Who was more autistic when it came to war?
Who was more autistic when it came to war?
>whats that? We're losing ground? Throw more men at them, that'll do it.
>Being this much of a Wehraboo
>I don't like this comment Grigori, throw some more memes at it. And give me a medal afterward.
If Russian generals were embarrassments, than what does that make the German generals they beat?
Just germans.
That's big enough insult on its own
Hitler. Mussolini at least didn't start randomly killing his own civilians in the last days of the war, and he didn't blame the civilian population's "lack of will" for the defeat. He was pretty autistic about it, though. He wanted to involve Italy in ww1 just to demonstrate its status as a great power.
hands down you OP
but probably musso, hitler came closer to winning
dont fight if u cant win
And for Dalmatia, but that, too was mostly autism.
If only this fucking retard didn't invaded ethiopia, and didn't allied with G*ermans. God fucking damn it, why he decided to join hitler, even tho he said he despise nazi germany
lol no.
If that’s the case maybe Germany shouldn’t have violated the basic rule of war, that is not to invade someone who outnumbers you
The question was "Who was more autistic when it came to war?", not "Which country had a weaker military?".
Germany underestimated the amount of materiel the Russians were recieving from the US.
That question doesn't have any meaning.
Maybe Germany shouldn’t have declared war on the US then
It was necessary, German assets had been frozen, Germans had been detained and the US had been preemptively planning war via the invasions of Greenland and Iceland and the setting up bases there. The US was already in a de facto war with Germany via the Merchant Marines and their escorts, the declaration of war was merely an inevitability.
i agree
that's why he asked hitler to wait until 1942
Because he saw Hitler tromping around Europe doing whatever he wanted, and figured it would be pragmatic to side with the biggest bloke around. Plus, France and Britain both gave him the cold shoulder after Ethiopia, so he felt he didn't have much choice. Ethiopia was easily Mussolini's greatest mistake.
>Ethiopia was a mistake
It gave the Italians a continuous East African colony(nice borders) and restored 'muh honor' after being btfo by Ethiopia in the past
You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette user, and that is one tasty omelette