> That guy that brings a notebook to the gym to record his lifts
That guy that brings a notebook to the gym to record his lifts
That guy who drinks water
Im that guy :( how I am supposed to track muh progress?
>that guy who warms up with the bar
Not everyone has a great memory for numbers, and you have to make sure you are steadily lifting more and more.
>that guy that still goes to the gym after years instead of just building his own gym at home in order to cut out travel time and other expenses of paying a fee to travel to use someone else's equipment
Reminds me of something that happened last week
>Working out with gymbro
>Chest/Triceps day, making all kinds of gains
>Suddenly, THAT guy walks in
>Longpants, Hoodie, Earbuds
>EARBUDS in a gym that already plays music
>Doesnt even change, "gymwear" already on
>Walks straight to the squatrack
>Starts squatting with just the bar (wat)
>Loads a few small plates on
>Does 5 struggling reps
>Sits down, face already red as a tomatoa hi n
>Sits on his ass for over 2 mins before doing 5 more
>Considers his "set" done, deloads the bar
>Uses the SAME FUCKING BAR to do OHP
>Without clips
>PT at the gym runs over and shows him where the clips are
>Mumbles something about not needing them and reluctantly puts them on
>Gymbro mouths "what the fuck" and just stares
>Mr earbud does the same 5 forced reps
>Panting from less reps than I do as warmup, he deloads the bar again
>Drops it to the floor
>Starts doing deadlifts with THE SAME FUCKING BAR
>Hoodieboy does 5 painfully struggling reps and then just gives up
>Deloads the bar
>Walks straight out of the gym
>Me and friend are practically in tears
>Mfw his "workout" took less time than our tricepsets
>Mfw this fucktard returns two days later IN THE SAME CLOTHES
Saw him getting weighed at the gym once, he even gained weight lmao
Use google keep on your smartphone to make notes you dumbfucks
I'm that guy. :^(
yea because everybody enjoys the same music
i really dont know if this is bait or not
No sir buckaroo. House picks the music. You don't go to a party and change the music, same goes for the gym. Just a bit disrespectful tbqh
New fags get out
lets see how many you's youll get :^)
I fucking love this one
>Being this new as to not recognise one of Veeky Forumss greatest ever pastas
Do you also have dark stubble but not quite beard all the time and have made no gains at all despite me seeing you every day for a year?
> Take less then 2 seconds to quickly jot down my set with a notepad and pencil
> Want to record set on phone
> Got to open up apps, find google keep, wait for it to load, type in numbers on a tiny keyboard, fuck it up and have to retype then press okay
wew lad
>that guy that berings his laptop to stream his workout
>that guy that mixes some cardio in his workout
Grandpa is that you?
>Go to strongman/powerlifting gym
>Literally everyone records their lifts and writes down their routine
Glad I don't lift with dyels at a commercial gym anymore.
Hello Grandson, how did you end up on this Korean glassblowing forum?
No. You cunt.
is this actually a thing?
what the fuck is wrong with all of you?
some of you are arguing for using notepad and pens..
while others are saying using google keeps to take notes???
WTF they make fucking fitness apps to track this shit
i have an app that ive programmed my entire routine into, it tracks weights and sets and reps and fucking rest periods.
JEFIT is what Ive been using for years
>That guy who randomly jumps up on the pull up bar that sits between the cable crossovers, hangs, does 2 pullups, realizes if he attempts a 3rd he will struggle to complete it and reveal his power level. Drops down, throws a couple of punches into the air, looks around, goes to water fountain. Leaves gym
I need to get a healthy grandson for you and no woman will reproduce with me
>those guys who throw a football around in the dumbbell area
true story
Use FITNOTES man. It has rest timers, 1rm calculator, graph and other ways to track your progress. Free and has no ads too.
a true classic
>not programming your own app to keep track of your exercises
Never going to make it due to lack of dedication.
