Why don't you protestants just become catholic?
>saints that performed real miracles
>some of them were especially devoted to virgin mary so it shows her great role in gods kingdom
>central authority (pope) prevents any sort of bullshit individual, heretical interpretations. No 999999+ denominations
>churches designed to preach the Lord. not the preacher
>over 2000 years of theological tradition
>most popular religion in the world
Why don't you protestants just become catholic?
very related. He foreseen the nuclear bombing of nagasaki
They probably claims miracle too, on their side.
protestants don't have saints
Why didn't god just make so everyone were born with original sin instead of just Mary?
Not saints like "gods in all but name" but they do have miracle doers and stories about feats such as missionaries drinking poison and not dying
In Catholicism, you can be Saint only if you do miracles, right?
If they have men who did miracles, we can considered them as equals of the Catholic Saints, logically speaking.
Because of catholics went full retard on papal supremacy and infallibility (which is also the main obstacle against reunion with the orhodox church / patriarchies).
because the pope systematically defends catholic paedophiles
I'm not interested in ROMAN Catholicism because of the solas.
>In Catholicism, you can be Saint only if you do miracles, right?
No. A Saint is someone who is in Heaven after death. If you think your grandma is in heaven, lets say, technically you think she's a Saint.
Why don't you catholics just become protestant?
>theologians that preach real doctrine
>some of them were especially devoted to scripture which show they're great role in spreading God's word
>autonomous authority and freedom prevents tyrannical bullshit and allows religious liberty
>churches designed to preach scripture not the pope
>over 3000 years of scriptural tradition
>most modernized churches in the world
See I can b8 too
I imagine there are severals definition.
Because some people have the "Saint" before their name like Pie X but not John Paul 2
After someone dies, you are canonically sainted if the Church conveys a council and declares as such. It can be anywhere from a few decades to centuries that people are sainted. Some are sainted rather post humorously. No one currently living can be a saint. That's just theologically incompatible with Catholicism. You might have people who take the name "Saint" to be their Catholic name in the same way you have people named "angel" or something. But they aren't Saints in the theological sense.
Because pic related
How about not bothering with abrahamic mythology at all and either ditching religion entirely or taking up a religion who's aesthetics you actually like instead?
Your "lord and savior" didn't actually rise from the grave because magic doesn't exist and renaming magic as miracles doesn't get around that problem.
oh momma...
Nice memes, but the fedora stuff is sooooo 2014.
Ok thanks!
And the called Saint are supposed to be with a chance of 100 % in the Paradise by the Catholics?
Atheism is sooo 2007 so what does that make you?
>theologians that preach real doctrine
*cough*rapture*cough*prosperity gospel*cough*christian zionism*cough*gay theology*cough*female clergy*cough*
>some of them were especially devoted to scripture which show they're great role in spreading God's word
except the parts they disagreed with or simply removed from the bible
>autonomous authority and freedom prevents tyrannical bullshit and allows religious liberty
>churches designed to preach scripture not the pope
each church leader is essentially a pope; preaches his own interpretation of scripture
>over 3000 years of scriptural tradition
most of which taken out of context
>most modernized churches in the world
churches that look like fucking stadiums with gigantic screens and shitty christian bands
So what? do you expect him to somehow force himself to believe in something he doesn't believe just because atheists have a bad rep?
>>Atheism is sooo 2007
Nope. Atheism will always remain both edgy and stylish in equal measure.
>>so what does that make you?
Correct firstly, edgy and stylish secondly. :^)
catholic here, but the church is corrupt anyway
>why not be a heretic
everyone is a saint in Protestantism, communion of saints, body of believers etc.
Not true. This is a generalization but about half of protestants believe all Christians are saints and some others--like Anglicans-- have Saints that are just like Catholic saints except they don't believe in intercession. Only Christ can intercess.
this is the most smug, soyboy, reddit post I have ever seen
Why not become Pentecostal?
>Miracles happening daily in churches and in private prayer
>they are all devoted to Jesus, because Mary was just a sinful woman and not worthy of worship
>doctrine based on scripture, not "tradition" which isn't Biblical
>cheap churches that don't flaunt the wealth of the church
>actual passion and devotion in the laity, not just recitation of pre-written prayers and "cultural Catholicism"
>fastest growing Christian denomination
>no "liberation theology", far more conservative than Catholics
>Mary was just a sinful woman and not worthy of worship
Take it back, Mary is pure
Maybe as pure as a human born in sin can be, but I think David or one of the apostles would beat her out in that regard.
