So why is Communism often portrayed as the absolute no.1 ideological enemy in
fascist countries?
To take an obvious historical example: Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan could've possibly co-existed
with its democratic neighbors like the UK and the US in an alternate timeline, as long as they respected
each other spheres of influence, but a clash between the Soviet Union and the Axis would've been absolutely
inevitable at some point. Setting aside geopolitics, *ideologically*, what makes Fascist (or any extreme right) and Communist countries impossible to co-exist together?
Incompatibility of Fascism & Communism
Other urls found in this thread:
Democracies can mind their own business and keep their populations happy. Communists and fascists are completely incompetent and have to go on nationalistic pursuits like wars to keep their populations distracted.
Fascism rose as a response to Communism. All Fascist literature I know of, and all Fascist leaders I know of, hated Communism as a part of the ideology, not as a result of it's base beliefs
Because fascism incorporates capitalism compared to the communist way of kill all le rich people
Because fascism relies on people working for the benefit of the state, not exactly something that you can do when the people want to take down your government.
That claim is often a feature of marxist analyses of the rise of fascism, because they want to show it as reaction in the dialectical process. It is false. Italian fascism rose from the mixture of pro-war Italian socialists (like Mussolini, who left the Italian socialist party over their advocacy of joining ww1, which was to confirm Italy as a great power), dissatisfied veterans who were dissatisfied with the way they were treated and at the London treaty not being fulfilled, and edgy futurists and other assorted modernists. Now, the things connecting all of them were dissatisfaction with the current Italian liberal democracy and the dissatisfaction with them not being granted large parts of Dalmatia in accordance with the London treaty. You'll notice here that a large part of them were former socialists. However, the fascists changed direction and started allying with conservatives. That was the strategy they used to seize power. The Ras-led squadristi started beating up socialists and breaking strikes to curry favour with conservatives. That alienated many of the original fascists and changed the rhetorics, which would become more anti-communist through time.
Why are all of the pictures in OP from capitalistic societies?
>implying the losers who wrote down ‘doctrines’ and other such nonsense and never spent a day in power even matter
Analyzing such people is the ultimate brainlet move. The reason Trotsky’s analysis is, with some modifications, largely accepted, is because the historical record shows the way fascists actually got into power was, as you admit yourself, by allying with conservative forces within society: portraying themselves as the only thing that could stop communism and preserve traditional society.
Fascisim cannot coexist with any other country because it is suppose to 'eat' other countries to sustain itself. Like a virus, or a german.
because radicals are autistic. look at communists for example they hate fascists more than capitalists who their whole ideology surrounds fighting because of muh WW2.
>Setting aside geopolitics, *ideologically*, what makes Fascist (or any extreme right) and Communist countries impossible to co-exist together?
I have answered OP's question. It was primarily a practical move. That goes against the marxist analysis because it did not "arise as a reaction" in the dialectical sense. The "force of reaction", so to speak, were the conservatives, with fascists doing the dirty work (squadristi/SA). Besides, in NSDAP a part of the left wing led by the Strasser brothers advocated an alliance with the USSR. Hitler genuinely hated communists, though, that much is undeniable.
Ironic since the "Fascism" part of your pic literally shows a model from a capitalist country
>To take an obvious historical example: Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan could've possibly co-existed with its democratic neighbors like the UK and the US in an alternate timeline,
It is clear that you are a typical stormfag and all that, but this is the most ridiculous claim ever...
Neither Hitler, nor Imperial Japan differentiated between their neighbours (whom they attacked in most opportunistic fashion). Noone else did that during or after the WWII: which actually saw coexistence of Communism and liberalism, which continues to this day.
>Setting aside geopolitics, *ideologically*, what makes Fascist (or any extreme right) and Communist countries impossible to co-exist together?
P.s. Fascism cannot coexist with anyone else, because you can't trust a Fascist in general, and you can't even trust a Fascist to even be reasonable (i.e. behaving rationally)
Communism is an ideology that promotes a global revolution, therefore it is impossible for it to co-exists with any other ideologies. It also cannot work without the whole world being communist, so it is a requirement for their survival as a society.
>Imperial Japan was fascist
But muh Aryan strongman
fascism is capitalism without a mask
it's the capitalist response to the fear of a proletarian revolution
Fascism and Communism are not mutually exclusive. In fact Stalin's Soviet Union was very fascist.
>fascism is capitalism without a mask
Are you real?
Fascism is a reaction to capitalism as much as it is a reaction against marxism. Marxist and capitalism cannot digest this because of their retarded bipolar view of society, hence why capitalists accuse fascists of being socialist and socialists accuse them of being capitalist.
Perverse obsession with aesthetics for the sake of aesthetics is a shallow, hedonistic feature of capitalism.
Even autarky alone goes against capitalism. If we put people like Bastiat and Adam Smith as the first philosophers of capitalism, they both advocated for free trade, individualism and individual meritocracy.
