>approx. 40% of germanic words do not have indo-european origins, the highest of all traditionally indo-european languages
Are they Europes true natives, along with the Basques?
Approx. 40% of germanic words do not have indo-european origins...
Other urls found in this thread:
>>approx. 40% of germanic words do not have indo-european origins
Does this mean hey didn't have terms for 40% of things they encountered in Europe?
explains why it sounds like someone choking on a dick.
this comparison tell more about you than about the languages
>t. triggered medshit
t. Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
yeah, I know that's beyond your attention span
What has it got to do with sound though?
Is the term "aryan" even indo-european? I don't think it exists in germanic languages.
german sounds like mumbling of a mentally retarded woman choking on a dick.
thank god scandinavian languages are a lot better, at least they sound human.
we're running in circles now. Your associations are yours. peculiar.
It was used as a self designation by Indo-Iranians, so yes.
yes, it is. it shows up even in celitc languages.
all it takes is to hear g*rman subhumans 'speak'. go bark somewhere else.
They are mix of Indo-European Nordics and native Swarthoids ("Tydal" race). With Nordic strain being predominant.
that guy would get mad pussy in scandinavian countries.
It doesn't change the fact that they were culturally and racially cucked.
and now the opposite is happening. this time those aren't even europeans but middle easterners and blacks.
The longer I browse Veeky Forums the more I can understand that notion of racial superiority.
don't you have a fucking tree to piss on? get the fuck out already, won't tell you second time.
To a time. Germania will rise and push the swarthy and black races out of EVROPA :)
that's hilarious, considering they're gonna be swarthy as well.
just like your entire existence then.
Are you always this easily angered and primitive in your outbursts? Which country are you from?
>10€ on burger
i simply stated that german sounds like choking on a dick, which is true. all their neighbours can confirm.
>fucking germans being all blonde and shit
>i'm going to fuck a bunch of german women and make their children look as subhuman as me
>t. Raul, 15 years
>fucking germans being all blonde and shit
majority of germans have swarthy hair already. south germans look like spaniards, west germans look like south french.
>i'm going to fuck a bunch of german women and make their children look as subhuman as me
i wouldn't touch a german woman unless she has scandinavian or slavic roots.
german women are ugly cave beasts. danish and norwegian is where its at.
When you click on or hover over those little numbers top left of the posts you can find what you wrote before. We already established that you have a short attention span, so this might help you trace your primitive burger outbursts.
>When you click on or hover over those little numbers top left of the posts you can find what you wrote before
of course. have i deny that, or what?
>We already established that you have a short attention span
no, you got butthurt that i get kicks from your retarded long words.
>so this might help you trace your primitive burger outbursts.
oh you intellectual you.
>Are they Europes true natives, along with the Basques?
No. Finnics are.
OP here
Racebaiting posts should be banned from Veeky Forums
finns came late to Europe
Finns are more native than the indo-europeans (afaik), but not more native than the extinct proto-europeans.
>germans not indo-europeans
>Finns are more native than the indo-europeans (afaik)
No, Finnics arrived in Europe after the Indo-Europeans.
Same with the sami? Because the are considered the only indigenous group in scandinavia by the EU
>Because the are considered the only indigenous group in scandinavia by the EU
What is extremely wrong and based on literally nothing. EU is a meme. They also recognize snails as fishes.
But why doesn't it show in germanic languages? And what it means in Celtic languages?
indo-iranias appeared after the PIE and they are basically a different population.
Wait is this real?
How are Sami "indigenous" but not a group of people that we have evidence of being the sole inhabitants of the coastline 5000 years ago.
EU probably larps as the USA, so just as Native American mongoloids are "indigenous", Saami must be too... even if the actual evidence is proving them wrong.
nobody is calling PIE aryan, retard. But your point is lost anyways, the two are very closely related.
I'm asking about the word. I know it exists in indo-iranian, but what about indo-european branch? Does arya (or similar word) also means noble in Celtic? And what about Germanic languages?
