Please don't lie.
10 000 --> 600 000 with ark, kyber, Walton,
Lost on Bancor - bought some req, but most of my money will stay in ark
Iq 110
College dropout finance
Please don't lie.
10 000 --> 600 000 with ark, kyber, Walton,
Lost on Bancor - bought some req, but most of my money will stay in ark
Iq 110
College dropout finance
IQ in 94th percentile
All in LINK/Request.Network/Confido
Oh and SmartCash too. Interesting shitcoin
how much REQ to f*** her???
147 IQ
Lost 5k on ripple and 3k on bitcoin as well as a few hundred on ETH. Made almost 1k on NEO though.
show me a single transaction you single digit iq aspie and i will give you 100 eth
>disguised ark shill thread
iq 74
900$ crypto
IQ 169
Never owned any coin
$1000 -> $3000
IQ probably 160ish anyone got a reliable test?
IQ 152 (WAIS-IV Tested)
All in on LINK
I'm a black LGBTQ++-- male with sub 70 IQ.
I made millions on Signatum.
Me iq of 65.
Me all in the ark.
Started this week, so far down about $200, but hodling
mandatory iq test when i was 13. result was 119, probably higher now
iq 55
went all in on ark
high 130 to low 140's, made 14k, put about 3 in total over the years. All big gains were from eth
146 reporting in, almost all in link, small investment in hive.
nice survivorship bias
>mfw to smart too invest in btc and eth
Never taken IQ test but given school results, standard of colleges attended, degree disciplines gonna guess 125 -/+ 5.
Gains 25% since starting a month ago.
162 went from 1k 17k from august 15th ark to Walton to link to stellar
Iq 120ish
4€ in litecoin, made 1.2€
(Hard as shit to trade such small amount, but I'm doing it as a test.)
Also OP, you should ask for the time take to make the said gain.
Started with 400 euro back in January. Put in 400 every month right up until end of September. May great gains off OMG, LINK, NEO, TAAS, sometimes VIA and SHIFT. Also mooncoin lol. Most of it was through buying low, holding for a few weeks and selling. Currently heavy in LINK, with some TAAS and REQ.
Don't know my IQ.
Surgeon (in training). Graduated from med school 3 years ago.
$20,000 > $500,000
Got in BTC around $400, ETH at $14, and ARK at 89 cents.
IQ 125
iq 100
$85k from mining
IQ 76
all in ODN
lost $10,000 so far.
IQ 131
Economics student
Pretty much all in on BNT
IQ 131. Slowly put in $2400 between Aug. 1st and Sep. 15th. $4400 now mostly day trading. Still learning the ropes but achieved consistent profitability after 2 weeks in.
I've made money in stocks but I'm just getting into crypto. Bought one btc two or three days ago. Bad timing.
IQ 25
All in on LINK
im jelly af, I started in June and so far im a lil negative.
IQ: Don't know
Gains: Just fuck me up senpai
133 iq here. dont own any crypto yet. teach me how to get started, bro
about 30$, but got into crypto just today
around 90 I guess
I made x10 (so 140k) since June (NEO, GAS, LINK mostly)
82 iq
IQ: Off the charts
I'm all in on the South Sea Company
t. Sir Isaac Newton
OP your IQ!!
There is no such thing as a reliable test. They are designed to see if you are from the white American middle-class or not.
How do you lose money on Bitcoin?
IQ 162
Gains: 40k on FUN
>please dont lie
>first post is a lie
Underrated comment desu.
t. All in on Louisiana and the genius of John Law
got my iq tested when I was probably 14 or something like that, long enough ago that I cant remember,
136 i think, probably way lower now though,
put in $2,000 at the start of september, btc was $3300, put another thousand in mid september, when btc was at 3800. was still learning, didn't ride the btc rebound, and was trying to learn how to trade. just put in another thousand the other day.
currently trying to trade xlm now that it has enough volume,
current proffit is $1,400, max was 2k, which isn't the best but I've never been in the red on my initial so thats pretty sweet.
if xlm has another run up to 850 satoshi I'll be up at least another thousand, so I'm really hoping for that
It's easy. Buy coins on coinbase. Transfer the coins to some exchange like Bittrex or HitBTC. Then remember to always buy the dip and never chase pumps.
Is that why Asians and Jews score so highly?
IQ: 25
Profit: -$75
>gainz train never stops lads
IQ 95
Turned 10k into 47k in last four months
inb4 everyone here has a 140+ IQ. lmao average iq here is no way above 100.
nope, have you even read how they determine IQ or just say I have a high IQ because I did a online test
This. Also never trust Veeky Forums. You'll get awesome tips on here but the question is timing - check how much a tip has already been shilled and check how much it's already rocketed. Do not jump on late stage moon missions. By all means jump on mid stage or lower but don't get greedy - set sensible sell orders instead of wanking over the mythical 5x, 10x+ etc.
lol. Cope on somebody else's time.
>IQ 95
probably perfect desu. You're quite a bit above global average but not so high you'll get overconfident or overestimate your 'genius'. Basically based. Good luck to you user hope I replicate your success.
kek, people dont even know how they score an IQ test if you only knew
Ashkenazi Jew, smarter than the average Jew. If our average IQ has been calculated to be between 110-115IQ [source - cambridge] then I assume I'm around 120-140s.
Just started with 12k, never lost on a trade yet but haven't made anything huge yet. Also haven't committed to anything long term at the moment, but I am holding NEBL, AST and COSS in profit.
whatchu buy?
Ashkenazi average is 112 IIRC correctly - which puts average Ashkjew=average good college entrant in West.
t. 0.1% Ashkenazi DNA holder. A-a-am I counted as part of tribe?
High school dropout
got into btc because of darkweb buying/selling
My stack got up to 150 btc in 2015 but made some bad investments obviously
Currently worth around 300k
IQ 128. Doctor.
I've turned 38k into 60k, it would have been well over 250k but I've made some crap decisions. Hopefully I'll have better luck next year.
Bunch of savant's on Veeky Forums
really makes you think
IQ 130's
Which sucks because I couldn't ever raise it enough to join MENSA back in my 20'a when I cared about that.
Crypto $1000 because like most tradiitionally smart people I'm hesitant to take big risks.
So basically I'm smart enough to hold myself back from really succeeding.
Age: 24
IQ: 130
Occupation: University drop out, no regrets I'd rather self actualise than give my self to an institution in exchange for a job
7 k into 60k in 6 months
Plan to cash out at 1.5 million
Rick and morty
Mostly lucky with NEO (bought when it was antshares), LINK and ARK.
Your not that smart then user
It's called fragility
When you think you have more to lose than to gain from risk you are fragile
You must think in an antifragile manner, that is, you have more to gain from risk overall than to lose
For example, just say you have $10,000
You decide to play it safe and go in eth, maybe you double your money in a year for low risk
Now if you put $1,000 into 10 high risk coins, that each have a 1 in 10 chance of going x10 - x20 and maybe 1 in 20 of going x50, who do you think will eventually make more money? The riskier player, turns out high risk isn't that risky afterall
Just wait. Those will come back
115. six figs.