How do i turn 20k into 100k?
multiply it by 5
Add 80k
Buy REQ wait 6momths. Gz. And donate me 5% karma points afterwards
At this point Request is by far your best option. Aim to get Day 1 REQ at basically any price you can on Friday via Etherdelta before the polo/binance/gate.io/coin base announcements.
bet it on a shitcoin and sell when its 5x.
Buy $200,000 worth of ODN and sell it next week.
ARK user ARK
Buy REQ for whatever you can on Friday at 3AM EST
>buy 100k 1 dollar fake bills
plug into the metaverse
By something that gets most FUD here
Things like that shoot up every time
buy 500k of chainlink. will have 100k in one week. your welcome, desu.
psst TKR
Eboost. Easy 10x
Buy btc, wait until 2020
unironically Request. Just read the whitepaper, check the partners (ing & YC) and thats it.
Short LINK with leverage
Buy ETP last week
put it all in IOTA
might have to pull out before you get past 100k though or you might end up with too much money
REQ will be the LAST 10x ICO moon mission
the days of guaranteed rockets like 0x and Kyber are GONE - THIS IS IT
The only way you can buy REQ is through etherdelra, right?