Well fit?
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It's just a guy claiming it. No numbers, no statistics, nothing.
I don't lift for woman approval.
Nope. Ugly women find the dad bod more attainable. Attractive women don't give a shit if you have money, but if they're going to fuck the lower class they want a nice body.
>1: dad bod is also usually the money bod type
>2: 99% chance yale professor has dad bod
They always pretend that "dadbod" = a randy o bandy tier fat ass and they put it next to some geared up fairy in perfect lighting to hilight the apparent absurdity of it.
I think it's one part creating a false male haes movement and shilling disgusting fat ass male celeb but at the same time while continuing to shill the consumption friendly six packs and steroids are the only way to be attractive and be a fully realized man thing.
But...maybe there is some validity to women liking their dudes big.
But I struggle with the idea that they want us that big.
Have to see who he sampled though. My thinking is that he asked middle aged single women that are fat what they prefer. No fucking logical person believes that young women like guys to be obese. Fat women that have fucked up and left it too late spout this dad body shit to try and get a foot back in the market because they know they are passed it physically.
>2: 99% chance yale professor has dad bod
Followed the links, can confirm.
Dads are suposed to be strong, not skinnyfat, I almost found it ok for a woman to like the dad bod when it meant that it was a muscular but overweight man, now it just means having a shitty body and being lazy
Funny how "studies" and "medias" try hard to emasculate men this day.
What's behind it ? They want to create generation of weak easily manipulated men.
Don't fall for it, work hard both on your body and mind, be masculine.
If you suggest to a women that other women said dad bods are hot you're going to find alot of women agree. Truth is most women just go along with whatever is popular. Do some women out there really like dad bods? Sure, but "dadbod" isn't very descript so 2 different women could think they are referring to different types of bodies. I think it's like hard labor/ bear mode, some people suggest its skinny fat, etc.
Basically just lift to improve yourself. If you lift for other people you'll likely find disappointment.
Nah, that's what's being pushed by both people who have money invested in discrediting it and people who want to push lard asses into it in an attempt to make fat fucks feel good about themselves.
It's really all about creating a male HAES movement while simultaneously demonizing the entire thing.
This is literally the same as fat women saying that real men prefer curves, but failing to understand they don't have any of those desired curves. Dad body doesn't mean a fucking beer belly, it's just a bit more belly fat with hair on it.
Either way, neither gender likes fat fucks.
like i'll trust those jews in academia to tell me what i should do
>Chippendales don't have dadbods
>Guys in Magic Mike don't have dadbods
>Pretty much none of the "Sexiest men alive" have dadbods
>women looking for dependable beta provider schlubs who won't run away on them find the 'dad bod more attractive'
You're conflating 'attractive' with 'sexy'. Women find the dadbod attractive because it makes them feel comfortable in a relationship, but they don't find the body sexy.
First off, this shit right here
If you lift to impress women youre gonna have a bad fucking time because they are never impressed
Second, read the article for this
>"Survival of the species is more about being faithful husbands and better fathers who stick around."
Toppest of fucking keks, praising the beta cuck as the key of humanitys survival is fucking laughable
All in all its propaganda perpetuated to make you stop working to improve yourself so you will be easier to control
lol i was at a halloween party last weekend and my shirt was ripped by a girl who ive fucked before so i took it off
Half the guys there were already wasted and shirtless
The next day the girl texts me apologizing about ruining my shirt
Says at least i was the only shirtless guy there who didnt have a 'shit dadbod'
How did the prof arrive at his results? If it was a survey, toss that shit out right now, what women say they want and what they really want are 2 completely different things.
Even if it wasn't a survey, toss that shit out. Man just look at the covers of romance novels, is there a dadbod anywhere in sight? Fuck no.
Doesn't matter, they'll still get with the sexy guy, it's just that they are willing to accept it if the sexy guys body turns into a dadbod once they've been together for some time.
Wo gives a fuck about comfort? This is about success. I don't want a girlfriend that's gonna keep me from reaching my goals.
he probably sampled women in college the most brainwashable insecure group in the planet. Trust me if you are in your 30s with a dad bod you are getting zero pussy.
