Switching Programs

ay yay yaiiii

Should I switch programs?

I've been doing Strong Lifts for about two months, and over the last two or so weeks, I have been doing very poorly(failed reps, having a hard time even when I complete the workout fully, etc.).
I'm sure some of this is due to the fact that I don't get enough sleep. For example, I got probably 6.5 hours of low quality sleep last night, and I subsequently failed all of my workouts today.
Then again, also yesterday, on another thread, someone recommended that I should switch to Starting Strength.

Is this a good idea?
I'm only two months in. On yet another thread, some other time, someone else recommended that I NOT switch, considering I am only two months in.

What do you guys think?
Is Strong Lifts too much for a newbie like me? I was having a relatively smooth progression, until now. For example, I could bench 110 lbs just fine, but today, when I moved up to 115 lbs, I missed a total of 5 reps.

Also, just for reference, here are my stats:

165 lbs

Squat 140 lbs
Bench 110 lbs
Row 100 lbs
OHP 70 lbs
Deadlift 235 lbs

So yeah, should I switch programs?


Are you eating enough? That's the most likely cause of failing SS or SL in only two months. Eat more and sleep more, don't question the programming yet.

Definitely not sleeping enough. I do think I am eating enough though. I don't count calories, but I do make sure to get enough protein and enough food in general. Pretty much all of my meals are protein dominant, and are good portions.

How much should I be eating?

For example, at lunch, is a burger(or chicken) with two patties, a salad, fries, and a glass of milk, enough?

the only reason I get a burger is because I am in college so I have to eat cafeteria food.


You don't need to switch programs. Your problem is not the program. You're problem is not eating and sleeping enough. Until you fix that, no problem will work worth a damn.

It's the sleep and not resting bro. When you start to fail sets at that level it's either, form, no resting for 5 mins when needed, or you're diet bad or tired. I'm practically you but I'm doing an modified ss without squats. My lifts are lower than yours but I tend to focus on form more and warm up properly like 10 reps 2 sets on bar than proceed.

How much weight have you gained in the past 2 months?

about 5-10 lbs

That doesn't sound like quality amount of protein but I don't calorie either lol. I guesstimate and I have actually went up 1lb in a week by having some idea of macros. Man macros are God tier for helping. Like the muscle milk I had today was 130 on label but 300 when I counted macros

>modified ss without squats

That's not SS. SS is a program literally based around squats as the primary strength builder. Whatever you're doing, it's not SS. Don't be surprised by your shit results after you alter the program to make it shittier.

That's an appropriate amount. Sleep more. Don't skip workouts. Have a coffee before you lift. Try trying.

Well user, I go to the gym because I enjoy it and I been making decent progress. I don't do squats at the moment because I had a serious triceps injury at one point which was caused by the weight from squatting. I do everything else on ss, but I hit bench 3x time a week and I also dead lift.

>muscle milk

this has to be bait

>try trying


He's not entirely wrong with the try harder bit. The biggest problem a lot of new lifters have with low volume programs like SS and SL is that they just have no experience with what maximal effort really is.

Everything has to be bait because it doesn't fit into whatever you believe right? I eat 6 eggs nearly every day or swap it with oatmeal and Greek yogurt for breakfast. For lunch I actually had food and a whey shake I just wanted to see if muscle milk was alright.

Seriously fuck off with the pretentious shit unless you lifts are 1/2/3/4 or you look like a Greek god

If you're adding up the macros and managing to get that much variation from the total calorie count listed, either you're misreading it or you're fucking up your calculations.

would eating that many eggs everyday have some kind of adverse effects?

>maximal effort

I'd like to think I do. I have done athletics all of my life, and I have ran two marathons. I try to do my best when it comes to things I am interested in and care about, one of those things is lifting.
I'm not new to exercise.

you're funny m8

Heavy lifting is an entirely different beast to most athletics (unless you're a heavy thrower, then its much more similar). Being able to run a marathon doesn't prepare you for that sort of grind for the same reason that it doesn't really prepare you to be a good shot putter.

I didn't mean to imply that lifting and running were similar in that kind of way. I just meant that, as I said, "I'm not new to exercise".

>triceps injury

You're doing the from completely wrong, how do you injure your triceps while squatting?