Which one was more important?
>American revolution
>French revolution
>Russian revolution
Which one was more important?
>American revolution
>French revolution
>Russian revolution
American revolutions importance only really came to be felt over 100 years after the fact
Russians only 30
French revolution fucked everyhting basically right away and is seen by many as the beginning of the era in which we currently live so thats where my money goes
Every evil on this earth can draw its roots back to Paris.
So you tell me.
Islam existed well before it
>American revolution
Only relevant cause USA won WWII
>French revolution
Where all the shitfest begun, liberal ideas have been a paradigm since then and we got rid of slavery and feudalism around the world thanks to this.
>Russian revolution
Turned half the world under a dictatorship that tried out the ideas of a man who had diad almost a century ago.
I pick nº2.
>American Revolution
Le Capitalism
>French Revolution
Le Liberalism
Le Secularism
Le anti-Monarchism
Le Cultural Marxism
>Russian Revolution
Le Communism/Marxism
French revolution started it all.
Russian revolution was one of the reasons workers were not considered expendable cattle anymore.
American revolution is meh.
The french revolution heavily influenced every republican revolution that came after it.
>French revolution
You know that the main theme of the French revolution was national identity, right?
Maybe you're confusing the French revolution with the 1848 revolution
French, Russian, American, in that order
>American war of independence
Why do butthurt bongistanis call it that?
Is it true that French revolution was inspired by American revolution?
It makes sense desu, subjects overthrowing their overlords could give French peasants the motivation to try it as well, and declaration of independence which was based on personal freedom gave the peasants an idea of what they could be fighting for
It helped for sure.
Haitian Revolution
inspired, surely
But not caused by
Balkan revolutions, obviously.
French revolution had huge long term consequences like Napoleon, instituting democracies, nationalist revolutions, civil law code, overturing of monarchism and nobility, Britain becoming involved in continental affairs.
The other two seem like a blip on the radar of world history and did not affect the regions outside their nominal territory of influence.
>Cultural Marxism
How can the French revolution encourage a theory that didn't even exist and whose namesake wasn't even born?
Peasants weren't the one who overthrew the monarchy in France, retard.
You just mentioned the ideological influence, but you need to bear in mind that France supported the United States monetarily and militarily in the Revolution, and incurred insane debts because of it, debts that would eventually cause the French state to burden the peasantry with higher taxes instead of the aristocracy, which is one of the major reasons the Revolution began in France at all.
Came here to post this
Then who?
The American Revolution is the most important on that list. No doubt about it. The French Revolution was in many ways caused by the American as mentioned here
Silly burger, nice reading comprehension.
The bourgeoise and Parisian rabble. Peasants either supported the monarchy (see Guerre de Vendée) or simply didn't give a shit.
Numbers are on the Russians.
Political impact is on the French.
Technically, America had an independence and not a revolution.
But terrorism is from Paris.
American, in that it was both an inspiration and cause for the French, which in turn set precedent for the two centuries of mass political movements that followed
French Revolution was bourgeois
British continuity is more important than all three.
>God tier
French revolution. The peasants fuck up their masters and basically just kills them.
>High tier
American revolution. The colony fucks up the crown. Good shit.
>Low tier
Russian revolution. How to get cucked twice as hard the second time, world history edition.
>The peasants
Are you just baiting at this point? At least read the thread in case you aren't.
Mohammed was a Frank born in Paris, the myth of Islam coming from the Arabian peninsula was only created by Anglos in the late 19th century
>I have zero understanding of history tier
Your post
I see a lot of folks making the mistake that just because something happened first, it is more important than what followed.
The American revolution is consequential, but it didn't guarantee that the US would turn into a superpower, nor did it guarantee that the European empires would fall. The French Revolution had mammoth consequences in Europe and elsewhere - Louisiana purchase, reintroduction of slavery in Haiti, total British dominion of India, destruction of the HRE, the Civil Code, arguably the first attempt to codify Socialism, the biggest challenge to Papal authority in 300 years... It's no contest
I would say the Revolution that brought about the rise of Napoleon.
>muhh "understanding"
American Revolution was fairly irrelevant except for the cultural legacy is still instills in most Americans
The French Revolution arguably changed the course of European History forever. It is the reason for collapse of European monarchies, for Napoleon, for the rise of a unified Germany and the nationalism and liberalism that swept Europe simultaneously.
Only important in that it killed a fuck load of people and started a Cold War that affected the lives of millions. Arguably though, the full extent of its effects have yet to be seen, as the 1917 revolution also triggered the 1949 "revolution" in China. The rise of Communist China in the 21st century might prove to be the Russian Revolution's most enduring albeit indirect legacy.
The short and long term body counts are greater as a result of the commies in Russia, so this.
Not all bodies are counted equally.
Bodies of government are more important than bodies of men. In that regard, the French Revolution was more influential than the Russian.
I don't, I call it the septic chimpout of 1776.
First or second American revolution?
Mutts btfo
American Revolution, but only because it served as one of the primary causes and inspirations for the French.
The American experiment in republican government predates the French and showed how Republicanism was feasible. The idea that the people (led by enlightenment inspired aristocrats) could overthrow a sitting government to create a government based on enlightenment principles was very tempting at a time when the country was saddled with massive debt (caused in part by the American Revolution) and ruled by an inept and corrupt monarchy.
The French Revolution in turn forever upset the social order in Europe and in a fantastic domino effect led to the end of the Age of Absolutism.
The Russian Revolution is important only in that it led to the Cold War and led to much of the state of affairs which exists today.
America becoming a relevant world power didn't occur until the final years of the 19th century.
I would argue the French Revolution has the longest lasting effects, ideologies being shifted dramatically and starting a new era with the American Revolution coming in thereafter, due to the rise in power and projection of those ideologies globally.
The Russian revolution brought about the spread of communism, but in its current state that won't be of long lasting effect into the future as French Ideology or American Hegemony has
Do not forget the Netherlands they did the secular republic bit before the others and better, also popularized capitalism, dominated the spice trade and were the sole foreign influence in Japan for a while, that has to count for something
>mfw all these insecure europoors trying to downplay the US revolution despite the fact that it was the thing that started the French Revolution in the first place
Also, reminder that Thomas Jefferson ghost wrote the deceleration of the rights of man
not an argument
not an argument
not an argument
>insecure europoors trying to downplay the US
>Thomas Jefferson ghost wrote the deceleration of the rights of man
Oh boy...
Ghost write may be a bit strong of a term, but both Jefferson's and Lafayette's accounts point to them working together and the U.S. Declaration being a strong influence in the document.
Agricultural revolution