I love it, 90% of men out there today are mindless betacucks doing what the media tells them to do, it actually gives us humans a big leg-up on the drooling zombified "competition".
Not that guy but i can kind of see how girls would consider the dadbod guy to be lower maintenance as in they dont have to worry about losing him or not being as attracted to him
Think about it as an expensive car you have with no insurance, you might be afraid to drive it and you need to be super careful with taking care of it to keep it in shape
Now consider if you had a shittier car thats perfectly fine as a mode of transportation but you dont give two shits if it gets dented or scratched
Exact same thing with guys, with a dadbod she can fuck up, not pay attention, cheat and whatever without having to worry. Sure since there are so extremly many guys she could do this with a more attractive guy aswell but chances are she will need to pay more attention to him
>the guy who /threads his own posts
Too bad women don't want a man who thinks for himself and goes against society. They want the beta cuck tools.
So who really wins?
as a Veeky Forums woman i can say that this is such a fuckin lie haha dad bods = insta friend zone
Does it?
Ive been working out and self improving and i have no leg up on the competition, there are thousands of single guys who are fit, educated, tall, good looking and well off just like me who are single and looking to date but very few chicks are avaliable
I dont see a slow down effect at all, in fact i see competition becoming even harder as i get older
like honestly the physical aspect of someone who is fit is obviously awesome. But not only that but making it takes dedication, motivation and a good work ethic which is sexy af too
correction: insta friend zone if you're not doing anything about it. The moment you start working out and trying to get strong and being dedicated i think that is sexy as hell and i see the potential. Plus just having the gym being a priority in my life I am attracted to guys who feel the same.
>if you are in your 30s with a dad bod you are getting zero pussy.
uh huh
Where the fuck are his research results even published? The Maxim article doesn't reference anything either. It's all 'according to' with nothing to back it up..
Can anyone link it? Assuming it exists at all.
Women lie about what they want in a guy to not seem shallow. Don't ever trust what they say they want.
I said that im not seeing how my selfimprovement has garnered me any edge in dating, the fact that you claim to insta friendzone guys with a dadbod doesnt really negate my statement there, friend
I totally get your point, but how is the guy with the dadbod going to hook up with her in the first place?
I thought a dad bod was somewhere between strongfat and bear mode?
I dunno, how do people usually hook up?
Im fit as fuck from working out and being active my entire life and i still have problems hooking up simply due to lack of avaliable women so i have litterally no idea how the shit works and im fucking 28
Anyway, point being that the logic stands. A lower value guy will make her feel more comfortable and she can basically do whatever she wants and never have to deal with the consequenses of anything. If this is true or not in real life however i havent got the slightest since its only a hypothesis and you cant really test it since people wont be truthful in answers
You could add that to the end of any bullshit message to try and make it plausible. No, really. Try it. Think of the stupidest possible thing you can, and follow it with that.
>In his research, he claims there is evidence that older, slightly chubby men are less likely to suffer from heart attacks and prostate cancer. He also argues that becoming more podgy makes dads more likely to invest their time in their children rather than looking for other women, while the increased levels of fat could make them more attractive to women.
Without any actual results or evidence to back that up, this is just his personal opinion.
that was when dads were men. the modern dad is a skinnyfat beta numale cuckold
>Richard Bribiescas, professor of anthropology at Yale University.
That's a complete lie. I'm ugly as sin and a fatty myself, but even I'm not going to lie that the dad bod thing is more attractive than someone who takes care of their self.
Is that picture considered a dad bod now? I thought the dad bod look was a man with more fat all around, but not an obese man with his gut protruding out like he drinks 12 cans of beer a day.
>chubby men are less likely to suffer from heart attacks and prostate cancer.
This is actually true.
anything not pure military funded science that comes out of a university professors mouth is total bullshit
Everyone knows academia are bigger whores for agendas with money than literal prostitutes.
>A small group of cucked american leftists _claim_ they prefer ugly betas above ripped chads
>. I'm ugly as sin
Stopped reading there.
Way to ruin a good post by /threading yourself faggot
Thanks for the (You), cuntbutter.