He could try opening his mind a little bit and think about various possibilities. It gets tiring hearing atheist brainlets appeal to science when they don't even have any actual qualifications and some of the smartest scientists throughout history have had zero issues reconciling their research and their faith.
Shit dude, if Isaac Newton, one of the most intelligent men who ever lived could be a devoted Christian I don't see why some fat fuck who consumes pop-sci can't seem to reconcile the two.
David sent a man out to die so he could fuck his wife. He massacred thousands of men to get a date.
How is that more virtuous than being the Theotokos?
We all make mistakes. Besides, the Bible does say that David was a man after God's own heart, whereas Mary was merely a mother.
>whereas Mary was merely a mother.
...who was favored by God
True, she was definitely favored by God, although that doesn't mean she was pure.
>playing with snakes
>drinking poison
>shaking and babbling like a retard
No thanks.
>rejected the trinity
A devoted heretic you mean.
>playing with snakes
>drinking poison
Only happens in a few small churches in West Virginia.
>muh scripture
My church created your bible :^)
>every christian a saint
fuck the Pope
>saints that performed real miracles
Not an argument. Many religions claim to have their followers perform miracles, including Christian sects with incompatible beliefs as well as non-Cristians. They can't be all right at the same time.
>He foreseen the nuclear bombing of nagasaki
>tfw not brainwashed
The Shroud of Turin is a compelling piece of evidence for the truth of Christianity
Witnesses. Read wiki. When he arrived to japan to build a monastery he was presented with a catholic district of nagasaki, but he refused to build it there saying that a giant fireball will fall here and destroy everything. Instead he built it outside a city on a opposite side of the hill which saved a monastery
I read the article about Kolbe. There's nothing about the "giant fireball" prophecy, it just says that building a monastery there was in conflict with Shinto beliefs. It doesn't even specify why a Catholic priest from Poland was supposed to care about said Shinto architectural preferences.
Not this crap again.
Why should the church exist?
Hear me out as I'm not an angsty atheist.
The Bible never actually states go and set up a church with a pope and bishops and shit. Doesn't it say it's just where two or more gather? Why should any earthly institution effect and mediate my relationship with a transcendent God? Don't churches with all there institution s actually damage Christianity as they obscure a man's relationship with God with their ceremonies and traditions?
Shouldn't the church just be you, the Bible, and fellow Christians where you all come together and talk about what you have read and what it means?
>The Bible never actually states go and set up a church with a pope and bishops and shit.
He left his teachings with the Apostles, who in turn taught others, who in turn taught others. The "Pope and Bishops and shit" are simply the ones who took the Apostles authority in a long line of succession.
All the oldest Churches consider it quite important because the Bible is just one tradition. The apostles were the ones who had the full knowledge of Jesus teachings, and they were the ones who had it written down to preserve it, but the Bible isn't the be all end all. The Apostles themselves founded the Church and created the doctrine it lives by so it stands to reason that is indeed what Jesus intended.
Because then you have gay clergy, women clergy, trans clergy and 999999999+ denominations because your local slut read a bible and thought that her personal interpretation was so special and clever and it allowed prostitution. Also jesus found the church himself
I really like the sheer amount of people in many of your services but the complete lack of proper liturgy sucks. Plus praying to a shitload of money feels kind of weird.
American Protestantism is the most soulless form of Christianity I can think of. From the creators of megachurches, "prosperity theology" and televangelists who drive luxury cars and live in mansions.
Black churches are the best churches.
Because the Pope is a punk-bitch.
What's wrong with women, gay and trans clergy? If they studied Theology and have as good of an understandment as any other clergyman, no issue with it.
Women are not permitted to speak in Church, that's stated ad verbatim in the New Testament. And homosexuality and crossdressing are sins, also backed by the Scriptures.
Those preachers must get mad pussy though.
>central authority (pope) prevents any sort of bullshit individual, heretical interpretations
>Sorry goy, gotta pay for indulgences to get into heaven! Lambos aren't free!