Capitalism and marxism both believe and engage in class struggle while fascism is about class cooperation.
fascism and marxism both believe and engage in class struggle while Capitalism is about class cooperation.
It sounds nice but then you realize Arno Breker himself was an ugly balding manlet.
mussolini was funded in order to stop workers strikes
i think the whole point was he wanted people to become chads instead of being like him
That seems to be a general theme in NS Germany.
>fixes your country then destroys it back again with a pointless war
There are many reasons for the fascist hatred of communsim.
Mainly that communsim is a late stage plan for the jewish domination of earth.
Unlika communism fascism dosnt hate profit and private ownership but instead merges the capitalism and the state to work to the benefit of the state and its people.
Unlike communsim fascism recognizes that the individual is important where as communism creates mindless robots with no creativity.
Truly the Aryan race
or maybe old people are just ugly?
>Unlike communsim fascism recognizes that the individual is important where as communism creates mindless robots with no creativity
Kek, you just don't see the irony, do you?
Actually Soviets depicted themselves as athletic Nordic Aryans as well, Germans weren't alone. Point is these depictions never really match reality, it's literal LARPing.
More like bald fat swarthy Germans where LARPing as elvish Balto-Finns
>Communism is like Jewish, dude!
>Fascism is like capitalism, but in a good way!
>Fascism is like communism, but in a good way!
>Labor protection for women and youth (Regio Decreto n° 653 26/04/1923)
>Free hospital care for the poor and assistance for mothers and childs (Regio Decreto n° 2277 10/12/1923 and Regio Decreto n° 2841 30/12/1923)
>Old age, invalidity and unemployment pensions (Regio Decreto n° 3158 30/12/1923 and Regio Decreto n°3184 30/12/1923)
>Insurance for TBC victims (Regio Decreto n° 2055 27/10/1927)
>Tax exemptions for large families (Regio Decreto n° 1312 14/06/1928)
>Insurance for professional diseases (Regio Decreto n° 928 13/05/1929)
>Creation of the INAIL (National insurance institute for work accidents) (Regio Decreto n° 264 23/03/1933) and INPS (National social security institute) (Regio Decreto n°1827 04/10/1935)
Wow, such capitalism. Besides the above (can't be assed to find all old laws and decrees) we have the founding of municipal and regional social welfare institutes, education assistance for the poor, job safety acts, assistance for low-income families, and more.
Now just stop with the
>muh duce was capitalist
meme please. A lot of the social welfare stuff we have in Italy ties back to him.
He's a retarded Marxist who will clap back at you that it was still capitalism because private property existed. Marxists are bound to their autismal definitions that nobody else uses and flip the fuck out where other people aren't playing along.
>Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan could've possibly co-existed
>with its democratic neighbors like the UK and the US in an alternate timeline
>Nazis attack Poland.
>Japs attack the Republic of China which has recently drove commies in a corner.
Truly the Nazis were the pinnacle of human physique and form.
Fascism was sold as the anti-communism
that's why Britain and America tried to halt France from dicking Germany moreso in the Treaty of Versailles
that's why the allies allowed Germany to run amok until he invaded Poland
that's why Germany voted the nazis in in the first place (centralist ideals was a joke at the time)
then they declared way on everyone, slaughtered millions for their ideology, and gave half of Poland to the commies anyway. At that point everyone was like "we'd rather deal with the commies"
Fuck off commie
>geopolitics aside
Are you dyslexic or just a troll?
>not liking G*rmans and their thousand year reich which lasted 12 years makes you commie
> respected each other spheres of influence
Which the UK and US clearly didn't, not saying that they wouldn't intervene, realistically.
Please read the post and analyze as much as your little brain can before mocking people
Extreme right wing countries all despise communists, I'm the term 'fascist' for the sake of simplicity
hahaha is this guy for real?
One of the most idiotic stormfag posts I've read
>I'm using an inaccurate term for the sake of simplicity
Which is ironic considering all the statues of naked muscular men that Nazi Germany had.
>I can't read in between the lines and have to make up for my intellectual insecurity by mocking people
Also everything imperial Japan did during the
war was Fascist in practice, and I'm
referencing this popular movement in the Japanese military when I say many "fascist" ideologies found communism intolerable.
Apologies for the inaccurate terminology, if you weren't a little brainlet you'd be able to figure that much out
Please analyze a simple fact. When fascists came into power, the world descended into a World War, due to them attacking all their neighbours indiscriminately of ideology.
When they were removed, and political scene defaulted to a Liberal and a Communist superpower, the world saw the most peacful era, with just some localized and minor conflicts, and both sides attempting to de-escalate and aiming to win minds of people instead. When the Soviet Union lost the Cold War, all other Communist states and political powers lost confrontational stance towards American block altogether.
>Brainlet uses the term 'fascist' indiscriminately
>Gets called out on using the term inaccurately
>Heh, you're a brainlet and intelectually insecure!!1
Might as well call the US, the UK or the USSR fascist and just tell yourself that people can't read between the lines when people note your brainletry.
>no ur the brainlet!