>approx. 40% of germanic words do not have indo-european origins, the highest of all traditionally indo-european languages
That idea isn't really taken that seriously anymore.
Indo-Iranian is an Indo-European language.
It is real, the sami demanded it from the Swedish government, and they in turn put pressure on the EU.
Fucking mongoloid subhumans, ther extinction would be just a karmic justice.
This. They're nothing but larpers these days anyway. Most "Samis" are at most 1/4th sami and the rest Swedish or Norwegian.
I remember back in school I wished I was Sami because then I'd have a history. Being a Swede, I felt like an invader. This was in southern sweden too.
>I remember back in school I wished I was Sami because then I'd have a history. Being a Swede, I felt like an invader. This was in southern sweden too.
Wow, I didn't realize this propaganda was pushed to that level. Seems like leftists really wanted to "americanize" Scandinavia, so they even stole "muh poor peaceful and cultured natives", although in the USA at least amerindians are the actual natives...
But not the European branch.
It's from Satemic branch, which also developped in Europe, and probably has it's roots in Corded Ware culture. Other Satemic languages are Slavic and Baltic, which are European.
not that user
you're an idiot
>In Iranian languages, the original self-identifier lives on in ethnic names like "Alans" and "Iron".[24] Similarly, the name of Iran is the Persian word for land/place of the Aryans.[25]
>It has been postulated the Proto-Indo-European root word is *haerós with the meanings "members of one's own (ethnic) group, peer, freeman" as well as the Indo-Iranian meaning of Aryan. Derived from it were words like
>the Hittite prefix arā- meaning member of one's own group, peer, companion and friend;
>Old Irish aire, meaning "freeman" and "noble"
>Gaulish personal names with Ario-
>Avestan airya- meaning Aryan, Iranian in the larger sense
>Old Indic ari- meaning attached to, faithful, devoted person and kinsman
>Old Indic aryá- meaning kind, favourable, attached to and devoted
>Old Indic árya- meaning Aryan, faithful to the Vedic religion.
>The word ārya (Pāli: ariya), in the sense of "noble" or "exalted", is very frequently used in Buddhist texts to designate a spiritual warrior or hero, which use this term much more often than Hindu or Jain texts. Buddha's Dharma and Vinaya are the ariyassa dhammavinayo. The Four Noble Truths are called the catvāry āryasatyāni (Sanskrit) or cattāri ariyasaccāni (Pali). The Noble Eightfold Path is called the āryamārga (Sanskrit, also āryāṣṭāṅgikamārga) or ariyamagga (Pāli). Buddhists themselves are called ariyapuggalas (Arya persons). In Buddhist texts, the āryas are those who have the Buddhist śīla (Pāli sīla, meaning "virtue") and follow the Buddhist path. Those who despise Buddhism are often called "anāryas".
Northern norwegian here who knows this type all too well. They are not sami, cause they are tall and huge. They are not meds or jews cause there have never been significant amounts of those people here, also size. This is a archetypal "fisherman" in northern (and probably western) Norway.
Yeah, I forgot, these guys get mad pussy.
Their haplogroup I1 is dominant in Scandinavia.
How did these swarthy bastards cuck the Indo-Europeans so hard?
>No citation
This is why I don’t take Veeky Forums seriously
>It has been postulated the Proto-Indo-European root word is *haerós
no this has been proven wrong a long time ago. "arya" was an indo-iranian self-designation but there is no reason to assume it goes any further back. The Irish and Gaulish examples can more easily be explained differently.
Ossetic Иpoн is from the source that gave Latin vir and English were(-wolf), not from "arya".
also that PIE root word looks very odd.
that wikipedia article should really be edited, it has a lot of misleading information in there.
Aristocracy, dude...
maybe they were better adapted to the coastal lifestyle
False cognate
>But why doesn't it show in germanic languages?
