I have a potatofag friend who Believes Ireland should be united. I believe the British Isles should be United, but he doesn’t even recognise the island of Ireland as a part of the British Isles. What do I do?
I Have a Potatofag Friend Who Believes Ireland Should Be United. What do?
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Kill yourself. Tiocfaidh ár lá faggot
Buy a turtle neck and some manure
The above post is in jest, and no posts by this IP address yet or henceforth posted condone unwarranted violence as understood by any national or international legislative body
i think you need to get the fuck off this board
Fuck off bong!
Tell him Ireland SHOULD be united... under the British. Also
>muh ireland for the irish
What's sauce for the goose...
I mean, probably demonstrating to him that the UK and Ireland have inseparable economic links would be a start, followed by listing off Irelands current legal and economic troubles and how a Union with Britain would alleviate these.
Cultural ties come in second because these are a source of pride for the Irish, but I think highlighting that Welsh language and culture has actually been much more successfully preserved (like 20% of Welsh households speak Welsh semi-regularly in their houses compared to like less then 1% of Irish ones) inside the Union, and how Irish culture and British culture are already extremely intertwined, and that Union would be an amplifier, no a silencer of these.
Ask him why he thinks the opinions of the people who live there should be ignored. Is imperialism ok when the people doing it dress in green?
He's right though. Tiocfaidh ár lá.
He's right though. Why should they join the union when the Brits genocided them and destroyed their language. If your only argument is
>muh economy
Then you're a filthy brainlet.
>implying that the north wants to leave
The Welsh and Scots languages are much more widely used in daily life then Irish. The Union has precedent of preserving non-English culture. If your argument is
>muh culture
Then you are a filthy brainlet
>The Welsh and Scots languages are much more widely used in daily life then Irish.
They never had the problems of the Irish. Irish was constantly stamped out and along with the famine wiping out most Irish speakers.
Culture >>>>> muh economy you filthy brainlet.
Does he recognise the self determination of the Northern Irish to decide what country they want to be a part of? Or does he think his opinion is more important than those who actually live there?
Unite it to appease my border autism
Remind him that Ireland has no culture or accomplishments of their own besides terrorism and drunkenness.
>Language is English
>Architecture is English
>Literature is English
>Poetry is English
>Sports are English
>Breakfast is English
>Banks are English
>Legal system is English
>Tax haven for Anglo-Saxon companies
>Capital is Scandinavian
>Every major city is Scandinavian
>Religion is Italian
>Patron saint is Welsh
>Every famous "Irish" person is Amerimutt
>History is nothing but foreign conquerors culturally enriching their country
> Brits genocided them
>being this wrong
pic related is (You)
Those measures were part of 18th and 19th century prejudices which were relaxed eventually, and bare no reflection to the lived experiences or expectations of anyone. If your just banging rocks together saying 'NEVER FORGET' then its no surprise that Ireland is in the state its in.
Economically Ireland is sunk without Britain. I don't mean this in a 'lower living standard' I mean this in an 'Ireland is not self-sufficient' kind of way, Britain generates the majority of Ireland's electricity, its the largest export, import and direct investor. And British and Irish economic interests, as an island group, diverge from the EU's, with Ireland's tax system being a prime example of that.
>the famine wiped out most Irish speakers
...Your American aren't you? Most of Ireland spoke Irish in the 20's, but hay ho they realised it was extremely difficult to learn and economically individuals just adopted English until now where there's like a few meme words and Gaeltacht's.
>Brits genocided them
pic related is (You)
>Unironically using the Crimea argument
>what is the plantations
>what is Cromwell
>what is the famine
I mean, in fairness Crimea is a shade of grey, and probably a majority of people did want to be Russian there. But N.I. has been British since before Westphalia, realistically it has never belonged to a state that wasn't in a union of crowns of the kingdoms of the British isles or the actual Union itself.
Genocide and repression are two different things you utter mong, Cromwell killed Old English Catholics in Ireland, and the famine was not a deliberate attempt to exterminate the population.
Fuck the Brits
>what is the plantations
not a genocide
>what is Cromwell
not a genocide
>what is the famine
a famine. the way Britain handled the situation was wrong but its not like they created the blight that caused the famine as some sort of plan to kill the Irish
>Most of Ireland spoke Irish in the 20's
pic related
> but hay ho they realised it was extremely difficult to learn and economically individuals just adopted English
Yeah it definitely wasn't the British stamping out Irish in all cases. I forgot how Veeky Forums is full of retards like yourself.
>killing and removing Irish from their lands is not genocide
>killing 41% of the Irish pop and removing their their lands is not genocide
>Exporting the majority of Irish food, putting them into workhouses, making fishing illegal so they could not get food is not genocide
>Most of Ireland spoke Irish in the 20's
pic related
That guy has to be an Ulster nationalist, right?
The UK didn't export the food as some sort of state decision, it was exported by individual merchants. Also what is this nonsense about making fishing illegal, is this a meme you have picked up from Veeky Forums? You should credulously believe every shitpost you read on this board.
>The UK didn't export the food as some sort of state decision
Which is why the food was shipped under te British Military guard?
