Why did monogamy become the norm for most societies, when polyamory is more progressive?
Why did monogamy become the norm for most societies, when polyamory is more progressive?
Inheritance laws and to maintain an ingroup's privileges.
Because society doesn't always march in one direction, sometimes "progress" means becoming more conservative.
Its a jewish thing
Because prior to the invention of genetic testing, monogamy was the only way to know your kid is yours.
Jews allowed polygamy until the Middle Ages.
As your group/village/town/society/civilization becomes more successful more males will survive infancy, if these don't have access to a woman they don't really have anything to do with will eventually band together and be a serious threat to your own or to others. In Nepal for example it's no uncommon for two males to share one woman, often two brothers, however this is an advent of agriculture.
King Solomon had a thousand wives user
>Jews allowed polygamy until the Middle Ages.
Did they start excomming them?
>f these don't have access to a woman they don't really have anything to do with will eventually band together and be a serious threat to your own or to others.
Prostitutes user. Also not every man wants o have a wife.
>when polyamory is more progressive?
I mean you say it but I like to know how
Monogamy is restrictive and arbitrary (i.e. weddings/marriage ceremonies)
With polyamory you can kind of do whatever, note this applies to both gender as well
control plebs
>s march
Polygamy is in human's nature, it was absolutely everywhere in neolithic epoch, back when we lived in a natural habitat, with all our instincts and character in general being in harmony with it.
Naturally, if we resolve the contradictions which arisen due to technological progress, our social structure would mimic that of our most initial society in some way.
It is most clear that both male and female sexual behaviour is tailored to polygamy, and monogamy is just an option rather than a rule.
Go dye your hair blue, you stupid hedonists.
>polyamory is in human nature
I need some high quality sources on that senpai
>when polyamory is more progressive?
Says who?
Prostitutes aren't really the type of women you would start a family with and most men do want that.
In our natural state men raped women to get them pregnant do you really want to go back to that?
If you have 10 women on every finger, you don't really have the motivation to shine anyhow. Thats one of the reason why muslim countries are so backwards, men don't have to fight for womens' affection, so they don't progress as fast.
Because not all men want a family.
Also men fuck prostitutes if they want sex and on top of that people make it seem women area limited resource. They aren't infact females actually have a slight higher chance of being birthed so in most of the world that don't artificially alter the ratio there will always be MORE women then men and men are more likely to die historically so the male pool is even smaller!
more like the male fantasy that the wife is not fucked by a neighbor
you fail to see that societies are built by the same hedonists you praise
Where are the proofs?
Why should anyone listen to the drivel in your pic.
>and most men do want that.
>red board
>posted by a turk
Why would I read this?
Monogamy is standard in civilized society because otherwise beta males would be in open revolt. Polyamory would be a Chad's paradise.
The sexual free market needed to be regulated if you wanted lots of happy and healthy soldiers and farmers.
>checks out flag
I'm not disappointed
>natural is correct
Polygamy forms unstable family units.
because a lot of people aren't polyamorist
Progress in society was due to antisocial autist inventing things not thirsty betas like you trying to impress women. Men who have many women to fuck still have motivation to do things proving you wrong as well.
cuck wh*Tes CAN *NOT* rebut this
>betas made civilization
No, alphas made civilization. There were barely any betas anyway since most men were violent jerks till the 2000 B.C.
It's not more progressive. It's closer to the behavior of other primates. Asexuality and the elimination of sex/gender would be the most progressive/civilized path.
>female sexual behaviour is tailored to polygamy,
No it is not. Females have to undergo a long, taxing, and dangerous pregnancy in order to pass on their genes. Males do not. Females can have one offspring per year, males can have hundreds. The optimal male sexual strategies are to either impregnate as many females as possible, or to keep a harem of females that he protects and assists with the raising of offspring. Female sexual strategy is to breed with the male who will give her the healthiest offspring and protect her, in other words, to breed with the most fit male. There is some benefit to a female having multiple male protectors, but it is hardly a viable option due to the violent and competitive nature of males.