulk treating you? Cheat year's almost over.

>be dyel 125 lb shrimp or possibly fat ass 25% bf slob
>criticize lotus's diet


They work well for me, over everything I've ever tried.
Yeee gonna get real big this winter :)
Why run an excessive surplus when you can stay lean and get bigger?

whatre you, gay? thats his lunch you faggot

also niceb8m8

It's going good but I do need to start eating healthier.

I stay lean no matter what I eat.

I believe in you, user.

y not now tho

Pic bruh.I just want to believe...

Lazy OP. Do your research and your taste buds will think you. Fucking meatheads.

>because we have a fucking life


Wow, you are fucking delusional

Well give me details lotus. What's your make what'd you package for how does this last? Grilled chicken or just chicken breast from the freezer aisle?

C: 373g
P: 249g
F: 92g

Breakfast (oats) : 52/12/4
Rivalus Clean Gainer : 90/30/7
Lunch (potato base) : 56.5/53/21
Pre-Workout (rice base) : 56.5/21
Rivalus Clean Gainer : 90/30/7
Pre-bedtime (low carb) : 10/53/22

Packaged it for the next four days. Chicken breasts oven baked, shredded.

>all those carbs
Christtttt I would balloon up, how do you do it

Cardio three times a week on rest days. Without high carbs and cardio I just get flat.

I prefer hot meals

I do best on really high fat/high protein. High carbs just ruin me, basically the only carbs i get are from fruits and vegetables and the tbsp of sugar i put in my post workout shake.

This works well for me on a deficit, not so much on a surplus, it becomes too much food. What are your goals for the winter?

Bulk begins on the 14th, hoping to hit 200lb without getting fatter. Intend to very slowly add in more calories until i hit a very gentle surplus, i seriously overdid my bulking last time and got pretty close to obese actually, like 220-230.

Lol. Your goals align with my goals, which are now, our goals. This Rivalus Clean Gainer is very convenient, never tried a gainer before and so far I'm liking the profile/composition.

When are you gonna start the cut?

Pic would have been more effective if right had a bunch of minority workers too

I've been soft-cutting basically all year to unobese myself, and am hard-cutting (1250 deficit, kill me) for the last 6 weeks before the bulk to try and get the last of it off, so I'm really not in a hurry to start cutting again, I'm just gonna play it by ear.

In my defense, my lifts were EXPLODING last winter, i really can't blame myself for going as hard as i did on the bulk.

Strong bulk does produce strong lifts. This time around just going for mass on lagging bodyparts/sweeps. Good luck bruh. Choo choo, time to train ;p

"No one makes 21 prepared meals a week it's just for when you can't cook because we have a fucking life"

>pic related

I figure someone sleeping on the job is better.

>Not eating delicious pearl barley, the wholegrain with a GI of 25
>the city of you

I made a huge lasagna (no pasta used zucchini instead) with lots of veggies, selfmade tomato sauce, mozarella and vegetarian meat last night. I have a lot left over so that is my dinner for the week.

Boiled a bunch of eggs for a quick snack.

I eat oatmeal in the morning but I like to make it from scratch.

Need ideas for prepping lunch though. Any ideas?

not OP but also try to prepare a few lunches on sunday and fridge them
i work 60 hours a week. if you think you will be cooking everyday on a scheduled like that then excuse me while i laugh at your delusion

unless you are a collage kid or work 9-5 then sure you can cook every day

>what is greentext

what a fucking loser

I work pretty crazy hours between two jobs and my side project probably about 70-80hrs depending on the week.

But if I'm being honest it's because I'm recovering Skelly and it's a lot easier to eat when everything is already cooked.

Cooked 4 portions of a chicken pasta type thing, and about 6 portions of a meat, bean and veggie stew that i can throw in the microwave for easiness

Gonna cook and freeze loadsa sweet potato mash to have with my many portions of fish/chicken iv got too

Im a busy man so this kinda stuff goes a long way to making sure I keep to my diet - easier to reheat this stuff than order takeaway.

You are right

I mean I do, but I'm really busy