What's the point of moral without God?
What's the point of moral without God?
Societal values are supposed to keep your morals intact, not a reward from a deity.
If a person doesn't understand right and wrong without God, they wouldn't really understand right and wrong with God, either.
>Societal values
Or just plain not wanting to hurt other sentient beings.
I think that morals come with the society you live in.
There is no such thing as universal right or wrong without God.
I kinda prefer to not be killed, so even in the absence of a god, I prefer to not have murder be ok.
You're right, which is why universal right or wrong doesn't exist.
Nothing is black and white.
you be nice, you get nice things. simple, easy.
Maybe not, but there's close enough - just as much as there is with God, actually. Is there universal right and wrong with God? Does God help you come up with answers to classic ethical dilemmas, like the runaway trolley hypothetical?
The Judeo-Christian god is a moral thug, ordering genocides wherein infants are specifically cited to be put to death. That deity’s laws advocate slavery as well.
if that's true, then if some1 rapes your wife and kills her for example and he hides all the evidences,and noone knows what he did, then he was right afterall and he is a succesfull man because he could did it.
There are no bounds since moral is just a social construct made by societies.
Morality is a social construct yes, but a necessary one.
so you say that the psycopaths are eventually guiltless. since moral is just interests of particular groups of people.
What do you mean guiltless? In the morals of a society a murderer would be ''wrong'' so to speak. But if there is no morality who decides whats right or wrong? That is why morality is necessary for a civilization to exist.
man what the fuck are you talking about
just because there is no objective morality does not mean there is no morality
a society sets its own morals
Im trying to point out that it actually has no values then if its made up by society. Who the fuck cares if society would say wrong to kill someone or rape someone if the society wont know shit about that you commited the murder/rape. You are the actual winner and you have right if you could make it.
Individual humans don't matter in the long run, only societies do. Practicing good morals ensures that a society will continue to exist and exist well, just like how eating well and exercising ensures that your body will be healthy.
Why do Christians think like such children?
We always have lived in morality without God. We're not very good at thinking morally because we think ideas and good and evil live as platonic souls but they're mere judgement of unconscious neural networks. Most people would rather believe in the importance of "being good" as opposed to the importance of diet and habit (which generates "the Good"). People with foggy brains choose shorter term strategies because they can't focus on using computation to simulate larger scale contingencies and strategies.
We live in a field where "morality" is a value because most people aren't complete psychopaths. Most people might be cocksuckers for social ranking algorithims but they (naturally) find beauty and harmony in moral actions in their immediate vicinity and via distant propaganda (the news)
Where it gets fucked up is that most people suck at thinking about morality and how its calculated. They place pride before humbleness and don't realize that the creation of more and more brainpower is what enables the simulation of moral judgment. They think a first order effect is all of the complexity of reality.
>this thread again
Why not just start calling it "/mwgg/ morality without God general"?
But in the existence of human society, it might be more advantageous to pin morality with the dominant powers that be or with a rebel group that promises higher status and pins their morality on that. Being stupid (about that subject) might bring you greater survival!
The world isn't about providing humans an optimal solution. It's about dealing with the asymmetry of information and making the best judgment you have with the hardware you possess (and can't really upgrade beyond diet, supplements, and exercise).
Benefits. When there is anything beneficial that is, otherwise fuck being moral.
Better question yet why should I care about society without god?
If an issue doesn't directly influence me I don't have a reason to do anything about it.