'Hehr' has the same meaning as 'Arya'. 'Noble, venerable', etc. Very likely they have the same root. Some theorize it might have developed from the word for 'white-headed, elder' but 'elf' seems more plausible in that case. It's a very common and basic word in most Germanic languages.
>And what it means in Celtic languages?
'Aire' is the Gaelic term for a nobleman or freeholder, very likely to be a cognate to the earlier mentioned Germanic and Indo-Iranian terms.
“I” haplogroup have the same origin as “J” haplogroup.
Their pre Indo European language was probably similar to Afro Asiatic languages, there are still some traces left, for example the world for earth in most Germanic languages is similar to Arabic word for earth “ard”, also Arabic word for tower is “burj” very similar to germanic “burg”
impossible. germanics are the most pure remaining descendants of the original indo-european invaders. why would gemanic languages not reflect this?
Don't judge the other nordic languages jyst based on how danish sounds
Which language has the most Indo-European words?
Does this include languages from outside of Europe?
really made me think
Faelid supremacy is the only truth
*blocks your path*
i honestly refuse to believe that Indo-Europeans that invaded Scandinavia, Poland, Germany and Benelux, looked like a faggot on the right, he looks like typical numale to me, whereas those guys look like brutal savages that would fit more into this narrative.
slim faces look only good on women. dress the guy on the right as a woman and he can pass as a trap, try dressing those guys as women and see he how good that works out i will probably get bashed by nordicists though.
>Ossetic Иpoн is from the source that gave Latin vir
I bet arya is just another term they stole from Bactria-Margiana.
Why do I get the feeling you're another numale idolizing other superior men
Roid head
i'm a faelid myself. and i'm tired of 'nordic' shitposting
yes, testosterone and other, more androgenic steroids such as trenbolone give wide face.
>tower - burg
No. Tower - Turm, Castle - Burg.
Silence, sw*rthoid
>tfw northern norwegian but look exactly like the right image in a land ruled by the CHAD Paleo-atlantid to the left
dont challenge me, wh*Te subhuman
Ireland = Eire = Arya
How far back would you have to go to find Germanic people that still spoke a 100% Indo-European language, and what caused their language to change? Genetically they're the closest to the original Indo-Europeans but somehow their language has more non-Aryan influence than less pure peoples? It doesn't make sense.
Is Germanic really Indo European?
Or maybe its not IE but instead other with plenty of words that were borrowed from IE.
I mean grammatical its completely different from Slavic for example - both English and German.
Oh great, the EU has an opinion.
Lets looks at what the local governments say however!
Oh what is that? they are considered "urfolk" by the Norwegian state? that sounds important, but wanna guess what that means?
HINT: Absolutely nothing. it's an empty platitude
curious how the norse conception would be that the left face was lower class, slave-like even, while the right one would be noble.
left would beat the shit out of right on
what are you, 14?
ask yourself that question, especially after this post
>Europes true natives, along with the Basques?
God help us! Every second day fucking G*rman larpers pull mental gymnastics out of their ass to feel superior...
I can't wait until you're outbred
What? it's not wrong.
The Norse had some strict beauty standard and did associate swarthynes and dark hair with slaves or servile individuals, while light hair and bright eyes were seen as noble.
That is what they thought.
and yet there were many norse kings and vikings with dark hair and swarthy features.
some vikings were even mongoloid. don't buy everything you see.
yeah. One of my personal favorites is Heljarskinn. doesn't make his features less slave-like in the eyes of an old norse.
It's compound words, no other than words being made up out of many syllaby
Rind (cattle) - Fleisch (meat) - Ettikettierungs (labeling) - Überwachungs (monitoring) - Aufgaben (task) - Übertragungs - (transmitting) - Gesetz (law)
So it would be:
>cattlemeat-labeling monitoring task-transmitting law
>That is what they thought.
no it's not lol.
you can find any number of names which references norsemen with dark features.
The norse valued the common man, the honest worker, the humble traveler.
