What is it about this board and LINK?

What is it about this board and LINK?

Who led you morons to believe this is anything other than one of countless short-lived shitcoins that come and go and are forgotten after several months?

Other urls found in this thread:


The facts..

DYOR or Stay poor.

1 they are all getting paid to shill that piece of shit


2 The meme became so big every kid and his mother bought so they are bagholing to hell.

But all of that mumbo-jumbo is negated by one simple fact: all of the financial institutions will create their own APIs, why would they use your shitty coin that benefits some neckbeards and one poofter.

I don't know why a pastebin makes me so bullish. Could be because I remember the ETH pastebins for when using it required arcane knowledge.

i shill it on occasion and it's just because Im all in on it but I think this is probably going on too. There's definitely some paid shilling/fudding going on

lol. Just like they do with every part of their network/infrastructure/business. They build EVERYTHING in house.

chainlink is the infrastructure not the oracle you dumb piece of shit

The FUD might be paid but the shilling isn't. That would require them to actually pay attention or care about the community. They can't be bothered to list another exchange or answer questions. They aren't hiring shills.

bizlets are easily influenced and will eventually start shilling for free, whales love this place, just spam your way to the top.

In addition, fact is the only exchange it's on right now-Binance-is manipulating it to hell to keep it low and anyone who bought on it knows this. When link makes it on any other exchange and it obviously will the price will fucking skyrocket.

Pic related.
Unironically chinlink has been working on this for 3-4 years..

Massive consulting firms like Capgemini are devoting entire reports to smart contracts, specifically mentioning Smartcontract.com (= Chainlink) and Sergey Nazarov by name as the sole smart contract solution that can use external data thanks to oracles.
Source: febelfin.be/sites/default/files/InDepth/smart-contracts.pd_.pdf

>Sometimes, external inputs such as prices, performance, or other real-world data may be required to process a transaction, and oracle services help smart contracts with inputs such as these.

>Smart contracts will also need to be able to work with trusted external data sources if they are to utilize external information. Smart contracts can achieve this with the help of oracles – programs providing smart contracts with the data they need from the external world or carrying the commands they need to send to other systems. Sergey Nazarov, Cofounder and CEO, smartcontract.com – a startup specializing in building oracles – outlines how connectivity with real-world data will be key.

If you don't know what Capgemini is: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capgemini

Back in 2015 the World Economic Forum also mentioned smartcontract(s).com by name:www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GAC15_Technological_Tipping_Points_report_2015.pdf#page=24

Only 10000 or so token holders. And most whales have many addresses. Compare it to OMG.
We are an echo chamber for link but no one outside biz will listen

why wouldnt the whale manipulate the price at the other exhange as well?
this would have to be on at least 4 exchanges to resist manipulation methinks

This is very much not the case. They will, however, do this if they can save(and then make)money on it.

If it already exists, and is cheaper to implemen than building it, they'll go for that.

e.g. Aladdin was developed in house at BR when there was nothing like it available elsewhere.

t. Someone whose company sells software to banks (and has had one notable client try and copy it and then get bored and give up)

It doesn't look like a whale it looks like a Binance bot. I mean yeah whales are probably also manipulating it and you won't stop that but they aren't doing nearly as much damage as the fucking exchange right now.

The banks will get paid for their data in LINK, so I'm pretty sure they feel good about it. And also, if a bank runs it's own oracle infrastructure it is no longer trustless and you lose the benefits of smart contracts. I suppose you don't believe in anything other than bitcoin and litecoin, but hey, the times are a changin'

>Nobody will listen that Link is a moon mission
>Constantly tell people and they don't listen
>Cassandra was an oracle that constantly told of the future but nobody listened
>Ruin befell them
>Chainlink solves the oracle problem
By god how did we miss it. The are solving the ORACLE problem. We were so blind.

It's just another case of DGB.
This board seriously never changes or learns, it's amazing.
>inb4 someone tells me it's not like DGB it had an amazing team behind it and they've been working in it for years and they have "partnerships" and the coin is fast or whatever bullshit the shills have peddled to you idiots once again
It's all shit we've heard before numerous times.

Oh I didn't realize Ari Jules help co-authored the white paper and that DGB was also a peer-reviewed white paper.

I guess I never realized DGB was invited to work with SWIFT banking institute.

I didn't realize major global financial firms were discussing DGB as far as 3 years back.


The community is shifting from Veeky Forums to the mainstream, people are starting to notice. Articles are finally coming out, announcements are beginning, the team has time to finally hire and work on PR and marketing, this is literally just the beginning. This one is gonna be big

underrated post

Didn't DGB have that one non-working Minecraft server or some shit, lel.

>or whatever bullshit the shills have peddled to you this time
4 months ago I would have compared DGB to PoSW, and you would have posted
>oh I didn't know posw was the fastest coin
>I didnt kniw posw was in actual use already
>oh I didnt know posw was already recognized by a big bank
>I didnt know posw was mentioned on CNN 3 years back
All while posting your little smug pics as the coin was down 30% for the week.
But whatever user, this time is different I'm sure.

stuttering potheads amirite?


Seems to me Veeky Forums just has a heavy case of the BAGS.

LINK hired the same shill ops that spammed the DGB threads, but Veeky Forums turned it against them hardcore.

Deluded people who forgot to sell at the peak
Feels good to have gotten out at the perfect time