I got this painful bump on the one side of my pharynx. Is it a tonsil stone?

I got this painful bump on the one side of my pharynx. Is it a tonsil stone?

On a side note, i hit a new deadlight PR. Happy spookin everyone

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i dont really appreciate your obvious attempt at inuendo

This is a SFW board.

i am confuse. What?


Can someone just help me? I've already booked a doctor's appointment. Just want to know till then

wtf am I looking at

That is definitely a tonsil stone. You can probably use a q-tip to remove it.

I also used something like this to blast a bit of water down into my tonsils and clean them out once in a while.

I've never had one as big as yours though, usually mine are smaller but there can be a few back there.

I dont know why my freakin picture rotated AFTER i uploaded it.

There's a small white nodule on the top of the picture, which equates to the right side of my throat in this picture

thank you friend. Yeah i'm considering your method. I want this badboy out of my mouth

press right here with a q tip and it should pop right out.

Also sometimes Ill press my tongue to the roof of my mouth as hard as I can and swallow a few times as hard as I can and kind of stress my neck to bring the tonsil stones closer to the opening so I can remove them easier.

awesome instructions. Thanks amigo

May the spooks be with you tonight

props user for being able to take such a decent clear picture of you throat

beyond that, no help or advice

I'm afraid you're gonna have to be put down.

thanks man

I literally shoved my iphone 6s into my fucking mouth while standing in front of a mirror to see when the picture was decent. Would recommend it desu for throat pictures

Hey man that's too spooky!

film yourself popping it and post it here

ahhhhh too late. Already got it out with a Q-tip

thx for the help anons.

Looks like a tonsil stone. You can probably just push it out with your finger. But be warned. tonsil stones stink like actual shit.

God yes. When they pop out they are the worst flavor/smell ever encountered.

aw shit

Smell that bad boy, come on.

squish then sniff it I dare you

I can only describe the smell as...spooky

Oh god this mental image is hilarious

Thanks you just made me watch a few minutes of huge tonsil stones removal videos and now I'm unbelievably disgusted.

10/10 would cum in

For future reference, you should take the pics after you're done with your boyfriend, not before (unless it's a red board).

How do you even get one of those?

>poor mouth hygiene
>dehydrated mouth
>eating shit food

I always feel them in my breath the day after smoking pot, because it makes my mouth barren. Good way to prevent that is to gurgle some warm salty water for a while and then spit. Also make sure you're never out of saliva - it has antibacterial properties.

Using mouth wash every day will help with this if you cant be bother to brush.

Why did you shove a camera down your pussy?

OP here again

If anyone is curious, i've been sharing my pipe hookah at parties with friends and others lately which is no bueno. Also i made out with some rave sloot and some other grill at a bar. Woke up this morning thinking it was Mono or streph throat, thankfully just tonsil stone

tonsil stone, poke it out with a spoon or hard cock.
fun to look at. now drink more water and try to keep hydrated/stay away from cotton mouth

>shit food
Literally anything can cause them to form, they're just calcified food debris. I have noticed I get them more often when I drink more milk, though.

They occur naturally. The tonsils have pits that can trap soft food that then calcifies. Depending on your anatomy and other factors (good you eat, sinus issues, etc), they can occur more frequently or rarely. You likely get them but they probably fall out without you noticing.

>tfw that pic gave me a boner

God these smell so bad. I think I have one in my throat but it's embedded in the tonsil

Dawgs that's a pussy

I thought the pic was a man with a weird deformed baby mouth about to suck on a ball sack. jesus

Yeah it's a stone, squeeze it out senpai

Gargle with a mix of peroxide and water and give it a poke with your toothbrush or other clean blunt object, spoon, etc. Pop that sucker out. It's gross to let them stay in and rot.

Like these anons said, tonsil stone.

If you start to get them frequently and don't want any more I recommend seeking a tonsillectomy.

Tonsil stones usually aren't painful.

That said that might be a tonsil stone. I usually try to pry them with my tongue or if that doesn't help with a finger.

some of you guys who are talking about having these in this thread don't realize how bad these make your breath smell all the time, people are repulsed by it and you should defo make sure you don't get them, if you want to check rub your pinky finger on one for a second then wait 5 seconds with your finger out of your mouth.

If your finger smells like fucking shit your breath does too and you should go about getting rid of them ASAP

Ive tried all the meme tier ways of getting rid like gargle salt water but it doesnt work, booked an appointment to remove them once and for all

this is my guess youtube.com/watch?v=zZKiTCecW-Y

I get these and have to just clean them out as part of my oral hygiene, like flossing.
I have cryptic tonsils but nothing is really wrong with them to get them removed, that's what the doc said.
It's gross but you just deal with it because it's more gross to just leave them in there.

That's obviously a tonsil stone