>oui oui let's just be le degenerates!
french 'philosophy' was a mistake
Oui oui let's just be le degenerates!
>Guise, everything is control and power
>The guy is a masochist fag
Really activates the prefrontal cortex
Threadly reminder that Foucault ADMITTED to only being in it for the bussy:
>I wasn't always smart, I was actually very stupid in school ... [T]here was a boy who was very attractive who was even stupider than I was. And in order to ingratiate myself with this boy who was very beautiful, I began to do his homework for him—and that's how I became smart, I had to do all this work to just keep ahead of him a little bit, in order to help him. In a sense, all the rest of my life I've been trying to do intellectual things that would attract beautiful boys.
Also reminder that Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir were sex crazed perverts as well. Freud was also a freak. It's pretty interesting and It's almost as if their (((philosophy))) was just an elaborate pick up game to get their students in the sack. It always makes me think.
Reminder that Peterson was 100% right about calling out the post war french socialist philosophers as perverted hack frauds
t. incel Anglo
dumb frogposter
what is it with the French and perverted left wing ideologies?
Aeppel kart staetus [tipped]
>oui oui shove le baguette in le asshole!
what did he mean by this?
why are you so butthurt, frenchie?
He himself is the ultimate hack fraud, so I think you’ve hurt the case for them being hack frauds pretty badly there.
I live in Utah. I just reported your post for bumping a 4 hour old thread for /pol/ tier posting. It's not actually a rule violation, it was more of a false hope that someone would ban you for being stupid and nothing of value would be lost.
I wanna hear your arguments defending Foucault.
Are you stupid? I wasn't defending anyone. I literally told you why I reported you, and it had nothing to do with the Foucault.
I think /leftypol/ would be a better place for you, fagget.
That's what you've got? You panicked and assumed my political alignment? This is why people report your stupid posts. I hope to god the day of the rope comes. As a white American I will hide every minority possible, supply them with food, ammunition and arms. Solely, SOLELY in the hopes that one of them kills one of you idiots who /pol/ cross post. I don't give a shit if whites die out and the entire rest of the world burns for it. I will spend eternity smiling, knowing you were killed by a nigger.
>hehe you panicked
>let me write a bunch of shit to show you how much I don't care
Oh no friend. I care. I care so much you getting a bullet through your cerebral cortex would be worth the downfall of white people.
Doesn't make you sound hard, just like an enormous faggot.
Back to the topic: Why do you love jerking off to Foucault?
Foucault's concept of power-knowledge is a pretty good borrow from Nietzsche, though I still think he misunderstood what Nietzsche meant by power as several of his students have.
I'm not trying to sound 'hard' stop speaking like a nigger. I simply hate you fucks so much for your ignorance that it would be worth all of bitching from you children. To simply post pictures of myself arming minorities on /pol/ would send so many of you into a butt mad frenzy. I wouldn't bat an eye.
>He himself is the ultimate hack fraud, so I think you’ve hurt the case for them being hack frauds pretty badly there.
Sure thing, faggot. You haven't answered my question.
right, so what kind of an argument is meant to telling anecdotes about Foucalts sexual life is meant to evoke
isn't this the guy who analy dominates the weak
>announcing report and phoneposting
>There's a spectrum haunting Europe...
hahaha le ebin XDDDD epic meme dood XDDDDD
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Foucault isn't exactly leftwing tho it's more complicated. Today gender studies postcolonial studies and so on (if at any point your lost just think ebin gultural margsism) use a lot of foucault's writting but he isn't the only one it goes along with various french theorists such as althusser (who, for the record, choked his wife to death) or Lacan and even the frankfurt school theorists. Some were indeed marxists and had a their party card from the local communist party but it isn't foucault case. foucault complained that the academical field in france was dominated by marxism and marxist teachers and he himself derivated a lot of his concepts and theories from nietzsche.
Honestly, disgusting writers like Foucault should be banned. This is one area where censorship is absolutely necessary.
why does he have an extra copy of every book in his shelf?
nice proyection no argurment boy.
Don't know, my guess would be that it is intended to keep one clean while the other can be filled with highlight ans notes
m8 have you even read Discipline and Punish? it's about how we came to buid prison and the history of punishement, it's not perverted or anything and if you pop a bonner while reading foucault then *you* have a problem. Censoring foucault isn't a good idea, his writings have already caused irreversible "damages" to the academical field and to censor him would mean to censor most field of social and literary studies since they share a common ground in structuralism.
t. triggered Veeky Forums fag