Who lived in Britain before the Celts got there?

Who lived in Britain before the Celts got there?

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Your whore mum

The Fomorian Giants

Basques or someone like them.

The Celts were always there, the Hallstatt origin idea is losing ground to the idea that Celts came from the west.

Black kings.


Space Kangs

The Native European people = the Neanderthal masterrace

They don't have a specific name because evidence and information is so scarce pre Iron Age but you can imagine them looking like pic-related who would have been the kind of person who constructed Stone Henge.




So Denmark is not from the asscrack between Norway and Sweden?

what makes you think that?

>Celts came from the west.
they crawled out of the ocean?

Yes, here's a traditional retelling

According to the Irish Book of Invasions there were several incursions("invasions"). A later one were the Milesians. Miles Espania, the Roman soldiers in Hispania(Iberia). Lookup up the haplogroups, despite the arab rape babies in the south the northern Spanish were Celtic.

>Focusing on the Milesians
I'll just remind you the Invasion Cycle includes literal Sycthians, descendants of Noah and other insane shit produced purely to paint Ireland as always believing in Christian God

Britain was re-occupied after the last ice age by mesolithic hunter gatherers, belonging to the WHG substrate in European genepool. Then, during the neolithic, small numbers of Anatolian Farmers arrived, bringing primitive agriculture. Later still, small numbers of Indo-Europeans arrived, bringing advanced agriculture and metalworking, but still leaving the genepool largely WHG. Actual Celts came much later, and is more a culture than a race, there's no real evidence for Celts as such coming to Britain, just that Britain is one of the places Celtic culture emerged.

It's not an "origin idea", picts and celts are the native inhabitants of doggerland/greater germania/britain and trace their lineage back directly to the hyperborean aryan core sub-species

>greater germania

that which is north which followed the glacial retreating at that period, its all germanic/anglo/dogger clay

Two words: THE AMERICAS.

The neolithic farmers largely interbred with the local WHG and created an EEF society that was heavy in native admixture, these were the people who built stonehenge.

However! These people were largely replaced by the invading Indo-European Bell-beakers. The current Britons have been living on their island for less than five millennia.


>dogger clay
Cute :)

>largely replaced
This isn't completely true, modern brits have equal amounts of the three ancestries, of course it varies from region to region but taken as a single genepool, Britain plus Ireland is a 30/30/30 split.

"But in Britain, individuals connected to Beaker pots seem to be a distinct, genetically related group that almost wholly replaced the island’s earlier inhabitants (see ‘Bell Beaker fashion’)."

"The people who built Stonehenge probably didn’t contribute any ancestry to later people, or if they did, it was very little.”

These are the results from various researchers, employed by prestigious institutes and featured in Time magazine. I would take their word rather surely.

Keep in mind that the invading Bell-beaker people also had neolithic farmer and western hunter gatherer admixture to them, the difference to them being Indo-European.


not me

I don’t remeber where I read it but I’ve heard the ancient Gauls believed they were descended from people who lived in caves in on the northern slopes of the Pyrénées.


Sounds like the Basque

I know we like the basques because they’re one of the few pre ie people around, but it’s rash to assume that all pre ie people were linguistically related.

Basque isn’t related to Etruscan for example

>it’s rash to assume that all pre ie people were linguistically related.
It's not rash to assume that culturally cohesive groups such as the WHG and NAF spoke languages that had a common ancestor, tho ofc they doubtless diverged very considerably in the pre-horse period after spreading across Europe.

Several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave and grooving with a Pict.