What coins do you think this moron hold?
What coins do you think this moron hold?
Espers and Digibyte
Who ?
who is this guy?
Founder of Facebook and Reddit
digibyte featehrcoin
Founder of 9gag, he's fag.
waves and eth
In all seriousness, this moron probably holds hundreds if not, thousands of btc during the early days. The reason why he quit Veeky Forums because he wanted a new chapter of his rich life full of slutfucking.
Bitcoin, no doubt. He is a mix between oldfag and normie.
Probably an ETH fanboy
Prob bought eth at ICO and is worth a billion.
he's a faggot nocoiner
You could pay for Veeky Forums passes in BTC back when BTC was worth a few dollars. He probably unironically has a few hundred million now.
Moot left to go wage cuck
He has no btc riches
He's a typical dumb shit lite liberal and wouldn't have the mindset for investing
> implying he wasn't immediately cashing them out for jewbucks
>You could pay for Veeky Forums passes in BTC back when BTC was worth a few dollars. He probably unironically has a few hundred million now.
Holy shit I never thought of it that way. He actually *did* allow passes when BTC was worthless and during the peak of the BTC shitfest on /b/ back in 2011-12. Maybe that's why he ran away from this site, because he has some 30-40k BTC stockpiled from fucking passes
Literally who
>Moot left to go wage cuck
It doesn't mean he has no money. Maybe he's working on a career he is passionate about. The US does practice bank secrecy law, right? Anyway, if there were companies that would hire people to masturbate everyday, then everyone on this planet would have a job.
This. Works at Jewgle like a good goy
>He's a typical dumb shit lite liberal and wouldn't have the mindset for investing
Is that why every red state is in deficit?
No, that's why Obongo put us in 19 trillion dollars more of debt before he left.
>the president is directly responsible for debt increases
>conveniently ignoring the shit sandwich he inherited and cleaned up fairly well
What does that have to do with moot being a fag who cant handle banter on his own website
He never accepted btc personally just some middle service I can remember who you can pay in btc and the vendor gets dollar at exchange rate
White Hiro
fucking newfags in this thread