What happened when 2 territories of the
went to war with each other? What did the council in charge and the emperor do in those situations? How was this even remotely ok? What was wrong with these people?
What happened when 2 territories of the
Other urls found in this thread:
>What territories
>What Emperor
>What council
Go play CK2
I just wanna know in general, I don't really understand if this was a thing that was considered acceptable in general within the empire or if it's a thing that just happened due to the flimsiness of the imperial structure or what and what was expected if anything when it happened.
Just replace HRE with the EU and you'd get a decent picture of how it would look.
>Medium-sized EU countries end up fighting over some dumb issue
>EU's pathetic excuse for leadership announces a "deep concern" over the situation
>Germany's call for "stability and dialogue" falls on deaf ears
>France takes a more militant and demanding position, attracting new followers across the EU, but ultimately doesn't want to get bogged down right now
>Spain embroiled in a violent civil war of its own
>Britain seizes the opportunity to sign some trade deals with the Scandinavian countries
>All of this becomes irrelevant since Russia decided to attack Latvia and the EU/NATO must aid it
Unless it becomes 30 years war tier shit nobody does anything
What even was the point of the HRE if they couldn't ensure peace even within their own territories?
It's what happens when you try to be a country without a monopoly on violence. It becomes a defensive alliance structure where no central authority is truly heeded and it only functions when the majority of the members believe it would be in their interest to work together as a country/alliance (like an outside threat)
So basically the EU.
I'd be in fond of an union between former HRE countries
That was kind of the point of Germany.
yes, but Belgium, Netherlands and Liechtenstein don't want to become germany, so an union between the country of Germany and other states would be fine
But what would be the point when the EU and NATO already exist? It would just be larping with not much practical use.
>not annecting Switzerland
Two of those shouldn't even exist to begin with, but a union between Germany and the Netherlands would be cool.
>implying the EU works
Which raises an interesting question, which European country will serve as the EU's Prussia in the future when that shitshow has gone completely dysfunctional?
Characteristics required:
>conservative enough to have a functioning military
>likes the idea of a united EU for some reason
>not bogged down by routine EU politics
I don't think Switzerland would like that.
But they were a part of HRE too.
Nobody should trust the Swiss