Protip: you can perform "miracles" just as well as the Saints could. Free your mind.
Literally never happened
>central authority (pope) introduces heretical interpretations that are beyond any reproach
Fuck off /pol/
>central authority (pope) prevents any sort of bullshit individual, heretical interpretations
Vatican II.
also weird african and new worlder catholic syncretic stuff (personally I like that sort of thing though)
Il Papa would kick your ass.
>Jack Chick
>>central authority (pope) prevents any sort of bullshit individual, heretical interpretations
>Nazism - Created to make the world Roman Catholic
Implying Protestants aren’t actively defending their own pedophiles instead of adopting zero tolerance policies
But only the Catholics claimed to be infallible. All the protestants were only human, fallible, and said so. If you know the mind of god and are in touch with it, you shouldn't do anything at all wrong, surely; paedophilia, financial irregularities, burning people at the stake, destroying native cultures, misogyny, being immensely rich, hostility to science and learning......etc., etc.
Totally evil.
>central authority (pope) prevents any sort of bullshit individual, heretical interpretations
>Cited example: Vatican II.
Protip 1: That was consensus. A literal council was convened to make that happen.
Protip 2: The most uncomfortable truth that Catholics have to deal with is the fact that the survival of their Church is dependent on two seemingly contradictory pillars: adherence to doctrine and some level of adaptation to the changing times.
They did that during the reformation, they did that in response to the enlightenment, and Vatican II is of no surprise.
That longevity had a price. It's not as Romantic as it seems.
>Sinners are not allowed to search of the lord.
Hitler was a Catholic and was inspired to commit the Holocaust by Catholic anti-Semitic doctrine. For this purpose the Catholic Church made an alliance with Hitler in the Reichskonkordat.
I'm not sure Isaac Newton is really a good example because his beliefs were especially dumb and he wasted most of his lifetime in esoteric activities instead of science because of these.
If anyone else would spend most of their life doing the same thing without the scientific accomplishments then they would be seen as a nutjob, something that Newton probably was on top of being a scientific genius.
The other big famous religious scientist is Einstein and yet there was nothing especially smart about most of his personal opinions about things outside his domain of expertise and even then his religious beliefs were part of what made him reject quantum physics out of ideology.
And franckly, are you really complaining that if you don't have a religion or "spirituality" then you are somehow closed-minded? the strawman that atheists are somehow closed-minded hyper-skeptic science-worshippers just because they don't have religious people is really annoying.
And no, you don't need a phd to have the right to think Jesus was probably not the son of god, or Muhammed an actual prophet,etc...just like you don't need a theology degree to have the right to have religious beliefs.
Actually homosexuals are ok. Homosexual deeds are not
Who actually goes to a megachurch? And the rock band thing is just music. It's fundamentally no different from a Gregorian chant.
Your current pope ended the Reformation on October 31, 2017, declaring that salvation was by faith alone.
Get with your own people, papist.
And the pope controlled 2/3 of the Axis powers, knew about and condoned the Holocaust, and provided escape for Nazi war criminals via the Vatican Ratlines.
>>that image
You are aware that your church didn't actually kill any of those empires, yeah? Furthermore, the future of your church is in the third-world. Finally, you do realize that the modern catholic church is so different from the early christians and even the medieval christians that it might as well be a different organization entirely?
Might as well be? It was never a Christian church, not for one moment.
Constantine merely gave pagans baths, and had them change the names on their idols. Everything Roman Catholicism is, Babylon paganism began. Everything.
Its like you didn't read my post.
How would any Ph. D. confer upon oneself a divinity detector to apply to people in the past?
You know what? I actually didn't, some of what I said there was kinda unfair. The last bit in particular. That image just pisses me off because it is so infuriatingly smug and misinformed.
It's true for religious beliefs too.
>implying Jesus himself wasn't just a reskinned pagan god
Why not just become coptic?
>real miracles
Total systems, like Roman Catholicism, are semitic in character.
I'm anglo-saxon. I prefer severable systems that can be compartmentalized, so that if corruption occurs, which inevitably happens, it doesn't spread like wildfire throughout the entire body politic.
There's a reason papists have had to play catch up for the last 500 years or so.