Who do you lift for?
Who do you lift for?
a qt
Myself. Used to be a smal scrawny kid with no self confidence. Now I'm all those and shredded. Thanks Veeky Forums y'all got my ass going and then some
same here bro
>implying other people care about me
Where's the after picture?
For myself, to have a wife like this
>used to be a small...
You still have quite a ways to go before you're not considered small, youngling.
pull your pants up wigger
*For whom do you lift?
I'll remember that, pal.
>Who do you lift for?
That's like a fat person who is 'dieting' saying "I'm losing weight for my wedding in 6 months!". They may lose the weight, then after the wedding they put it all, and more, back on.
'Lifting for ' is a TRAP and a JOKE and it's STUPID and I think you all know that, it's a MEME to even ask that question. You lift for YOURSELF or not at all, any other reason eventually finds you back in DYEL-land. Lifting and fitness in general has to be a lifestyle choice, not a 'journey' with a 'destination'.
Somebody that will never come back
You could use more muscle mass, but you're pretty cute
I don't know her yet, but when I do, I'll be prime for her.
Who dat
i do not want to be the chubby guy in my friends group anymore. I lost a lot of fat and i am doing my first cycle now. So this is pretty damn exciting.
i even made some facegains.
narcissism, plain and simple
The only one worth lifting for.
*tips katana
>reading comprehension
Isn't she a lesbian? Or am I thinking of Ellen Page?
Sounds cringe, but i lift for myself, so that i will be able to look my father in the eyes, since he's stronger at 50 than I am at 19...
Is it bad that i want to lift in order to intimidate people and fuck them up if they talk shit about me?
no thats literally the only valid reason
I lift to someday have a chance at beautiful white women
i lift because I've got nothing else going for me
I wanna be fuckin goku
women I'll never have
Started working out to impress a girl.
She's now married to a much wealthier man and I'm turning gay.
>lifting for 3d girls
Pic related is for you.
The White Race
Sleep tight bulk bear
Steal the man and your journey will be complete
Sleep tight bulk bear
>used to be
..I have some news
all of them
this is proof that if you are a pajeet you need to get some special kind of plastic surgery to ever make it.
for my future children from my future wife
trappy... ;_____;
Sleep tight bulk bear
I lift to rid the world of Islam
great taste
... She really has a rape horse face doesn't she.
Nah m8, that's Ellen. And such a waste. She's so cute.
Lifting so I'm not as fat and disgusting so I have the confidence to go out and meet some people
What happens after you do ?
... This is some shit right hur m8. Angry Birds will never look the same.
I would bury my face into those thighs no matter what's in there
who is this qt
By participating in the next Crusade
Elimination of one of the enemies of Western civilization before they can eliminate us
>What happens after you do ?
Hopefully the further bolstering of our righteous cause to extend to removing all forms of degeneracy detrimental to the West
Sleep tight bulk bear
I hope that these are bait. But fuck, white men really de-testosteronized, aren't they ?
I lift to for me. I lift to be strong.
lmao sideways pic. sweet shit.
myself, I want to look in the mirror and see something I'm proud of aside from my penis
Not sure if manlet or not, but you have some narrow ass shoulders m8
if you say "yourself" in a who do you lift for thread you are 100% a faggot
if you say "if you say "yourself" in a who do you lift for thread you are 100% a faggot" you are 100% not going to make it.. and a faggot
Fun. Helps me out in daily life as well.
Sleep tight bulk bear
fucking hell my heart
>Last year was severely depressed 8 stone 7lbs
>Gf broke up with me she ran off with some other cunt from the same uni
>Year later am now 13 stone 5lbs
>Saw her waiting outside of Tesco as I was coming back form the gym.
>She looked at me dead in the eye in shock.
>She got out her phone and made herself look like she was doing something.
I did what I did to prove her wrong and that I could get better, if I can get out of rock bottom so can any of you.
God Speed Veeky Forums
Sleep tight bulk bear
I still don't believe she was a trap
Her face is way too feminine, no male has that kind of nose
>no male has that kind of nose
Except for a real qt3.14 called Trappy
Sleep tight bulk bear
Sleep tight bulk bear
Sleep tight bulk bear
A girl I know, who is basically the physical embodiment of pic related.
Sleep tight bulk bear
I lift for girls
I dont know but I'm in love with her or the idea of someone like her
Sleep tight bulk bear
ty for the gains based Bear breh
Well, good luck and heil those trips.
sleep tight bulk bear
fuark thanks for the trips
Today would've been our two year anniversary, but she dumped me last month to focus on her career.
Hold me.
>These faggots lifting for girls
Thats real fucking bourgeoisie of you fit.
Pic related, the only valid answer other then yourself.
Sleep tight bulk bear
Pic related is who I currently lift for
The only one that matters
I won't, Trappy. I won't....
sleep tight bulk bear
Sleep Tight Bulk Bear
to not cri and this gets me in the gym. stopped lifting for grills a while ago. no matter what body you have it doesnt matter
Sleep tight bulk bear
also this, i lift for a pan-europe
Turn your pain into strength, user.