This Nordic underclass was ruled over by swarthy Paleo-European chads.
all the sagas about Norse leaders claim they were darker and taller than the rest of the populace.
>Rígr was walking along the shore and came to a farm-hut owned by Ái (great-grandfather) and Edda (great-grandmother). They offered him shelter and poor, rough food for a meal. That night Rígr slept between the pair in their bed and then departed. Nine months later, Edda gave birth to a son who was svartan (dark). They named him Þræll (thrall, serf, or slave). Þræll grew up strong but ugly. He married a woman named Thír (slave girl or bondswoman), and they had twelve sons and nine daughters with names mostly suggesting ugliness and squatness. They became the race of serfs.
>Traveling further, Rígr came across a pleasant house where a farmer/craftsman, Afi (grandfather), lived with his wife Amma (grandmother). This couple gave him good food and also let him sleep between them. Nine months later, a son, Karl (churl or freeman), was born, who had red hair and a ruddy complexion. Karl married a woman named Snör or Snœr (daughter-in-law; sometimes anglicized as Snor), and they had twelve sons and ten daughters with names mostly suggesting a neat appearance or being of good quality. One of the names is smiðr (smith). These became the ancestors of free farmers, craftsmen and herdsmen.
>Traveling further, Rígr came to a mansion inhabited by Faðir (Father) and Móðir (Mother). They gave him excellent food served splendidly and, nine months later, Móðir gave birth to a beautiful baby named Jarl (earl or noble), whose hair was blond and who was bleikr (bright white in color). When Jarl grew up and began to handle weapons and to use hawks, hounds, and horses, Rígr reappeared, claimed him as his son, gave him his own name of Rígr, made him his heir, taught him runes, and advised him to seek lordship.
this was shown to be mostly false.
helmet represents IE *ḱel- ‘to hide, conceal’ (cf. Sanskrit śárman ‘shelter, cover’,[8] Thracian zalmós ‘hide’[9]).[10] East relates to IE *h2eus- ‘dawn’.[11]
it has been suggested that wife is related to Tocharian B kwīpe ‘shame; vulva’,[12] from a reconstructed root *gʷʰíh2bʰo-.[13] Other possible etymologies include:
ebb: from *h2epo "off, away"
north: from *h1nr̥-tero- which is in turn from *h1ner- ‘under, left’, north being to one's left when facing the rising sun.
south: from *sunþera- which is in turn from *sunnōn ‘the sun’, from the oblique stem of *sóh2wl̥
west: from *westera- which is in turn from *wes-, reduced form of *wespero ‘evening’[14]
shield: from *skel- "to cut"
stork: from *str̥go- which is the zero-grade form of *ster- "stiff"
bear: ‘the brown one’ (a taboo avoidance term, or tabooistic formation) from *bʰerH- ‘bright, brown’; or directly from *ǵʰwer- ‘wild animal’
drink: from *dʰrénǵe-, presentive of *dʰreǵ- ‘to draw, pull’
groom: (as in bridegroom) from *(dʰ)gʰm̥on which is the zero-grade suffixed form of *dʰgʰom- "earth". The word bridegroom derives from Middle English bridegome and Old English brȳdguma, a compound of brȳd 'bride' and guma 'man'. The intrusive r in Modern English bridegroom is due to contamination with the word groom (of different meaning), the origin of which is unknown.
ship: from *skei-, a root originally meaning ‘to cut’ (cf. En shift, ON skipa ‘to regulate, control’), or compare Greek skáptō (σkάπτω) ‘I dig’, referring to a dugout boat.
strand: from *ster-, meaning "wide, flat".
king: The cyn- part is cognate with Modern English "kin" and related to Latin genus, etc., from *ǵenh1- "beget, engender". Even the derivation has IE parallels, such as Hittite ḫaššu- "king" from ḫāš-, ḫašš- "engender".
Chad swarthoidBeta lightoid
Left looks like Joey Votto