Dude, by your own admission you're uglier then a bulldogs asshole after it got in the dumpster at Taco Bell.
No amount of lifting or dadbod or whatever will get you pussy with a handicap like that.
>In his research, he claims there is evidence that older, slightly chubby men are less likely to suffer from heart attacks and prostate cancer.
Older men are much much more likely to get prostate cancer ffs, average age of diagnosis is 66.
"women find the dad-bod more attractive" says pathetic man with dad-bod
Well of course. Humans are naturally attracted to a "normal" face and body type. Still, this doesn't mean wome aren't attracted to Veeky Forums men. Whatever this study says is entirely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
I meant my body is ugly as sin. I guess I didn't need to put both ugly as sin and fatty in the same sentence. I'm also not a lesbian, so that's fine.
More feminist shilling.
Nothing to see here.
He means when compared to other older men not all men overall.
Are you retarded?
>soft sciences
We're already past their relevance point, it's only a matter of time before this bullshit of social "sciences" loses any and all public and private funding & support.
The average woman in america is overweight and out of shape, essentially she has the mom bod, so duh she seeks stability. My gf does triathalons with me we train togeth in and outbof the gym, she loves feeling up my ass, my abs, my lats, my quads and shoulders (I love barbell strength trainning)
When you were unfit you probably found less fit women attractive, but as you got fitter you started to prefer yunger and more healthy bodies, same deal.
I find myself attracted to women with nice bodies and a flawed face (Maggie Star is a good example).
Are you alpha? Do you have your pick of gorgeous women, like a rockstar? Care to show pictures?
Society benefits from faithful husbands and good fathers. Historically, we put restrictions on promiscuity to encourage people to have stable families and engage in prosocial behavior. When everyone is competing for sex all the time, families are dissolved, children are raised by single mothers and we end up with the society we live in. Soon to be replaced by another, made up of people who reproduce instead of wanting to live like adolescents until they die.
Materialism and sexual hedonism are doing a great deal of harm. The internet is full of "alphas" who aren't getting any first rate action. They're unhappy, but too insecure to admit that they don't benefit from the way things work. So they humiliate those who share their suffering. They shoot themselves on the foot by perpetuating values that will always fuck the majority over.
It's pathetic.
you should shut the fuck up
These studies are always inherently flawed because they simply cannot account for the deceptive nature of women. When a woman is asked which body appears more attractive, she's really answering the question "which body do you want people to know you're attracted to?" which is another thing entirely. The whole dadbod "craze" isn't some sort of trendy sexual desire; it's really just a facade moulded by slutshaming. Women think that making it known that their sexual tastes go against the grain will make them more desirable (and less susceptible to attacks from other women). By declaring an attraction to the dadbod, women want to appear to care about non-physical attractiveness in the vain hope that men will follow suit. These studies are nothing but an accessory to their agendas.
Yup. Reminder that unlike men, women lie on ANONYMOUS surveys.
One interpretation would be: Women are incapable of expressing themselves honestly even when offered the opportunity to do it with impunity.
Another interpretation would be: Women are a hivemind so it doesn't matter that this one woman could get away with it, she always thinks in terms of representing "women" rather than herself.
That's a pretty serious redpill conspiracy.
>dad bod caesar status rich people
>get cucked by built slave gladiator
>dad bod rich white plantation owner
>get cucked by built slave nigger
>Woman at the gym and her dadbod husband come in all the time
>She does treadmill, he does a few machines
>She's always miring me off a mirror bounce
>He calls it quits early one day, heads for the showers
>She strikes up a convo with me seconds after he's gone
>Goes to the desk and gets one of those exercise daily tracking cards
>Writes her number on it and gives it to me
>Smiles and gives me the "ssshhhhh" sign
>know girl online
>she's a slut and always going for trashy dyel white gangster types
>she's got a new boyfriend
>he's a fatty
>i'm all of a sudden mildly attracted to her, and I know I could snatch that pussy in no time.
There's some merit to
It's because you are autistic
I definitely added a little redpill flair, but I think it's a valid explanation for the fadbod.