Veeky Forums, is this true?
I remember this pic being debunked. The only thing I remember is that the image on the far right is actually something like a mesopotamian priest, the hand gesture is a religious one, of prayer
No, far right is a Sumerian
Obviously not you idiot. If it’s a .jpg that you found on /pol/ you should assume it isn’t true.
source? I can hardly take your statement on face value
Well let’s see, the ‘picasso’ is an A Wyatt Mann by way of some particularly uninspired internet Nazi and the one on the right is a Sumerian. So no.
why were the jews always get thrown out of nations? is it true that they did nothing wrong and whites are just antisemtic
>I can hardly take your statement at face value but this obviously fake /pol/ meme with the worst Picasso fake of all time is clearly trustworthy
I smell bad faith.
And AWAY WE GO: Mods please nuke this low effort /pol/ shitposting.
The shit-tier quality of the "Picasso" alone should tell you it's not true.
>this low effort /pol/ shitposting.
whats a pol? I assure you I'm not polish and I apologize if I confused anyone but I am merely seeking information on the facts of life. For example is pic related really true, please respond
Go back to /pol/ where you found that JPG
The first verse wrong
Thanks for the response, could you show the source as to why that verse is wrong? I hardly can take you word on face value
The anti-Semite has chosen hate because hate is a faith; at the outset he has chosen to devaluate words and reasons. How entirely at ease he feels as a result. How futile and frivolous discussions about the rights of the Jew appear to him. He has pleased himself on other ground from the beginning. If out of courtesy he consents for a moment to defend his point of view, he lends himself but does not give himself. He tries simply to project his intuitive certainty onto the plane of discourse. I mentioned awhile back some remarks by anti-Semites, all of them absurd: "I hate Jews because they make servants insubordinate, because a Jewish furrier robbed me, etc." Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side.
-Jean Paul Sartre
The second one is fake.
The third one I can't find the origin.
The fourth is a Sumerian (who differentiated themselves from neighboring people by their big noses, big eyes and shaved heads)..
Thank you very much for your thought out response, but I assure I do not have this illness called 'antisemtie' I just seek truth, are the verses true? if not please back up your claim
On my journey for truth I came upon this, is it really true? please response
their daughters are fucking cute doe i see why they do so well
academics please respond, I want to bash the fash and show they're wrong but first I have to show stuff like pic related are fake, they are fake...right?
Somewhere deep in the jungles of Guatemala, an indigenous tribesman is thinking to himself "someone has got to stop these Jews."
Meditate on this fact.
come on comrades we can disprove these evil nazi lies, they are lies....right?
>The A. Wyatt Mann cartoon is from from the 20th century, not the 21st
>Picasso pic is a recent shop
>Ancient carving is most likely Sumerian, not Jewish at all
The entire "Jewish Race" was debunked by modern genetics, they are nowhere close to substantially related to the Palestinians. But they still claim descent. Debunking doesn't mean shit
Oh goy, you say the funniest things
Dude kicking out Jews was perfectly rational and hugely lucrative. Given their position in society, persecution is totally expected
>Small ethnic group prohibited from owning property gets hood-rich through moneylending
>Kicking them out of your city or country renders all your debts null and void and lets you seize their property
Figured as much that only the happy merchant and maybe the Victorian one were real but still pretty funny for /pol/ standards.
Please help me academics, you have to disprove these lies, each night before I go to sleep I whip myself to repent for my crimes of slavery and the holocaust with my mantra "I am a racist white male, all connections with jews and subverting white nations are merely coincidences" but now all these lies are starting to worry me because I can't disprove them, please help
Source: literally the Talmud. Type that verse number into google and you’ll get something different than what your fake picture says.
1. This quote is not confirmed. We only have the Stormfront writer's claim that this is something Solzhenitsyn said to him.
2. Funnily enough this is something Solzhenitsyn would say just like historians like Suvorov but when they say that Bolsheviks weren't Russian they don't mean that it was da joos but that whether Russia, Polish or Jewish bolsheviks didn't believe in nations and wanted to get rid of them.
Where is this quote taken from?
Talmud was created as an anti-Christian propaganda. It was literally part of propaganda war between Jews and Christians fighting for souls.
Literally a leading neonazi claimed that Solzhenitsyn had totally said it to him. The best thing about it that people studying USSR say things like that but uneducated /pol/sters misunderstood the meaning.
oh no please stop this hate speech, I merely want to seek truth and the truth is we must just be evil white males, please academics prove this evil whitness is wrong, it has to be wrong.....right?
What, that nepotism is a thing? Why is this surprising, every group does it.
oh thank you comrade for helping bash the fash, the quote must have been made by evil whites. Can you also dissprove the graph below the quote aswell?
Well we know source no4 was written by a literal member of the ss and reads like a /pol/ tacts
Huh, I always wondered what Robert Siegel looked like. That seems about right given his voice.
What is your point, that Jews hire within their group? Just like blacks and whites and hispanics do? Holy shit user, it's a fucking conspiracy.
Stop talking to yourself all the time
fellow comrades, I don't know how to put this but I think I might be turning into an evil white male, all this evidence of jews is hard to ignore and if the world's greatest academics can't disprove it how could I? Please help I might be turning into a nazi
You can do all you want after you GO BACK to europe.
AMERICA belongs to AMERINDIANS the same as europe belongs to europeans. Time to deal with it.
I am enjoying this thread immensely
This. If you’re so assblasted about some literally who Hebrews in the U.S. then leave.
No, because even though there are many criteria it's not a secret that non-Russian minorities were ovverrepresented in various political movements in Russia while you are here strawmaning thinking that because someone is criticizing one socialist shit (national) they must like the other side of the same coin (commies).
You don't know shit about soviet studies (lead by the most outspoken haters of communism) while also accepting that the quote is fake but it doesn't matter because of muh politics. This is a history board where you have to expect shit like this to get checked so next time don't post fakes.
Is this a WW2 thread now?
This is everything that's wrong with Veeky Forums
This is just bizarre
Not an argument
I don't know what to say comrades, the weight of evidence is becoming overbearing, I actually think the nazies were right, maybe the jews do hate whites and they are behind white genocide, massimigration and social degeneration