Other urls found in this thread:
>approaching Jerusalem
But Richard never approached Jerusalem. He retreated in his march.
Did he now? And where might have he have been going before he would divert?
As anyone could guess, the illustrations I post are from an antiquated history school primer.
Here's an appropriately gruesome scene
>Acquiescing to the rude strong armed demands of the nobility
Talk about immortality.
sadly that's the last of the color prints
Evolution of the French army uniform.
America asking France to pay it's debts, Marianne pointing out that the Americans never paid their 98 billions debt for the American revolution.
RIP fancy white coats
Les Pères Blancs in Africa, a society of apostolic life dedicated to evangelise Africa and fight slavery. Also did tons of anthropology work and were pretty much the vanguard of French colonialism.
Also they looked awesome.
Just look at those 19th century crusader aesthetics.
France bringing civilisation to Morocco.
They look straight out of a comic book, very aesthetic.
>white woman's burden
This one is pretty self-explanatory, WW1 didn't exactly call for subtlety.
Toilets of Rome.
Another subtle one.
capitalizing on sensationalism around Belgium I presume
This one might just be my favorite WW1 propaganda piece.
very cool!
shame no one came to their senses over their shared militarism
Here's a retro one.
>all these thicc nations
Marianne a qt
What's the flag between Italy and Japan?
The godless fremasonic French revolutionaries were so autistic that they renamed the months to remove any religious influence
that's just annoying!
Illustrations of Ottoman resistance in Macedonia
What do you expect from godless "secret club" members?
Not an illustration but my personal favorite depiction of Napoleon
I first saw this piece commanding the cover of a military magazine quarterly I get. It's a great work of art to be sure!
French aesthetics and art are always so much better than ango swill
don't need to be underhanded in your praise
This is the truth tb h
Better resolution
this one gives me the chills desu
>pay debts to a government that doesn't exist
They could have paid it to the République, the Empire, or even at the Restauration, if they really didn't believe the republican governement wasn't the continuation of the ancien régime.