What would you get with 170-200$

Hello Veeky Forums fat poor fuck here trying to turn his life around here.

I have read the sticky. I have shifted my diet to lean protein [chicken, turkey, tuna, tilapia], brown rice and black beans mixed with lots of steamed veggies.

So being a poor fuck brings me to my question. If you only had 170-200$ USD a month to spend on food what would you get?

[I don't do government hand outs so I only have what I can earn working.]

Thanks in advance Veeky Forums.

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Brown rice, frozen chicken breasts and vegetables, beans. Cmon man, it's not hard

It's rather inexpensive to make stir fry. Plus that shit is good.

I am doing a good chunk of that, just wondering what others would get.

Thanks for the response anyways.

What would you get for your stir fry. Frozen bag or fresh? I would also assume you would use olive oil instead of sesame right?

Sorry, I'm used to eating fucking trash and trying to get some 3rd party ideas. I mean diets have to be long term life/for life changes and trying to figure out good cheap dishes is what I after.


I could give you some recipes:
I make chicken breast with sauteed onion and bell pepper and some seasoning. I use a teaspoon of olive oil, a bit of salt and pepper and some basil and oregano. I do low carb so I usually just eat salad and water with it but you could supplement beans and shit instead.

I make a stir fry with teriyaki marinated chicken breast, bell pepper, onion, and occasionally carrot and water cress with some salt, pepper, and basil. Teaspoon of olive oil to sautee veggies, then cook chicken then put a bit more teriyaki in there.

I also make fucktons of soup with bacon and random veggies I have left over from the week. Just a can of broth and half the can of water, seasoning and whatever veggies I have. You could put beans in there if you want, but I don't like beans in general.


thank's bud appreciate it.

looks good, thanks for sharing user.

i can run a pretty good 14-16 week test e + dbol cycle for 200$

250 is my monthly food budget, and thats what I max out at. and i live in the heart of hollywood.

chicken thighs are 40 dollars for 40 pounds at smart and final (and presumably other big discount store.

Salmon is 7 dollars a pound, others tend to be eve cheaper, but lets play it with 7 dollars a pound for the sake of argument.

you'd only want to eat fish for 1/3 of your days, so thats about 10 days a month, and thats 70 dollars. with your total cost for chicken thighs being 20 dollars a month (40 upfront for two months) so you will be spending about 90 bucks a month on.

so after your main course of meat you have 110 dollars to spend on food each month.

I cant speak for in stores, but 15 pounds of brown rice on amazon is 25 bucks, and thats about 30 cups of rice, meaning it would last you a full month if you ate a cup of rice a day.

that leaves 85 bucks a month for fruits and veggies. thats an average o f2 dollars and 80 cents a day for fruits and veggies.

carrots are 3 dollars for 5 pounds at smart and final.

asparagus is 2 dollars a pound.

so prices vary. shop wise most of the week to save money to try the more expensive stuff.

dont be afraid to bu frozen or canned. they are still perfectly healthy as long as you dont buy fruit in syrup. its okay if its soaked in juice, but not syrup. peaches soaked in juice have about 10 calories more per serving than an actual peach,a nd the other nutrients are virtually the same.

and its like adollar per can ayyyy

I only have $4 to buy food for the next month what should I buy

Care to share? I don't do steroids, but you know it won't hurt anyways.

I mean I just finished my first month of SL 5x5 along with the couch potato to 5k for cardio. I want to get bear mode [wishful dreaming], but still trying to figure it all out. Never lifted a barbell in my life until a month ago.

Regardless I'm compiling as much information as a I can for the future.

Thanks user good bit of into there.

If you live in the USA you would know how shitty the prices for food are. They make processed crap cheap and plentiful, but if you want to actually better yourself on a budget it can get difficult. Unless of course you have been doing this for a long time. That's why I asked my question in the first place.

Buy whole chickens. Buying cuts like thighs and breasts is far more expensive. You can throw the whole thing in a pressure cooker and save the carcass to make bone broth.

Excellent point, thanks for sharing it user.

I have a local butcher I could probably grab whole chickens at whole sale price. Never thought about that, thank you.

You're gonna make it brah,
I use this spice chart for ideas

thanks bud, I appreciate it and saved.

ive been trying to stick a full chicken in the oven since im a lazy fuck,(i cover it with tinfoil for most of the cooking ), but it isnt quite done in the center... what am i doing wrong?

visit fraud and (hint hint sst) a few specific subreddits will get you all the info you need

basic protocol for a new person is 500mg/week test e, keep some anti-e on hand, basic post-cycle on hand with nova, and up to you if you want to take a small amount of dbol with it

if you are very prone to acne might want to get a bit of accutane on hand, and somewhere mid-cycle it would behoove you to get bloodwork done to see how you are reacting to it

if you use dbol use any over the counter liver support just to cover every base

brown rice. Lentils. Chicken breasts. Frozen/canned veggies, especially green beans (green beans are GOAT low cal veggie)
Seriously I started eating healthy because I was poor. I got too poor to afford junk food so that's what I ate.
If you need to scrape even more go with white rice and beans instead of brown and lentils