Its a death sentence because he got rejected from every exchange
he's hinting at you to dump your bags of his failed project dumb fuck
Rory is implying that they are under NDA, which implies big news.
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
fake, i dont see this in the general thread....
We're fucked
How to get invited to that slack?
Fake. Can't find it in the slack.
ON every city Rory
Haha, of all the memes I have made, why is this one the one that gets posted everywhere?
I'm sorry for your loss user
It's fake.
Everyone loves Jeb! memes. He is forever in our hearts.
Still looking for proof that swift exists until then I'm never buying into this ponzi
I can taste the salt from here.
I'll remaster it, then, it was one of the first I ever did, and the colors are awful.
TBF, I'm holding it until it reaches $50.
I'm a poorfag with almost 2k LINK. Bought that near ATH.
At this point I don't see the point in selling. If I sell it now I'm still broke, whether or not it's gonna moon. If I hold and it doesn't moon — I'm broke also. But if I hold and it moons — I'm gonna solve some of my problems I'd never be able to solve with my $350 salary.
It hurts when I think that I wasted almost $1k for a failed investment, but I am more than willing to take the risk with LINK. It is one of few coins that might still be relevant in 2 years. If I was not too scared of losing even more money, I'd try timing the dips with it. But that seems too risky
I was waiting on this shop. Right click saved.
Why not $60, leaving it with a market cap twice as big as Ethereums?
Lol I remember when that retard said that, he probably never thought he'd become a meme
If you're here, good job, supercomputes is your legacy
You sound reasonable.
I'll up my bar to $60
He's probably still making threads. There was another one a few hours after that died that was very similar. The OP was posting similarly retarded shit until someone said he was the Supercomputers guy. Suddenly he stopped posting and someone with a different ID started posting similar shit.
Exact same thing happened a couple of days ago when he was posting persistent retardation and typing HAHAHAHAHAHA all in caps lock and got called out for being the supercomputes guy.
This screenshot is fake, but the one in pic related, my picture, is real
>tfw poorfag with only 852 links
I've always supported LINK and I want to see it succeed
I just want to reach 1000 links
Please, any link donations would be greatly appreciated:
Rory has the world's most dangerous job, getting sent to the electric chair for confirming the wrong thing
Lot of Veeky Forums behind LINK too. If he gives false news there'd be some nasty weird stuff that'd go on.
Tbf I've been fudding LINK this whole time and I'm holding 112k. The memes are the funniest thing about biz now
LINKMARINES! You must not waver. You must not falter. Together, we can do this.
It is amazing how easy you people fall for the FUD in this group. All I can do is laugh. Some of the stuff posted here is blatant obvious attacks to get people to sell. There is no way in hell 10 months from now this coin is under $5 . So if you haven't made a profit just sit on your ass until you do. Even if it takes a year because that's what real investing is. If you bought cause of your own reasoning you have nothing to worry about. If you bought cause user said buy, you're in trouble
jesus give it up already.
you little wagecuck jew
i dont want your digibyte bags