I thought about it, and put it into perspective. Being a manlet must be hell. Being shorter than everyone around you is really shitty, not even worth the faster gains.
Also if you could trade 1 inch of height for one inch of dick length would you?
I thought about it, and put it into perspective. Being a manlet must be hell. Being shorter than everyone around you is really shitty, not even worth the faster gains.
Also if you could trade 1 inch of height for one inch of dick length would you?
bump myself up to 6'2" master race and still have a 9 incher.
18 inch dick?
Definitely. I'm just under 6'3" but only have a 6 incher. Very easy trade to make.
Average height
Average dick
7x6 penis.
I wouldn't trade it for height. Supposedly 80% of men are taller than me but I've never really noticed. Anything between 5'5 and 5'9 kind of blurs together for me.
being that low to the ground is going to mess with your perception. when everyone else is towering over you then telling the difference between 5'10" and 6'1" is going to be difficult.
Everybody else's perception is skewed too though.
I've had tall friends who've thought I was the same height as them.
How is that possible when they are near you and see you are smaller than them?
Because tons of people don't even consider height. Its the furthest thing from their mind. My father is 5'11" and he thought I was the same height as him until like 2 months ago.
i'm 5'2" and honestly it's not that bad, just makes climbing things easier. also i'm a girl and adorable so i wasn't socially conditioned to be insecure about my height when in reality it does nothing but allow you to screw yourselves out of potential relationships because you lack confidence thus making you believe that your height was to blame when it reality you just suck at loving yourselves so yeah
hey, girl here again. dick size is 100% more important than height. but then again i don't like men, just have a penis fetish. sexuality is a bitch.
i can't date girls as short as you. it looks comical if we're seen together and if you get even a little bit overweight then you just become a round ball of disgusting.
being a short girl isnt bad at all, quite the opposite, lots of guys like short girls because they make them feel big and strong. Being a short guy on the other hand, is fucking hell
well, good thing i'd never let myself get un-fit and prefer women.
>also im a girl
no one gives a shit about short girls, it isnt a bad trait.
its a bad trait for guys, not girls.
>when the manlet meme even gets to girls
Same here tbqh I'm not gay but I like sucking dicks and having them slap my face
im 6ft1,the rare times i bump into someone taller than me i feel so... weird,like inferior or threatened.
dont know how to explain this feel,cant imagine what it must feels like feeling it all day everyday
apparently this is not uncommon among dudes, but i've never met another girl with the same orientation as me.
>tfw just want to make out with a girl and eat pussy while getting fucked doggy buy a dude but the chances of this happening are probably slim
>7.2 inch dick
every once in a while, i acknowledge the fact that i'm towering above 95% of the people around me. bretty gud feel.
stay mad manlet
>the rare times i bump into someone taller than me
>the rare times
do you live in china? 6ft 1 isnt even tall
>tfw only 6'3''
been there once, cool city.
>rare to bump into anyone taller than you.
how's the air quality in China?
>tfw 6'3" manlet
Still trade an inch for a bigger dick though.
But vegeta > goku, so... moot point
>6" wrists
>6" dick
Every time I read these threads, there's always dick size involved. Why is that? You can feel bad and inferior about any part of yourself, but why those things you can't change? I'll never be taller, I'll never be hung, and I'll never be big, but I can't imagine the existential crisis some of you anons would get from being in my situation. I'm aware of the disadvantages that come from it, but that amount of emotional distress over it is honestly alarming. Are you guys okay?
>in b4 everyone on this board has crippling levels of depression, anxiety, and autism
>faster gains
this isnt actually real right?
walkomu to foruchan
5'6 manlet here. Being short sucks cock
6'4" height.
8.5" dick.
Nah I think I'm good brehs
>being this naive
Oh boy, you haven't seen the world yet.
Everyone makes fun of shorter dudes.
Meathead? Pfffff, short.
Celebrity? Pfffffff, short.
Scientist? Who cares, scientists are cool as fuck.
Your best buddy? Pffff, short.
That's just how life is.
It's easier to fill in at 5'6 than at 6'2.
Same weight, bigger bulk, better definition, better proportions, easier aesthetics.
Doesn't make the manlet card go away, tho.