Fatlifts autism rap karaoke edition
Fatlifts autism rap karaoke edition
In4 sending your money to foreign Christian fighters to preserve their own racial, cultural and religious heritage against goat fuckers
1) no you don't need pct. lgd suppresses test/lh/FSH by about 50% for a typical 8 weeks 5/10mg ed cycle. it doesn't cause shutdown so you don't need to kick-start the hpta back, it goes back to normal within a couple weeks. your test being that much lower may annoy you (to say the least) so you might at least want some daa/test boosters. anecdotally, they work pretty well for these cases even though they're mostly shit otherwise (for natties actually looking for a test increase)
2) it's not a secret club thing. posting sources in here will get you permabanned. period.
>first pin was last night around 8
>wake up around 9 this morning
>nips are absolutely fucking erect
>5 new pimples despite 14 months of accutane treatment and no new ones for 3 months before
>pop asin immediately
What the fuck why do I aromatise so bad
Not even fat, 13%
What the fuck are you pinning 1g of liquid dbol or something?
Standard 250mg test e, no kickstarter
I wanna fuck a dolphin.
Waiting for bimbs
Are you a grill?
He's probably having his balls kicked in and being called a good boy right now.
Nope, dude
Never had pubertal gyno either
how do i roid but keep tits and hips?
5-10mg Anavar ED.
faurk brehs is Izzy ever going to come back?
We require pics to determine thiccness first.
Just sounds like your fucked. Just dose the asin at 12.5mg ED ans you should be okay. Heaven help you when you blast.
He's a shit bottom, desu. They should bring back Shane Erickson.
how come all girls who roid have NO or even negative hips but huge quads? gross
You people make me uncomfortable.
Because they do squats and deadlifts.
Technically it can make your arse bigger but buttocks muscle is hard to train and control. So all their roid efforts went to their quads instead.
>negative hips
What does this mean?
>big quads
Because they work out quads a lot. It has nothing to do with the steroids themselves, just your training and genetics.
I thought deadlifting was good for ass though?
I see girls on IG who have no hips at all. It looks so odd, like they are ALL quads.
They don't have "no hips". Simply their quads fuck with their percieved proportions making their hips looks smaller.
Deadlifts put more pressure on your quads compared to your arse.
So if you continue to do intense deadlifts, then your quads with get bigger before your arse does.
It's funny but you can't roid up arse. The human buttocks is just weird like that.
i dont want huge quads. I thought roiding made women not have a female fat distribution but i do want muscle fast but not to look like a man or to have huge quads
I want to work on a butt
Roids do nothing to change fat distribution. That is determined by genetics.
Then don't roid.
Just do deadlifts and squats natty, and also try adding dancing to your lifestyle. Certain dancing styles can tone buttocks.
You also need to have a small but decent percentage fat on your arse to make it look round and smooth.
wont i look dyel then? it takes women years to look like they lift :(
How fat are you? Tits and hips are genetic.
ESTP is/was izzy you mong
The waist probably loses its hour glass shape because their obliques and abs are actually strong.
>ESTP is/was izzy you mong
Yeah, nah.
Gotta tone those abs because people are fat shitlords, right babe?
Short curly ginger hair master race. The only gingers who look like they're fucking perma 21 even into their early mid 30s.
FAUUURK they're hot.
>you're gonna fuck after the party
I expect my 1:10 odds in the mail by this week bimbsie. That's $200 dolleriedoos I won.
>tfw slept literally all day/night
Might go for day 3 though I do need to git up and pay rent at some point
I think izzy was probably some rping user... looking at her posts they were cringey levels of 'stereotypical grill :)'... like in the way robots imagine girls to type kek
Girls don't actually type like that, especially on Veeky Forums, and what are the chances of her posting solely to fraud if she's a newfag?
Fraud/fit girls are on here but I don't think she was real
um like 30 pounds overweight
Everyone recommends SS but I dont care about strength and i dont want the thick waist and huge quads, what do??
>I think izzy was probably some rping user...
Ya and it was so weird how she asked all these questions about fixing her voice...
Huh? You can't 'fix' a post roids voice, there's no way she was that experienced and saying that
>slept literally all day/night
I feel this.
drove home through fuck tons of snow yesterday in gfs corolla while trying not to pass out at the wheel and I had to put chains on. I think the only time I woke up in the last two days was to eat breakfast, drive for 6 hours, then eat dinner. It's 6:30 and I have to work in 3 hours. Fuck my life.
At least you didn't fall for the SS meme.
PPL or brosplit.
You should do some sort of powerlifting routine for at least a year to build up a base of muscle then you could switch to some sort of brosplit and focus on looks.
y cycling atm?
Is upper lower okay?
Nobody does something like Stronglifts for a year so why is this always recommended? I just want a simple routine for ass and not too much core and arm work.
Here's my cycle brehs.
First 15 weeks:
500mg Test Acetate / week
600mg Eq / week
0.5mg Arimidex EOD
Weeks 17-19:
40mg Nolva, 25mg Clomid
Last two weeks:
20mg Nolva, 15mg Clomid
How would you rate it? It's gonna be my first.
That was some good sex.