>That guy that ONLY uses the dumbbells
Walks in already changed cause he comin in his pjs and getting ready for work at home cause he MAKES time. hits straight weights tryna improve his strength cause time he been hitting the gym for a couple months now. Today he wanted to hit his max and finally take a day off from his three month spree. If he hits it, hes out. He hits it. Goes for the deadlift, misses it and its okay. He finally gets the day off.
>Gymbro mouths "what the fuck" and just stares
>that guy who chooses a 10lb plate instead of a dumbell to warm up his rotator cuffs
nothing wrong with that why u mad faggot
this is literally FINE
stop ego lifting
stop shitsnapping your shit up
The plate tree is closer to the bench than the dumbbells
*looks around nervously*
*places camera on window tile*
*quickly deadlifts while twisting his neck around*
*grabs camera*
no fucking excuses brah
I prefer paper for writing down my lifts.
There is just something really comfy about it, even though I'm a dyel recovering fatty.
>t. butthurt DYEL
>That guy who warms up
>That guy who uses the same weight on both sides of the bar
>That guy who squats
LMAO @ ur life LOL.
>That guy who does a t-rex routine
>That guy who does less than 12 reps on any set
>That guy who periodizes his routine
>That guy who trains legs
dumbest layout ive ever seen
also shitty handwriting
does it have to take up so much space on page
how many trees have you killed in pursuit of gains
>that guy who eats his activated almonds DURING his workout
No amount of trees will stop my gains.
>That guy not wearing earplugs at the gym
That guy who doesn't activate his water
>that guy who h0ps 0n the 'ch0n
The gym isn't a party, and you're not changing the music by listening to your own
You sound mad dyel.
I know you're browsing Veeky Forums but just fyi the gym absolutely is a party breh
Nah dude I'm not listening to fucking top 40 and Lil Ghetto J Nugz ft. Booty Butt Cheex while I'm trying to get my swole on.
>that guy that brings headphones instead of earbuds
>that guy who wears straps on deadlift
Is there something wrong with this?
I have an old pair of Vmodas I wouldn't use for anything else and nobody would want.
imagine caring this much for nothing
>that guy who brings a calculator, graph paper, and a laptop to the gym to record his lifts
we meet again jesse lol
Aka the asian
That guy who applies set theory to his lifts.
"The union of these two sets does not contain the dyel element"
>that guy/girl who think Beats are so good they instagram the box and actually wear that shit to the gym
He didn't say abacus
Wow you really waste a lot of space and paper
Get on my level pleb
Tiny as fuck and doesn't look cozy at all.
who the fuck cares? it is not a fucking ballerina show, its just fucking numbers of the amount of weight I lifted
do you have cozy ponies in your app?
I care.
It's ugly as fuck. Check yourself.
He was doing stronglifts
if you care it more about being "pretty" other than useful, you need to get your shit together
tiny and compact = carry around no more than 10 sheets
>That guy who goes to the gym instead of owning a home gym wewlad.
Do women call your dick tiny and compact as well?
did you skip brain day m7 ?
I bring a gigantic 3-ring binder and record every single thing I do at the gym along with date and time. It really helps you figure out which lifts you're actually improving on and which you need to start taking more seriously.
I'm to intelligent to lift.
if you arent sweating, you arent working hard enough
whats wrong with using the same bar if nobody else needs it?
That fucking guy
>That guy who after
>The dude just STANDS UP and walks away from whatever he's doing
>And he walks all the way across the gym to where the water fountain is
>He takes like two sips of water
>Then he walks the WHOLE FUCKING WAY back to whatever he was doing
>And he does this EVERY SINGLE SET
Like what the fuck
>being this new
I often do this; yes I know it is ocd but
keep moving = keep energy level up
routine keeps pace of sets
stay hydrated brah
I also walk around between the machines and benches and flex at myself in the mirror even though I'm barely dyel.
Does this trigger you Hillary?
remember it and right it down at home or use your phone
Use the notepad app on your phone
Phone also = stopwatch, useful for keeping track of your rest
>Doing a set amount of time for rest
>Not doing it when you're ready
I was this guy until just recently. Made me feel like an absolute retard. Glad I finally got some earbuds.