How do you get this body

how do you get this body

>find him
>wait till he is alone
>drug him
>cut off his head
>replace with your own head

then his body will be yours op

Eat nothing but tofu, rice, legumes and veges

Be skinny your entire life
Be active as a child
Decide to eat more and workout seriously or ride a few bikes.

stop eating

>be skinny
>do ppl for 6 months at maintenance
>have flawless, radiant skin.

Hah I fucking look like this skinny faggot.

Run every morning, lift three times a week and do some other sort of training 3-5 times a week (martial arts).

2,350-2,950 calories a day at ~5'10 depending if your coming up or staying here.

Seriously thought put on some actual weight yo, this blows.

>Be skinny
>Be genetically gifted with god tier insertions and frame

Do bodybuilding shit and be lean
Dude looks like he can bench 185, squat 275 and deadlift 3 plates max, but trains with a bunch of isolations and is very very lean.

Honestlg op. Just cut/ never touch a weight till your skelly. Then hit the gym hard everyday for a year on testosterone boosters. Easy as that.

how do i get a chest like that? or is it just genetics

>I used to think this was shredded

I've been here too long


>like that
be more qualitative

Do bodybuilding and cut for 2-3 years

>cut for 2-3 years
what did he mean by this?

it's flat and has a line down the middle from his neck. is that genetics?


No you dont

good balance of incline and flat bench
>line down the middle
genetics determine insertions

Enjoy your gyno, friend.

Lmao holy shit, somebody give this guy gold!