The fuck is going on
The fuck is going on
it's pretty stable right now, but ETH and BTC are shitting themself
High marketcap
Much competition
Yeah but it's at such a low point. I'd lose half my money If I sell now. Should I wait?
The team is full of JEWS. Stay clear. You cannot win.
the fuck what price did you buy it at
lol are you stupid... doesn't matter what you pay on etherdelta, when it hits other exchanges it'll be 3x higher
Ok, nah, talking bullshit. Just checked. Bought at 0.001199000 and its now on 0.001084320 on EtherDelta
Nah, I'd be actually not even mad If I lost them all, I only invest what I can lose without being mad. However some anons here thought it would rise up to 2x by today
sell low, buy high
why do some people expect instant moon when the coin becomes tradable ?
Well I don't but I'd like to have more serious opinions as I'm fairly new in the Token market.
Pajeets and ahmeds dumping for 20$ profit
not long ago a bunch of faggots sold me their link barely above ICO, hope they are all happy.
I admit I bought in this at 0.00126 and dumped it at a loss this morning because I just feel deep down it is a shitcoin with no future.
Sometimes you have I cut your losses.
Im 20% up and not dumping untill the exchange is released or we hit binance you're just a faggot
got in at .00128 but I'm not too worried. It's only been a day ffs. I'll give it a bit to see if any exchanges pick it up in a week or two. My first time being invested this early in a coin,
don't worry, when it hits binance the chinkbots will pump the price a bit
Nigga is going below ICO
I am turning into a bitcoin maximalist after how many shitcoins get shilled here.
Seriously apart from ETH, literally nothing shilled here every results in anything apart from a shitcoin
Dumping to the depths of hell
Yeah I'm starting to believe that for long term holding. For riding pnds and short term profit it doesn't seem too bad
it has always been about increasing your btc stack. you're not supposed to hold onto these shitcoins for longer than 1-2 months. i'm just laughing at all the idiots who are still holding link, kyber, and 0x waiting for the product release next year.
If all the icos are worthless as you said then eth is worthless too the main reasons eth has any value are the icos, nothing is mooning because the market is bearish, airswap is a legit coin unlike eBTC or Obsidian i'm confident this wont go below ico and if it does it wont stay like that for to long, the exchange should be released in less than 2 months according to their roadmap
>Tfw just found about crytpo end of September
>First alt coin I bought was link at 17 cents
>Get emotionally attached after reading white paper and oracle problem
>Dev team doesn't communicate or try to get it listed on other exchanges
I realized link won't moon until 1-3 years from now too late and didn't sell at 45 cents fml
Stable price which is healthy.
Gives time to accumulate.
BTC and ETH are taking a big hit.
You should always compare price in eth or btc, not in dollars.
can i somehow join ths slack?
Welcome to Veeky Forums
Buy high sell low
Ox has radar relay which is clean as fuck
Pls just hit binance. I'll ride the initial pump and sell
No faith
We got scammed
I'm a straight white male that dumped this shitcoin as soon as I saw the resistance. They raised 45 million fucking dollars and gave 80% to presale fags at a 20% discount. The you have the fact that 0x and Kyber already are way ahead and any non retard can see the writing on the wall.
Consensys isn't special. You literally fill out an online form to be a part of it
Presalers are dumping on us
So every ICO? The bonus tokens are locked. What did you expect, a 10x day 1?
God retards like you deserve to be poor. Remember LINK's bull run post ICO?
>0x and Kyber already are far ahead
Is a blatant lie, neither have a working exchange
Personally waiting for binance, will dump for 2x.
But 0x does have a working exchange? It's in beta but still.
Radar Relay is working but isnt the competitor to Airswap that people claim, as there is no matchmaking for OTC trades.
I like 0x but saying its the same thing is stupid as shit and is getting old to see
I think this coin is fucking awesome. With the amount of coins I have now I can trade for free for the rest of my life. All of the centralized exchanges have to become decentralized or disappear. Airswap has an edge right now and will be a place where a lot of whales go to bathe.
I know it isn't same, but it's still a working exchange. Ethfinex will also come soon(tm).