Bitcoin is going sub 1k.
Bitcoin is going sub 1k
Of course, dreams don't happen. All of these losers hoped for easy money, it just does not happen. Life is not a dream. Time to get back to your desk jobs, wagies!
>buy bitcoin
>dips 10% in 24h
Why Satoshi, why?
i sure hope so gives me a chance to buy a couple
>bought bitcoin without ministering satoshi
I should have known it was all your fault.
If it drops below $1k it's ogre, no normie will ever want to put money into that shit ever after that.
>retards still don't understand that an asset that ONLY keeps rising in price is a complete turnoff for most investors
The corrections (or crashes as you ADHD kids call them) are extremely attractive investment opportunities to people with a functional brain. Buying at the top is idiotic to do, because it's very high risk, it's something only plebeians do.
we're going 10k by January just you wait user
buy now or wait for a post fork dip?
Idk it was 5100 just now
It's 5200 now
I don't think it's going below 5000
Do whatever you think it's the smartest thing to do
better buy slowly over time
Dude there is a difference between a healthy correction and outright losing 500% of your money you just invested a week ago, how can anyone with a straight face call something a "store of value" if this were to occur?
Believe me I pray it doesn't as I am balls deep in crypto.
Bitcoin will go up forever. It's a free money hype train, just get on board. Yippee!
>losing 500%
lmao i laughed, but at least i know you're a retard
literal fucking degenerates on this board, fuck.
So if you plunked down almost 6 grand for a Bitcoin a few days ago, and it drops to less than $1k within a few days, you can seriously call that a "store of value" and a "healthy" correction?
>losing 500%
What...yes, if you bought at the fucking TOP, even then, you just hold and it'll be back up in no time.
right now you can call it speculating on it becoming a store of value, as of now it hasn't really proven itself yet because it has only been in existence for less than a decade
also, 6k to 1k is around an 83% drop, not 500% you absolute brainlet
And when it takes 12-24 months just to even recover your money and break even like the last BTC crash, i'd call that a terrible investment, think of what you could have done with it in all that time.
Personally I view the last BTC crash as a fluke though based on terrible news like the Mt Gox incident, I think Bitcoin ownership is too far spread out now with more institutional money and more exchanges, I don't think it will go below $4k but i've been burned before on hype.
maybe you should turn 360 and walk away
Buy the day before the fork. The price will be the lowest that it's going to go pre-fork and you get free money in the form of bitcoin gold.
>i've been burned before on hype.
So you agree that it's your own fault and you still blame BTC? You bought high and sold low, that's a bad decision on your part. If it were the opposite you'd be gloating on how amazing this investment was.
Look at this pic, it's a graph of dollar to euro, would you also be whining about how shit USD is, if you converted euros to dollar at that peak in 2017?
you're trying to tell me that crypto can't go belly up?
Great, just yesterday I got a loan to buy bitcoins and I'm down 7% already.
bitcoin is going straight to 1 satoshi.
screencap this!!!
There is a huge difference between losing 10-15% of your investment and losing 90%, it's easier to recover 10% elsewhere, alot harder with 90%. You might as well be sticking your money in a slot machine.
If an investment that can lose 90% is not a terrible investment then what DOES make a terrible investment, something that loses 99% LOL
So now you pretend like you can see into the're kind of special.
I would buy bitcoins for 5$ maybe
Of course I can't, it's all pissing in the wind but so far Bitcoin has NOT been proven as a store of value. I'm speculating it CAN be one day though.
Tbh this
thats not even possible retard
If this isn't bait...
It’s a kick in the nuts but I’m learning. I only just bought in last week when it was at ATH.
>losing 500%
It went from 6k to 1k
So you lost all your money... 5 times?
Fuclinv brainlet, people like you are the ines that panic sell when prices are bottoming
Forex is full of great opportunities too, do you think everyone should just buy some fucking Zimbabwe dollars and forget about them as their retirement plan though?
Either you want a daytrading play coin or you want to attract normies to start using and investing in Bitcoin, but you can't have it both ways.
It has lost 90% anly to male 5000% afterwards
If you sold low instead of buying low you're the only one to blame
Is there anywhere better to buy bitcoin other than Coinbase. The fees are killing me.
Oh plenty of normies left that still haven't bought their first bitcoin, believe me...Contrary to all the bubble bullshit, it is a fact that crypto is still very much an emerging market. There is so much potential for quick gains, but also long term investments. To make the most profit you have to jump through all kinds of weird technical hoops, and you have to do it very quickly. It's high risk, high reward, call it gambling, I don't care.
I'd cum if it ever got that low again.
So Veeky Forums I was thinking, what would happen if BTC dropped to levels lower than alts so a litecoin is worth 2.6 BTC or some shit, how would the fact that there are only 21 million BTC in existence affect value of ALTS, since there are so many more of them? So it would be impossible for this scenario to happen?
So as alts increase so must BTC? The more new alts that exist, the higher BTC must go?
>BTC goes up
>alts go down
>btc goes down slowly
>alt btc value increases
>btc crashes
>so do alts
those are the scenarios
I mean, since they are denominated in sats which are portions of BTC. know what I mean?
What I'm saying is that it is impossible for alts collectively to have a combined value greater than BTC since they are denominated in BTC.
Am I wrong? Demented? Am I a retard?
it's an impossible scenario, correct.
Alts that have fiat on-ramps like Ripple and Stellar in theory could separate and be worth equal to or more than Bitcoin
So there are only a fixed number of Satoshis that can ever exist.
So if I release a new altcoin tomorrow, call it BRAPcoin, and I incorporate some super advanced dynamic threading block technology and it moons, would the price be limited by BTC or would it cause BTC to moon because I've just increased demand by making each Satoshi worth more?
Or would BTC not be affected until I SELL my BRAPcoin stack for BTC?
>north korea amasses a large chunk of the bitcoin network hashing power
>propaganda everywhere in the MSM that use of the bitcoin network directly supports the NK regime, hard to argue with it if it's true
>uptick in illegal trade in NK, buying arms and sanctioned goods with cryptocurrency
>everyone switches to a crypto that NK would have a hard time cornering the hashrate of (GPU based or otherwise)
>1 year later bitcoin finally does a successful hard fork to block North Korean mining methods/networks from the wider bitcoin network, but by then, everyone has already moved on to one that actually works as a currency
Something I keep does north korea connect to the internet? Who is providing the connection? China?
Minister You, Money Skeleton
Crazy stuff.
I'm kind of curious what would happen if NKs leaders were all dethroned by intervention from the rest of the world. The only scenario I can imagine is that south korea would be totally fucked by a refugee crisis that would make the current european one look like a fucking joke.
So basically if each BTC contains 100,000,000 Satoshis and there are 21,000,000 Bitcoins, it means there can only be 2,100,000,000,000,000 Satoshis that can ever exist.
The divisibility can be expanded with a protocol upgrade, some exchanges measure low price shitcoins like this already (hitbtc for BCN), but a protocol upgrade would probably double the trailing zeros. Or it would just fall to 0 satoshis and be trade in pairs against cheaper base currencies like LTC or ETH.
also forgot about China Unicom, they provide them internet too. I don't know if anyone knows what the best approach to take is.
NK nomenklatura would trigger the dead man's switch, seoul would be toast
This makes sense, thanks user.
That's what I'm afraid of too...You can bet your ass NK has some crazy-ass war bunker where all the leaders and high military personnel can hide the moment they get attacked. Then they launch all their nice ICBMs in every direction and we can all pretend we're mad max in real life.
You bought at the ath. Why would you do this?