It's not going to be metaverse

Think about this, PBC is an American publication whereupon most of their paying readers are based. It would be in their utmost interest to protect these customers at all costs so as to retain subscriptions.

As metaverse is primarily only traded on Bitfinex, why would they suggest buying into a coin traded on an exchange that has a multitude of problems with U.S. customers? They don't accept fiat deposits from U.S. customers, and now they are also poised to ban U.S. customers entirely.

Surely, they would have already taken this into account when choosing which coin to mention...

Other urls found in this thread:

bittrex soon... don't miss out

The video came out a week ago explaining this before Bitfinex halted US trading completely.

My bet is on a Norwegian project that's under the radar.


He was pro china in thr video he said do not fall for fud

you can't FUD me out of my ETP, they are frozen earning me sweet free interest. /comfy/

Good try at fudding for cheap coins, you had plenty of chances. its still cheap.

>literally just buy every coin that's overly fudded here
>become rich as fuck

how do i set up staking btw?


honestly I don't give a fuck about this palm beach report, I got my position in ETP well before this shit ever came out and the fundamentals haven't changed

they call this fud yet there is literally only facts in op

confirmed shitcoin

fyi it uses the base unit, so 1000000000 = 1 ETP

How is this FUD shitbrain?

great, thanks. once you started the staking process, there is no way to cancel it I guess?

>half truths
>presenting the worst case scenario as the most likely one

cookie cutter fud.

honestly don't know if you can un-freeze. I tend to doubt it but I know they are working on making this feature more user-friendly vs having to do it with console commands

It's NAV. Checks all the boxes.

No it doesn't, NAV doesn't have a good core team.

it's etp!!

it's fucking walton

it's already picking up speed

right now walton is a shit ERC20 token, sorry but it is ETP.