WHy the John green hate?

I get that this guy is a meme on Veeky Forums because of his writing, but why does Veeky Forums hate him too? is it because of his "history for normies" approach? or is the information he gives usually factually incorrect.

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I don’t care about his liberal politics, I’m just irritated with his womXXn white knighting that he shits all over history with.

Watch his video on the dark ages or alexander
Or the american civil war
That was a shitstorm

He's successful and apparently quite handsome. It's only natural that losers hate him.

" is the information he gives usually factually incorrect" - you got it.

I not like he lies all the time, but in some situations he just gives the information who checks with his political views.

he looks like a soyboy

I've never seen him before but that pic looks like an annoying leftist soyboy beta cuck

He presents politically correct version of history, that's why people dislike him.

He has also a very annoying way of being, mostly because he behaves like a woman.

He pretends to be objective and unbiased but is neither of those things. A few of his videos are essentially just opinion pieces.

he does a fuck ton of research, or his team does or whatever, his original history series was entertaining, watch it after a 6 day bender and ur in a hole greater then uve ever failed to crawl out of and it hits the fucking spot

He thinks Aristotle should be vilified and his work has 0 value as a cornerstone of anything because he was a muh soggy knees. Not even kidding.

Super biased and he's a white knight.

Also, he is an unapologetic cuckold

He's a soyboy faggot effeminate cuck boy that hates the white race and cucks for Islam. Limpwristed faggot boy.

>Yeah it didn't work out with the previous 47 men but it will totally work out with you, it has nothing to do with me
People unironically believe this

Wayyy too US centric and bias

Became very irritated with him quickly

Because he has a hate-boner for history he doesn't like, going so far as to make an entire video that exists just to denigrate military history as a field of study.

Beautiful argument

Yeah he's great./ He isn't perfect but his videos are still enjoyable

this is a meme right

what's wrong with military history?

He's a straight up playboy

wtf i hate cara now

cara looks like a 16 year old boy

it's too manly

>I was only 9 years old
>I loved John Green so much, I had all the merchandise and books
>I pray to John Green every night before bed, thanking him for the life I’ve been given
>"John Green is love" I say; “John Green is life”
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for John Green
>I called him a Eurocentrist
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I’m crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it’s really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It’s John Green
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear “Hi, I'm John Green and this is Crash Course.”
>He grabs me with his powerful historian hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I’m ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for John Green
>He penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for John Green
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please John Green
>He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love
>My dad walks in
>John Green looks him straight in the eyes and says “Thanks for watching Crash Course and as they say in my hometown: Don't forget to be awesome.”
>John Green leaves through my window
>John Green is love. John Green is life.

>Yeah it didn't work out with the previous 47 women but it will totally work out with you, it has nothing to do with me

Men unironically believe this

why is he hugging a fridge?

>da-da Odyssey wuz abut PTSD and woman-haet!

if he married those 47 womens then it would


He's not a historian

If you were the 48th person to eat from that same bowl of cereal you'd probably be more hesitant

Look at his videos of Alexander and the dark ages, he's the epitome of the modern liberal wannabe historian.

But now you're talking about previous relationships, not previous sexual partners. Neither one implies the other.

Because he doesn't make history videos, he makes lets look at history through the lens of a normie liberal and then chastise everyone in history for not being up to my personal standards. Thats not so terrible but he claims to be objective when his vids are pure ideology.

Summary of his infamous Alexander the Great video:
>50% lmao alexander wasn't great he was an overrated kid that had everything handed to him and he was just really really really lucky for like fifteen years

He really wouldn't see the difference between a virgin who is prepared to have you as your soul partner for life and a whore who's slept with 48 different men and her pussy is in tatters?


His historical work is all designed to promote particular politics, he's an obnoxious cunt.

This is probably a little too /pol/ for most of Veeky Forums, but
>John Green

>le ebin pussies get worn out by sex meme


>50% lmao alexander wasn't great he was an overrated kid that had everything handed to him and he was just really really really lucky for like fifteen years

Is this wrong tho?
(*empire collapses*)

Did you get lost on your way to r/atheism?

He´s not objective in his videos you can tell that he is pandering to libcucks.

So through "luck" he won every battle he fought, captured every city he besieged, and conquered every land he entered for fifteen years straight?


A person relying solely on luck could not achieve 5% of what he did.

Nigger having constant one-night stands and "non-commited relationships" doesn't point to a person with whom you're likely to have a stable and loving relationship. Having had a lot of sexual partners you weren't in a relationship is way worse than having had a lot of honest relationships, even though both are indicative of someone you shouldn't affiliate yourself with romantically.

the fucking state of this guy

He pretends to be a knowledgeable about things he doesn't know anything about.

For me it's Alexander the Great and Batman. Don't pretend to be an authority on something you don't know shit about. He's clearly never read an ancient source, or a single flobbie.

He's a pedo.

Oh believe me that man has less game then a 95 y/o with downies

Yeah, a guy who didn't lose a battle for 15 years was just lucky. The man who turned an island into a peninsula and built plateaus was just a lucky bastard.

That's not how probability works, and luck is just probability. So if we had nothing on the man but his achievements (like John green prob) there would be a case to say 'maybe the guy just got lucky' but because we have historical sources on how he: organized his army, country, finances, fought his wars, was raised... we call him 'the great'

worst things I've seen from him (on that crashcourse channel) are(worst first least worst last scale)
-the 'me from the past' shit which is essentially a strawman for any sort of judgement for what he wants to force in your head
-the oddysey video
-the extremely passive aggressive civil war battles video which is a 'fuck you' to the field of military history
-him being a Nixon apologist
-him being a complete neoliberal and forcing this agenda somewhat
-alexander meme video

explain pls

Dude, women who've had 3+ partners have a DRASTICALLY increased chance of infidelity in subsequent relationships. It matters because you don't want to tolerate some bitch who sees you as a "pleasant chump" (but she'll call it something more pleasing to the ear!) and someone who doesn't really excite her like the bad boys.

Women are mostly shit dude. I'm in a happy relationship but its with a woman 20 years my senior and who's a chemical engineer with a personality that gives both of us a smile like the sun. She doesn't even check her smartphone when we're together. That last thing clicked it. Most modern women are undateable because they check their fucking smartphone like it's a umbilical cord and they're a helpless fetus. She's had a few relationships in the past but she acts like a love stricken teenager in my hands.