If you could travel back in time to witness an event in history, which would it be?
Note: you CAN'T alter the past in any way.
If you could travel back in time to witness an event in history, which would it be?
Note: you CAN'T alter the past in any way.
Birth of Fire
alexander's campaigns
Obviously the french revolution. Watching thousands of monks get slaughtered would be fun i guess.
Crossing of the Rubicon
I'm stuck between the first 3 crusades
the crucifixion
One of the Jack the Ripper murders or some major event in the history of exploration like Scott's final journey returning from the Pole.
Jesus whipping jews, I would record that shit and spread it everywhere online.
How is this even a question
i'd like to fight for napoleon
Would Christians be willing to fund a way to go back to the past and show what happened after that? It's a double-edged sword that could either confirm or disprove their whole religion.
I was thinking about that one day. It would be brave to actually go there and check for yourself. But resurrection more than crucifiction.
100 year war for me
How long of an event do you mean? Assuming no time restriction I choose around 50 years of early US, right after the end of the revolution
kind of an interesting answer, why that choice?
I am a genuine consider democratic republics as the best governmental system and consider US to be the best example, so I would love to witness firsthand the period which shaped that system and the people steering the process. Sorry if you expected some scientific reason, it's just Americabooism :^)
If God is witness to every crime and atrocity in human history, what belief is it, do you think, that keeps people committing crimes and atrocities?
everyone has their little theory that their actions have a good enough justification for God to forgive them for
The second punic war
The resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The belief that God will fail to do what he said he would do.
I would go back in time to the 2016 election and witness the butthurt again. I have not seen a larger example of mass rectal pain in the entirety of my life.
>Disprove their whole religion
If it turned out that Jesus didn't rose from dead, christians would just backpedal and play with the meaning of words. It's not really possible to disprove ones faith.
>fast-forwarded view of human evolution all the way back from single-cell organism
>Jesus only symbolically resurrected
Who the hell would remain a Christian after that?
The time when Druids reigned supreme.
Baring something recent I could use to make some money, I'd probably pick the Sack of Constantinople, because I LOVE seeing Greeks and Christians suffer and die.
Yeah, no, if there is a God he is directly responsible for everything that happens in his creation, the triumphs, the tragedies, all of it.
Why lie about things you don't know anything about?
1 Corinthians
But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up—if in fact the dead do not rise. For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!
Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.
Very few, I would imagine. What man can believe without hope?
Good thing you're not responsible for yourself, huh.
You can just do whatever you want, no problem
Yes, that's what they say when they think it happened. Now tell us what they say when they find out it didn't happen. I'll give you a clue: "something something muh metaphors".
I don't believe in a god so I /am/ responsible for my own actions, its mental infants like you who can't cope with life without a magic space daddy to hold your dick.
My father fucking my mom.
Go back and see every dino there ever was
Such innocence
>Jesus only symbolically resurrected
>Who the hell would remain a Christian after that?
I am pretty sure a large percentage of Christians don't interpret the bible literally. I mean you don't have to believe in anything supernatural to get significant insight from the story of Jesus. Its too bad most Christians think of Jesus as more of a David Blaine sort.
He resurrected "in spirit", or he resurrected but left his old body dead because reasons (same reason he buried those fake dinosaur bones, probably).
The building of the great pyramid and to witness the mass ritual sacrifices of the Aztecs
go back to /asp/ you DING DONG DIDDILY mark
>buried fake dinosaur bones
No, that's what Americans believe.
>he typed it out
Finna cringe
Explosion of thera and subsequent civilisation wipe. First dark ages.
If I only get to choose one single event, then I would go back to witness King Leonidas stand with his 300. Just to see that level of devotion, loyalty and courage with my eyes.
The first time a wh*Te woman found the BBC.
My brother of Aethiopian descent.
Or Battle of Alesia. It's probably become a meme battle by now, but it really is impressive.
battle of tours
battle of vienna
Mainly from antiquity
Siege of Tyre (Alexander) - macedonian autism, causeway shenanigans, 10/10 island fort siege
Gaugamela - Balls to the wall insanity from MAGAS ALEXANDROS, pithed battle in an open, flattened field against a numerically superior opponent fielding the finest cavalry of the time. Alex’s charge into Darius’ main host is one of the most daring assaults in antiquity
Battle of Alesia - premiere example of Roman autism, contravallations, circumvallations, back and forth tides and heroic charges by the generals themselves
Diogenes trolling people
Actium because dem boats
Also one of those crazy chinese battles where a hundred thousand people died
Hitler's death
>inb4 Argentine hospital bed
Battle of Vienna or Black Tuesday, 1453
yes spooked men are always a good laugh
Anything unclear, mysterious or unsolved. JFK, the Pyramids, Jack the Ripper, Jesus, etc...
First time Ann fingers herself.
The Führerbunker