America is a Democracy

>America is a Democracy
oi i'm laffin

It's not a democracy you mong

In your mind, what part of democracy inherently precludes members of the same family from seeking public office?

>Families with lots of money can undergo efforts that require lots of money, like political positions
Meanwhile, a Rich Guy with a TV show and a casino can beat one of those families with a smaller budget and the entire world rooting against him

Thanks for pointing that out! Its a Republic.

It’s an oligarchy

How is a country not democracy just because there are a few families? Most of them are very local, limited to one state and perhaps 2-3 actually prominent members, and the only three to have produced a president fell largely into disrepair afterwards and were unable to turn their once found power into familial success.

The only region where dynaticism can be seen to be a threat to democracy in large scale is South Asia. Sri Lanka was ruled by a widow of a previous PM for 18 years, while their daughter was concurrently the country's president. India has been ruled by Gandhi-Nehru family for 40 of the 70 years of Independence. Phillippines had a widow of a prominent senator become the president, and their son served the same role later on. The president preceding him was the daughter of a previous president as well. Pakistan's Benazhir Butto was the daughter of Zulfikar, who served as the nation's PM and President. Bangladesh has seen the nations first president's daughter occupy the spot of prime minister twice. Indonesia has seen Sukarno's daughter rise to power as a president for a couple of years. Thailand has seen Shinawatra siblings in power in the last fifteen years, who also happen to be some of the wealthiest people in the country. The now disgraced Korean president was the daughter of one of the South Korean dictators. Shinzo Abe's father was the PM as well.

Every single Asian female head of state has been part of a political dynasty. That's a worrying trend. US having a few prominent families in mid 20th century that largely fell into obscurity (Rockefellers, Muhlenbergs, Tafts, Udalls) or have failed their ambitions recently (Clintons, Bushes, Cuomos, Romneys).

It turns it into more of a monarchy of a select few people who are in the crowd.

>he still thinks it matters who wins

>a dynasty is the same as a monarchy

Democracy is shit

He had less votes

That is the case if consistently successful dynasties form as the result of the family heritage giving some special advantage - something not clearly shown, as Brown, Clinton, Cuomo, Bush and Romney have failed on national stage despite their clans having strong positions in major states.

>How is a country not democracy just because there are a few families? Most of them are very local, limited to one state and perhaps 2-3 actually prominent members, and the only three to have produced a president fell largely into disrepair afterwards and were unable to turn their once found power into familial success.
That's complete bullshit and you know it.

>US having a few prominent families in mid 20th century that largely fell into obscurity (Rockefellers, Muhlenbergs, Tafts, Udalls)

>fell into obscurity
>as Brown, Clinton, Cuomo, Bush and Romney have failed on national stage despite their clans having strong positions in major states.
>or have failed their ambitions recently (Clintons, Bushes, Cuomos, Romneys).
Clinton and Bush didn't fail at all. Bushes put two of their members as president and Clintons won presidency once and almost put another one again if it weren't for the electoral college. The electoral college is another proof America isn't a Democracy. Literally shitting on the majority in favor of the less populated states.


>le democracy and republic are mutually exclusive forms of government meme
Why are Americans so fucking clueless about their own country's government? Democracy =/= Direct Democracy. Republic =/= Representative Republic.

Reminder that the founders intended on there being an aristocracy, just with them being the aristocrats instead of random lucky plebs.

America's basically an oligarchy at this point.

>at this point
>implying it wasn't designed as one from the very beginning

We have a democratically endorsed aristocracy.

>whole world agains him but wins anyway

American education is great guys I swear

> Oligarchic democracy is not democracy
Republics were a mistake

>It's not a democracy unless non-citizens can vote

>America is a plutocracy
Anyone stating the contrary is delusional.


Nobody was trying to win the most votes.
Hilldawg is out of touch, but she knows the rules

They have to be as they would start a civil war if they found how their government actually works.

>whole word
Why should anyone outside the US have any say in our president?


America isn't a democracy. It's a cyberpunk dystopia.

Impotent rage at their irrelevance. Drumpf bullies their powerless figureheads and they can’t take the bants

What does a brick oven have to do with being alt right?

>according to the rules set up by the constitution, whoever wins the most electoral college votes wins the election
>pointing this out means you must be an alt right nazi

doesn't mean it's not democracy.
also, it didn't. jfk's been dead a long time.

I’m sorry, Hillary was clearly ignorant of the basic process of presidential election procedure, and deliberately tried to win by popular vote. Had she been in the know, clearly she would have chosen a different strategy that would have resulted in her undeniable victory.

Fucking Drumpf withheld vital information from Her

The Electoral College is a tool intentionally created to prevent the decolonization of the United States; pointing it out is implicit acceptance and promotion of its usage and only someone who is a member of the Alt-Right, a Nazi, would do such a thing.

The Alt-Right is infamous for their elitist policies regarding how pizzas should be made

>The Electoral College is a tool intentionally created to prevent the decolonization of the United States;

Your b8 is too obvious, but otherwise pretty good. 7/10, try again next time

Care to name any country in the world where the wealthy don't have a disproportionate share of influence?

In b4 "communist countries", where the privilege of the wealthy is replaced by the privilege of the Party hierarchy.

>a Rich Guy with a TV show and a casino

His Casino died. You cant count a failed bushiness for him.

What a cop out response, show some intellectual integrity.

Well there you go.

>countries without aristocracy exit

Civ 4 is a great game.