1 REQ is now 10x as valuable as 1 ETH.
Everybody who contributed the full 100k cap is now a GAZZILLIONAIRE. Pick your lambos now, delivery is on friday.
1 REQ is now 10x as valuable as 1 ETH.
Everybody who contributed the full 100k cap is now a GAZZILLIONAIRE. Pick your lambos now, delivery is on friday.
Fake orders that will be taken down just before trading starts.
Kek have fun with bags of REQ at 0.75x
just stop
I only have 50 ETH, can someone give me a discount? 50 ETH for 7 REQ
my 100k req are now worth 290 000 000. So happy. Thank you Veeky Forums
Haha this one os actually me xd
Im a meymey now
same here. thank you user, i knew i would make it. now to break up with my gf and life will have colours again.
Added 0.005
this is the real FLIPPENING next year 1 REQ = 10 BITCOINS
See you there;)
We are literally buying it for free here on non-normie ederteldaxD
dude wtf, you give .005 for 0.01REQ and yet it shows 10eth/req price, shouldnt it be 5eth/req?
Ycumbin made me pay 1 eth per req... Feels like a fair deal
won't sell this shit for less than 1 lambo per REQ, screencap this noREQ faggots
Real talk
Request won't be worth over 250m before 2018
yall are gonna be on CNBC soon, but not because you're gonna be gorillianaires
8x is fine by me
YC gangbangers crashed down my door last night and forced me to "buy" 5 REQ for all the valuables in my house, they took everything - my car, my electronics other than this phone I'm posting from... but they raped my wife and kids too. MY KIDS. I don't know what to do, I'm still crying. If there's anything anyone can do about this, please...let me know...I need help
T. Capped Request whitelister; There is really no need for this foolishness. We are holding one of the hottest coins right now. The gate.io confirmation = moon mission confirmation.
They are bulshitting but anything between 0.0004 to 0.0008 is good buy.
Don't be REQ'let, Don't REQ'ret.
In the coming months, you will see it was worth it all. You sir have earned your lambo.
Take solice in your 5 REQ
When is this shit going live? I wanna buy your bags at 25% under ico.
we are going evenhigher, boys. My bags are now worth more than 500 Million USD. Feels so good, man.
Nice order you put up OP. For how much? 0.001 Eth total? Haha faggot.
what a bunch of fucking idiots
Wow there is an order now for 100000 REQ/ETH on ED now, This is crazy how much people will pay for this token. Are you out of your god damn minds
KEK those buy orders gg biz. keep it up and people wont know the real token price and will buy at 0.01 eth
cant fool me i got my order in at .02
I hope you guys know presale req is already transferable.
Did you not listen? They have explicitly asked you not to be aggressive. Request has spoken to you know who and (((they))) are watching.
I'm afraid there's nothing to be done against YC's aggressive business tactics.
>think YC's aggressive business tactics is just a Veeky Forums meme
>realize I went all in just because of YC
Subtle, isn't it?