How does it feel knowing that Squats don't boost overall test like you were told and that you can get legs just as big with the leg press?
How does it feel knowing that Squats don't boost overall test like you were told and that you can get legs just as big...
>Leg press
Meme exercise.
Quarter ROM. Too much load on the knees.
>get to gym
>see a guy doing 4pl8 leg press
>he looks at me smirking
>warm up
>do 3.5pl8 squats
>look at him and smirk
Better question is why don't you wana squat user? It's fun.
It's ineffective at growing the legs.
He looks at his enormous muscular legs, over at your wide hips and tiny thighs and smirks.
girls don't care about the size of your legs
but being strong comes in handy every once in a while if you go outside mongoloids
>48 cm calves
>66 cm thighs
try again
get a load of this loser
Because you somehow builds bigger legs using less ROM on inferior exercise? You must be trolling x10
96cm calves
120cm thighs.
You lose and leg Press wins.
Sure worked for Dorian Yates.
>Meme exercise.
>Quarter ROM. Too much load on the knees.
LOL, no. Feet high on the platform, knees all the way down to my chest. Almost 1000 pounds loaded on the sled (to be fair and honest about it: 1000*sin(45)=707lbs actual) for 3 sets of 20 reps, no problem.
>can't do squats, thoracic spine sticks out too far in the back, bar rests on it no matter high or low bar, don't want to become a paraplegic
You used less weight than him though, why would he give a fuck? I would have cracked up laughing if some candyass tried to be smug about using less weight than me
post your real measurement instead
Sub maximal weight grows the muscle just as effectively while preventing injury and ensuring long term joint health.
I'm 225 lbs, 6'1", 6% bodyfat with perfect measurements and proportions and I'm only 14.
you're 14 alright. mentally. too bad your leg press can't increase that.
>It's ineffective at growing the legs
then what does it grow????
Squatting 3.5pl8 (160kg) requires a max force of roughly 10*160=1600N
A leg press machine is typically set at 45°, so only part of the movement is upwards. Hence, leg pressing 4pl8 (160kg) requires 160*sin(45)*10 )=1131N
Hence, squatting 3.5pl8 is harder than leg pressing 4pl8.
When I squat with my feet facing (somewhat) forward and a narrow stance I feel a lot of lower back engagement.
If I squat with my feet facing outward and a wide stance I don't feel anything in my back. Why is this? Which method should I use?
I need pussy pads because my traps can't support the weight I'm capable of squatting.
I do leg press because it's easier on my back, and it isn't hard to get full ROM leg pressing, I'm not sure what you people are talking about.
depends on which bar style you're using
if you're using high bar with narrow stance you need amazing ankle mobility
pretty much anyone that can sit in a chair can do low bar with wide stance and knees out.
if you feel it in your lower back you are doing it wrong. for now do wide stance and low bar if that's the way you don't feel it in your back and work on your mobility.