>Also what is this nonsense about making fishing illegal
Irish people in this period weren't allowed to hunt or fish under British law.
>Which is why the food was shipped under te British Military guard?
They protected merchants from attacks, it wasn't a Communist regime.
>Irish people in this period weren't allowed to hunt or fish under British law.
Where's your citation for this (from a proper source please)?
tfw I only care about pre-modern Irish history yet all people ever talk about is stuff that happened after the famine
>They protected merchants from attacks, it wasn't a Communist regime.
Which is why Travelyn stopped soldiers from giving out food to the Irish?
>Where's your citation for this (from a proper source please)?
How do you not know this? Irish not being allowed to get a hunting or fishing license is common knowledge.
>Which is why Travelyn stopped soldiers from giving out food to the Irish?
This doesn't refute what you were replying to.
>How do you not know this?
In other words you don't have single citation to back up the fantasy you pulled out your bumhole.
>This doesn't refute what you were replying to.
Travelyn was apart of the British government, he actively stopped soldiers from giving food to the Irish this along with the Brits using the British Guard to export food means they are implicit to killing the Irish.
>In other words you don't have single citation to back up the fantasy you pulled out your bumhole.
You're just being weird now, here's your "you". I struggle to believe that any sentient person thinks this is a coherent and cogent response.
>when you need a source for common knowledge
Imagine being a brainlet like this.
Anyway you ever hear of the Penal Laws? Those laws that the British Government imposed on the Irish like stopping them from being able to buy land, attend Catholic church and other things like stopping them from getting hunting and fishing licenses. Most of these were repealed before the famine but things like the fishing and hunting law remained. Its not my fault you don't know common knowledge.
'All we did was completely install our own ethnically and culturally differentiated colonial elite who shipped all the food away during a famine while keeping the majority in starving poverty, and then made sure they could continue to do so via a massive deployment of military force, but that doesn't make us responsible for the deaths of a million people or anything. It was all the Invisible Hand of the Free Market™,'
'And I mean, yes, the pure profit motive of the elites we installed led to the entire country's agircultural system being turned into a patchwork of hellish fiefdoms where the workers were so impoverished that they could ONLY survive by relying on one crop that was prone to failure, but what happened wasn't...like...our fault,'
'Always remember that the government has a moral imperative to enable the deaths of 1 million people if its profitable. Wouldn't want to be even a little better than Nazis-that would be Communism'
I might be falling for bait but this image is fiction in case you didn't realise.
how so
They're right, but not united under Britian. Brits might as well give up on the idea that they're relevant beyond their own island any longer, literally nobody wants them in their countries any more.
The "undefeated" IRA surrendering, 1916.
Didn't start until the 1920s sorry sweete
>its another irish butthurt thread
Ireland should be all Irish or all British.
I have no issue with either of those situations.
Those who believe partition is viable, however, are retards.
Those who are proud of Northern Ireland, are retards.
Time has proved that Loyalists have been the most incompetent, costly, ineffective and generally unworthy people ever to stain the isles.
The IRA have even at the worst of their terrorist times been a very efficient and effective fighting force.
The Loyalists have pretty much never been able to do anything except convince more people to join the IRA.
The Irish have a just cause for their independence, but not for open hostility. They have a just cause for Unification, but not the eradication of Ulster-Scots heritage (not the memey language, the history itself.)
Basically, I have no issues with Ireland being totally free or being all British, but I absolutely fucking hate everyone I've ever met from that Hole in Ulster and the idea of letting Loyalists have even a sliver of responsibility is horrendous.
Nobody is butthurt in Irish thread except LARPing Northern Bogniggers and "muh empire" people. The rest is just funposting and IRA memes. Irish people don't hate British people at all.
>manlet IRA
Brits out of Ireland!
lmao'ing at this stupid faggot
don't know how many times it has to be said on this site, but ireland has never, ever, at any point in history, been a single, united, independent nation
there has been anglo/cambro-norman, english or british rule there, either wholly or in part, for nearly 900 years
the culture of these rulers/settlers was/is so pervasive that little of irish society can be said to be untouched by it - there are elements of course, such as the minority language (fewer speakers than polish now has there, I believe) and gaelic games
but look back over ireland's history and you'll see that the great names are often anglo-irish, or of british descent, or members of the anglican church of ireland
amongst these you will even find, ironically, republicans and nationalists
bram stoke, wb yeats, jonathan swift, oscar wilde, george bernard shaw, arthur guinness, etc all fit this description
some were nationalists, some were unionists, but because they were 'inoffensive' they are embraced by today's irish
only the bad guys are seen as 'foreign'
you do realise cromwell (a man I dislike, being an english catholic) was operating within an ireland already under english rule, right?
look at the number of irishmen with anglo-norman, english, welsh and scottish surnames
the percentage is well into double-figures
there are many good arguments for a unified ireland, but neither history nor 'oppression' are amongst them
>Didn't unite Ireland
This is "America won Vietnam"-tier
>but look back over ireland's history and you'll see that the great names are often anglo-irish, or of british descent
Well maybe if the Brits hadn't stuck their dick in Ireland some of the great names might be of Irish descent