Why? They were evidently successful in burning all the coins...
Can we have a positive ODN thread to make me feel better about my terrible investment? I feeling pretty down today
>bought at 7k sats
>sold at 14.5k
>got back in yesterday at ~5.5k, already up 13%
Feeling pretty comfy desu
You see, I bought at 14k so I'm screwed.
Did you even get that much at 5.5? Orders are so thin
Same here, I dont know what I was thinking. Biggest fomo I've ever had, never again. Luckily only got in with 20%
>went 60% in LINK
>like that would be better
Yeah I FOMO'd like a nigger. It's not like I'm a newb at crypto either, just an idiot.
Same here, greed fucks us all.
Just threw some leftover btc in it so only got a thousand coins.
if you hold till EOY an x3 is guaranteed
You can always sell after your breakeven point gets reached oif you feel the coin is going nowhere but I wouldnt do that