*wrecks your Great Man Theory denial*
*wrecks your Great Man Theory denial*
>Needs the failure of the French economy to happen
nice great man theory proof
let's assume that's an accurate theory, can Veeky Forums compile a list of all the Great Men throughout history?
Joan of Arc
that's about it
>Only promoted because the nobility got axed literally
>success was a combination of military perfection with an army that was already well drilled and harden and the shaky political situation in Paris.
>Still failed to have a French Empire and could only fight a half dozen Wars with Euro kings and spread some democratic ideas by mild accident.
You forgot someone :^)
That is some quality bait
>party tool
>great man
I guess Stalin also counts then
While Napoleon was a great man, his rise never would have occurred without the French revolution overturning the established social order. He was as much a product of his times as his own will and intelligence.
that and a pretty high tier education system
Nappy wasn't the only high tier general in the Revolutionary French army
That's not the point, his existence proves history is not merely blind economic forces but can be radically shaped by the actions of one man.
Louis XIV
tl;dr: great men = heads of state
>800 year gap between great men
>throughout the entire world
this is your mind on eurocentrism
go blog about it on tumblr
Lmao btfo libcuck xD
He wasn't great, and he most certainly was not a man.
Champlain(cuz i live in Canada)
De Gaulle
>one inch penis
I blissfully smile. He makes me happy
t. Asian
>see someone argue that the great man theory is bullshit
>they are some faggy soy boy or a feminist with a chip on her shoulder
>Joan of Arc
Why must everything be in extremes? Why can't we believe both in Great Men and historical currents?
Also recommend me a good book on the French Revolution.
>preemptivley ad homineming everyone who opposes your opinion
Seriously, at the very least Muhammad needs to be considered a great man. Not saying you have to like the guy, but what he did is at least comparable to the others.
>God Tier
Ea - created mankind and saved Noah
Enlil - larped as god and is the origin of jewry
DracoKing - cause of kazhar bloodline origin of kikery perhaps most important figure because of his impact on not just earth but entire fucking galaxy. Many of findamental root problems can be traced back to this goyim.
>Chosen-by-god tier
Enoch - recorded anunnakis in his book
Chosen by anunnakis to travel with them
Noah - if this fag didnt survive, none of us would be here. Think, if he fucked up sailing or became sterlie somehow. Or had bestiality fetish, we wouldnt be here
if he were a faggot, We wont be here
>Root-of-civilization tier
Jesus - do i have to explain?
Buddha - asian jesus
Muhammad (cmon look at the impact on history all because of one schizo and all the sultanates and empires cuz of this dude)
>Alpha-hyperhuman tier
Veeky Forums favourite heads of states and generals
>hyperhuman tiers
Honorable key figures who sacrificed for humanity or did incredible good deeds
>Alpha Subhuman tier
Veeky Forums favourite warmongers
>Subhuman tier
Celebs, polticians, elites
>Absolute shit tier
People who browse Veeky Forums including me
>implying he wouldn't have still been a god tier general
Genghis Khan
It's kinda like the Auteur Theory, it's wondering how much of the subject is directed by several factors or one person and whether it should be directed by one's ego.
Napoleon is a weird example as he was at the forefront of history because people violently tore down the theories that declared certain men superior to others (Divine right, Aristocracy, Feudalism, etc.)
but he might not be given a chance to prove himself. Some noble twit would've gotten a position he wanted.