Got her to cum. Came inside her, scooped it out, smacked it on her face and in her hair. Made out with cum face. Fisted her. Covered in bite marks and scratches. Back is bloody. Chest is a little drippy from bites. Her ass is one enormous welt.
>git up and pay rent
>Physically paying rent in 2016 Anno Domini
do you pay him in tendies?
close eyed slurpy slurps?
pirate hooker silver coins?
I wake up and etransfer it
Make it test e/c and if drop the eq in favor of an oral or tren if you're willing to do it for your first cycle.
Are you gay? Throw an oral in there to kick-start it, like dbol, fag boy.
Upper, lower, cardio works decently for beginners
I like chest, arms, shoulders back, and legs/core split
Forgot to mention my workouts take 1.5-2hours each though so U/L/C would be like 4 hours a piece for me which is why I do 4 day splits lol.
I spent a weird amount of time smacking her tots while eating her out. After fisting her I smacked her pussy a lot. That shit is going to hurt in a few hours.
Also spent an absurd amount of time licking her feet. But it's O K. I smacked her face too.
I thought people worked out like an hour a day... What are you doing?
I'm a newbie so I wouldn't be doing isolation exercises
You can do whatever you want doggo
So fraud I've been lurking for a while and doing my homework on how to correctly do gear, but my question still remains how do you get them? Do I just ask around after making friends with people that take them or what?
>that experienced
I quote, "Ester? what kind of steroid is that?"
after 1hours the pumps start gettting into me desu
when you learn how to use google propely, you're ready to inject chinese bathtub oils inside of y
Seems like an invitation to get bunk gear but I'm here to learn
>Made out with cum face
I always feel disgusting after I do that.
I just get so horny idgaf
It's great who gives a fuck?
Was that your ex again?
Yesterday you were calling her a bitch and hated her...
whru from
I love my girls smells
love her breath just after she wakes up
when shes sweaty after the gym
even nasty panties
call the cops
think I out weird you
Doesn't mean that wasn't great sex just now
lol I don't think so. Morning breath is cool. I lick her armpits and back sweat during sex.
Start with heavy compound exercises/strength training and finish with mid/light isolations of 10-15 rep sets of 3. Works for me desu, I love feeling constantly sore all over my body.
wait til you hop on
on half decent blast
after absolutely killing yourself in the gym
you won't even feel like you trained the day after
Idaho. We have more than potatos I...I swear
cant help u then
Fly over state life
imma eufag, would help certainly if u were from eu
dunno how amerifats get their gear desu
Fuck that senpai. I love the soreness and cramping. Sometimes takes 2-3 days to go away. Having currentgf massage it out feels amazing man.
are any of you tall?
g-guys do you see the sekeleton in the bottom right of the screen too?
hmm. I wonder if this mast e I've been running is legit. Been about 3 weeks running 700mg/wk and noticed I'm a little more vascular but even with the frontloading I wonder if it kicked in.
I think the tallest of us are like ~6'3"
Lads, redpill me on mk677.
Anyone with first hand experience/results
should a beginner skip tren 1st cycle?
I keep seeing conflicting info.
>mfw im same height as these roiders i expect to be huge and tower over me
disappointed desu
Pretty sure you're wrong here... high test will make you more likely to store abdominal fat. Roid gut 2.0. (Yes I know hgh/insulin, that's the 1.0)
Manlets love roids
Tall men do it for sport, manlets will do it for literally any reason at any time
Well help me out then senpai, I'm from the UK and have a mate who just bought some from some fb seller but It seems shady af
>cut to literal skelly before my first cycle
>upper body looks like auschwitz survivor
>thighs are still fat as shit like I weigh 250 pounds
nice meme, god
god I hate mods
I want to help you but I don't want to get banned
post email in an image dummy
bimbo and stoya are 6'5"
lol same here
>go on 1000ckal suicide cut to prepare for my cycle
>get shredded arms and back. veins on shoulders are popping like crazy
>stubborn piece of bellyfat holds on and got reduced by maybe 10%
>ass looks chubby just like always
Are orals mandatory for a first cycle?
What if I don't want to hurt my liver?
What if I actually want the Eq to increase appetite?
Hit me up senpai
first cycle? why not just test, why eq?
please stop
next time you think about answering a question or helping (or even just posting in general), just close the quick reply window and consider doing something else with your time
Don't run an oral if you don't want to, also, EQ is an excellent addition to a first cycle imo
one of the mildest compounds you could add. I think people would face more issues adding something like dbol than they would with EQ.
That being said, run test E, not ace. And don't PCT off :^)
What steroid has the least sides, while still working to some extent?
Can't say 100%, but I would go with EQ or Tbol.
And test, of course, dose dependent.
You have to run an oral
That's most likely way too much adex, try 0,5 e3d or like 0.25eod.
You M U S T
U. S
high EQ + base test is less sides as high test only.
So EQ really is the mildest compound.
I still dont do it because i fucking hate to donate bloods reguarly.
Are there any that doesn't require a PCT, or would that be into terrible SARM territory?
Are you stoned again
Serious gains come with hpg axis shut down.
I'm going to go with yes.
>inb4 high on lyfe bra