Genetics don't matter much

>genetics don't matter much

He looks like a faggot

>too big for normal people clothes
>Bald from abusing androgens
>is nigger

>genetics don't matter, bro. Everyone can become Mr.Olympia through hard work and some roids

ITT: Niggaz with Paruresis

No one's denying that genetics aren't #1, but it's a fact that no one who has ever succeeded cared whether they had the genes to make it or not. Every single champion has this mindset.

Yes but if you are klinefelter-mode there's no point in even trying. Especially if you are already 23 or so, so the puberty is finished
>Spend years and years in the gym just to gain the strength which normal men start out with
Waste of time.

How is it a waste of time?

It's better than remaining weaker than "normal men".

It's better to spend the time to work on your strengths. Working on weaknesses is a waste of time


>No one's denying that genetics aren't #1
lifting is number 1
eating and sleeping tied for number 2
genetics probably number 3

Obviously to be a world champ you have all three close to perfection (with steroids)

Not everyone can become Mr Olympic, that's obvious.

But most people can look pretty fucking good if they work out and if they were to roid they'd be jacked and looking great. But most people don't want to work out, and certainly don't want to roid, so most people never get to see what their genetics would allow them to be. And so they think they have shit genetics, when in reality they have perfectly acceptable ones. Certainly good enough to be attractive to other people and do well in life.

Then of course there are complete genetic failures who have no hope ever, like you user. These people just find their place naturally and it's right here on Veeky Forums.

Can you name some actual arguments rather than memes? I'm not saying fitness altogether is a waste of time, something everyone should do is watch out for their weight and do cardio (so no I do not approve of the fat guy in your picture). What I mean was bodybuilding specifically is only worth it for people with good genetics.

You realize yourself that you pulled that out of your ass, good.

>But most people can look good
>Most people
Most, not all

This. Fact is guys like Ronnie and Arnold would never have started if they thought the way most of this board does.

>are my genetics good enough
>tfw shitty bicep insertions
>tfw zipper abs
>mfw chest gap
>muh klinefelters

And so on. Fact is you have to put the work in first to find out what you got. And if you are lucky and find out you have elite tier genetics you could be a champ if you want it enough. But most people will have good enough genes to be a more or less sexy fucker. Or at the very least sexier than they were untrained.

Bottom line is worrying about genetics is a waste of time and energy, unless your ultimate goal is to win Mr Olympia, in which case you'll never find out if you're capable until you do the work and see how you fare. In which case worrying about it until then is also a waste of time.

Arnold and Ronnie had normal physiques and were healthy (no permanent diseases that make bodybuilding worse for you) when they started, there was nothing to worry for them. You know this isn't a meme, some people have legit problems and diseases and by that I don't mean type 2 diabetes.

>>But most people can look good
>>Most people
>Most, not all

Well yes, that's what most means....

But when I say most I mean the vast majority of people. Even the fat fuck obese people we see waddling around could most likely look good if they did the work to reverse the damage they've done to themselves. It would be hard as fuck but underneath all the shit they put in themselves there's probably the base for a decent looking human being there.

The absolute bottom of the barrel, shit tier, deformed, no hope untermensch is a lot rarer than Veeky Forums would have you believe.

Sure, some people do. But that's rare compared to most of the population. If that's you it's tough luck but Veeky Forums isn't a hugbox for you to bawww about your shitty luck. Do what you can and try to improve. Or don't. It's up to you to work with what you got.

And when I mean legit problems I mean legit problems not being fat.

Which is why I'm saying

Damn, bro. Easy with the projection there.

>You realize yourself that you pulled that out of your ass, good.
you realize that every single thing that you think and say that doesn't come from hard evidence is pulled out of your ass right, good.

Can i see your body, always interested to see what fags like you look like.


focus on strengths
work on weaknesses. actual ones, ones that affect your life, not things that everybody's shitty at but don't matter, ever, like singing or making jewelry

being an exceptionally weak faggot does affect you most of the time

it's basically #1 rule in life


Just a joke m8. But there is a tendency on Veeky Forums to just feel sorry for yourself and look for excuses these days. I'm pretty sure it's a hangover from too many /r9k/ refugees coming here to try and fix themselves but still wallowing in self pity.

No, but I can describe it for you:
2,05 meters tall, weighting a whopping 76kilograms
Also have type 1 diabetes and I also have heart problems(24 years old, never done drugs)
What's also interesting is that I've always been absolute shit tier in every sort of sport in school despite frequently going to a sports club and eating a normal diet just like everyone else. Plenty of underweight lanklets in my school were way faster and stronger than me. I've always been the worst with a large margin, like significantly worse than the 2nd worst. Even fat little girls were faster and stronger than me.
The only sport I ever liked was cycling although I tried various clubs and things like soccer. And I mean legit cycling not just rolling about checking out the weather. My performance on the bike did improve but it's still shit.

I struggle to gain weight because it's hard to maintain proper blood sugar levels while eating fuckloads of foods. I am eating 4000 calories (yes legit, I count and document my shit) every day since a while so I am making progress here
Don't really see how. I don't have a job that involves physical labour, what do I need strength for?
The only thing I do is try to have a healthy diet and do cardio and get enough sleep so that I stay healthy.
Woe is me woe is meeee
I don't even post here, literally went on Veeky Forums out of boredom and this the first thread I picked up

sounds tough man. Keep eating and lifting to be the best you can be.

>posts nigger

Shitskin Plsgo.

>Type 1 diabetes
Low test is extremely common in type 1 males
Hop on dat TRT nigga

Yeah. This board seems to be filled with people that are convinced that lifting and/or roids will be the quick fix for their issues. If you aren't in it for a long-haul and work on other aspects life as well, then you are going to still feel like shit.