So no constructive arguments on the points I mentioned then. I even specifically mentioned "or any extreme right country" in my original post to begin with to try and avoid pompous pseudo-intellectuals like you. Clearly didnt work.
>I have nothing to contribute to the thread so I'll just point out the only flaws my little brain can identify
Wow, Japan wasn't de jure fascist, absolutely mindblowing. Good job buddy, you sure have proved your superior intelligence. Now moving on.
But fascism is italian not germam
this is the worst post in this thread so far, the fasces symbol in itself stands for class collaboration and dates back from roman periods, Mussolini rejects class struggle in his manifesto and so did Nazi Germany
Fascism isn't even right wing per se, it's by definition centrist.
>"Opposed to liberalism, Marxism and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum"
Right: monarchism, reaction, aristocracy, traditionalism
Left: liberalism/libertarianism, socialism, communism
Fascism is in the middle.
>Conflafion of fascism with Imperial Japan that shows
>Conflation of fascism with extreme right-wing
Clearly being called out on your politically illiterate and arbitrary conflation of systems means u r 2 inteligent.
Guess I'll just call Ancient Rome fascist and when people call me out on my arbitrary parallelism, I should tell them they r brainlets who dunt understamd!!1
>unironically thinking the political spectrum is an accurate representation of political ideologies
most 20th century marxist philosophers were traditionalist
shows a poor understanding of political systems*
>most 20th century marxist philosophers were traditionalist
>wanting to abolish classes, states and gender roles is traditionalism
Yeah, same reason they call fascism 'capitalism with teeth' when Italy had the second most nationalised economy behind Russia at the time.
He sucked arse at war but he seemed like a pretty good leader, as far as dictators go.
You need to get better at samefagging.
No honestly, make a proper argument as to how imperial Japan wasn't fascist in practice during and prior to world war II and (this should be good) how Fascism isn't considered a far right movement.
Other than that, I don't know if this flew right over your head, but the discussion of the thread is why Communism isn't compatible with """Fascist""" countries like Germany, Italy and Japan (as notable examples) as seen in topics like this:
You really are a brainlet if you can't overcome that minor conflation to see the point of the discussion being made here. Once again, you've proved your superior intelligence by showing you can differentiate fascism from Japans de jure system of government. We get it, nothing slips past those hawk eyes. We're all proud of you, good job.
Now back to your retort on the points I mentioned?
Fascism is
>economic centrist
>socially far-right
It's a weird unique hydra.
These guys get it
Your brainletry is really showing my friend, even without someone having to succumb to samefagging
>Marxists when discussing the left
>See these are not real communists, they're Marxist-Leninists with a Stalinist-Maoist bent which are utilizing Gramscian ideas to justify their anti-western nationalist tendencies, REAL communists are partially Orthodox Marxist but with more Lefebvrian dialectics to be able accurately counter the neo-Althusserian post-structuralist critique
>Marxists when discussing the right
>more than one person disagrees with me, must be samefag
Great rebuttal, thanks for proving my point
>Hurr durr u dont use my arbitrary meme definition of fascism then u brainlet
>It's you who has to prove my meme definition wrong
>Muh samefagging
Brainletry is off the charts.
Great rebuttal, thanks for proving my point
IDK what you consider rebuttal?
>socially far-right
Only from the perspective of a 21st century liberal. Fascism was actually quite progressive for its time.
> young Chads in the army used to idolize these people
is there any other society where robots were so succesful?
Genocide is a progressive view
State Secret Police is progressive too
Women being 'encouraged' (read forced) to stay in the home and pump out babies is progressive.
Being against Democracy is super progressive.
kek ethnic cleansing is progressive
>So why is Communism often portrayed as the absolute no.1 ideological enemy in
>fascist countries?
Because fascism was invented to save capitalism, crush communism and to completely wipe out the Soviet Union. It's an expansionist ideology based on class collaboration and extreme nationalism, the antithesis of communism's anti-imperialism, class struggle and internationalism.
communism is evil
>that pic
Wtf now I'm fascist
it's fakenews tho
So the morale is capitalism is ruled by the most ruthless and motivated, but allows all of its citizens to grow fat and lazy?
He is right though, Fascist Italy was only going to be able to sustain its spending through pillaging other nations
The same applies for every society regardless of economic system. That's the paradox of industrial civilization.
Everyone is the underclass in communism.
Because capitalism is ideologically indifferent, whereas one of the core tenets of communism is the destruction of nationalism, culture, and religion, all three of which fascism holds as core values. Also fascism only flourished as a reaction to the rise of communism.
Yeah but now we gain the money through 3rd world exploitation instead of conquering.
different moral taste buds
communist organization in the west are also controlled by jews
all of those are progressive things to do provided they are done for the right reasons, any shitlib is fine with those things being done to racist whites. Progressives are quite happy about non-whites having a higher birth rate than whites in Europe and the US.
Progressives are also against democracy, see brexxit
>the leaders in capitalism are muscular overmen
uhhh sweetie ...