Aside from Germany, which Western country had the highest risk of becoming communist in the early 20th century?
Aside from Germany, which Western country had the highest risk of becoming communist in the early 20th century?
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You can include Spain
Spain, then France, then the US (If McKinley doesn’t get assassinated there is no strong progressive movement without TR in the Whire House, and the progressives probably join the SPA.)
Many will attempt to deny it, but the USA had a higher chance of becoming communist than the UK
France, even at the end of WW2 it was still possible. Stalin granted tons of concessions specifically to France on behalf of the western allies because he thought there would be a revolution as soon as DeGaulle made any sort of mistake
Finland. It only stayed capitalist because Stalin did not want to support the communists who would have started a bloody civil wat if they tried a revolution.
The CPUSA and IWW fucking hated eachother
What about Japan? I know nothing about Japan but didnt they have a big socialist movement? And I cosnider Japan western yes.
t. brainlet
Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal
>Germany being western prior to the 50s
The Central powers have that Name for a reason
Also if having 20-25 percent commies means you are at danger of becoming Communist, than pretty much every european country was. The only difference was that Weimar Rep. was more or less a failed state. At least half of the german workers weren' t commies butsocialist/socdems or natsoc. So USPD/KPD were more or less on a lost cause since the SPD wouldn't Support a Revolution and the military was mostly conservatives or nazis
He gon do it tier:
Probable tier:
Inter-ideological disagreements. IWW wouldve done a much better job at communism than the Bolsheviks
Germany is obviously #1, they had a communist revolution
#2 is a tie between Spain and France, Spain probably pulls just a little bit ahead but without America making sure that the communists that killed Mussolini weren't put into positions of power post-war it very well may have fallen. Spain's counter-revolutionary forces obviously was basically a communist faction in the Civil War but it's likely that if they started to pull ahead Britain and France may try and steer them back to the center. Probably wouldn't happen though and you'd have some sort of far leftist Spain.
#3 is definitely France. They were unstable as fuck after WW1 and especially precarious during the war, soldier's mutinies in 1917 could have easily spiraled into a Russian Revolution-type event.
America probably pulls ahead of Great Britain because they were hit especially hard by the depression, but I'd still call it a remote fantasy. Roosevelt's New Deal put a sufficient amount of hope back into the people that CPUSA was never more than a fringe. Couple that with the firmly entrenched two-party system and I don't see it happening unless shit really hits the fan.
Great Britain really has the least possible chance. Labour is far too attractive and far too moderate to facilitate the discontent needed for a communist revolution, and the welfare state post war pretty much ended all communist efforts in Britain forever.
I don't really consider Japan a western nation but they didn't really have much of a chance pre-war, they had a pretty repressive state that effectively quashed any sort of spark for revolution. Post-war though they almost did.
For #2 I of course mean Italy not France
Nope, they were never under near the same pressure that European countries were.
OP said western nations not 3rd world shitholes
France and Spain (if you could consider them first world in the first half of the 20th century)
What I want to know is why the revolution in Germany didn't have the support of the soldiers returning from the front. Like, you literally watch your fellow countrymen die for no reason but a stupid right wing war, and once you get back home you kill the leftists trying to improve your life? Im glad the soviets showed no mercy to those the reactionary German pieces of shit.
German soldiers didn't think they were losing; Germany capitulated because of internal pressures. Things actually didn't look THAT bad for Germany strategically in 1918 except that Amerimutts were in the fight, but Eastern Front troops were being taken to France to outweigh that advantage. Troops on the front thought they'd probably win, and got pissed when they had to surrender. Well shit, what the fuck man? Someone must've sabotaged us! Lots of people blamed communists.
>Lots of people blamed communists.
heh way to believe an obvious capitalist lie, you dumb liberal.
Blame of the Jews was just a subset of the belief that gommies fucked the Kaiser's noble warriors over
>be german soldier on the western front
>allied soldiers running around with firearms
>wtf stop that
>shoot them
>come back home
>communist assholes running around with firearms
>wtf stop that
>shoot them
most of them preferred a full democracy instead of communism
Are you trying to tell me a disproportionate amount of communists are Jewish, you fucking nazi sympathizer?
He wasn't entirely wrong, the PCF was a real political force in the immediate post-war period.
Tell me again what the average caloric intake was for germans in 1918
fuck do you mean catholic intake
the rate at which catholics are consumed, dum dum
pretty good for the soldiers
Germany didn't have a high risk of becoming communist in the early 20th century. In Germany, the military was never going to side with communists in any large numbers.
>Germany capitulated because of internal pressures.
Well yes, I guess technically you could call Ludendorff telling the Kaiser that the front couldn't hold much longer "internal pressure".
How will a soldier fight after his wife and children have starved to death
and that aside, the allies were eating twice the german intake.
That's what I meant by "internal pressures"
Hans Schmidt on the front probably didn't get a view of how bad shit was at home.
Ok, that's fair
sorry bruv but you gotta be more specific on the matter of "internal matters", most folks who say it have another sort of internal matter in mind
No problem mate
If you didn't know the German press was heavily censored as were letters so most soldiers though shit was going great and had no way of knowing otherwise
Spain had more anarchists than communists 100 years ago.
That flag is off-center and it's really bugging me
Germany could have dragged out the war for another year maybe, but the cost would have been the destruction of Germany and the death of millions of more Germans. Half the German military dead and something like 90% of the German civilian dead occurred after summer 1944.
Of course, Imperial Germany was a much more liberal state, with a much weaker administration and a much inferior welfare system compared to Nazi Germany, so a rebellion was a real option. The Imperial Era Germans were also not afraid of revenge because they had careless destroyed half the continent and murdered millions of civilians for racist reasons.
Still, there's a good chance that the Imperial German army can conduct a fighting retreat that bleeds the Western forces dry and they have to wait for new troops and material to finally push into Germany proper in 1919.
It's supposed to be far left, not centre
Many countries had a communist revolution, some of them were even supported by the Red Army.
[Muffled TENNO HEIKA BANZAI in the distance]
I guarantee you Japan will be the last holdout against socialism in Asia, if anything this idiot keep the reds going for giving them a matyr
>and i consider Japan western
France, Spain Greece, Italy, Finland (forcefully made communist)
Italy nearly became communist through an election.
France and Spain as distant second and third.
In only vauge order
hungary, was actually communist for like a year in 1919
germany, had a revolution that failed
czechoslovakia, had a strong communist party post war, strong enough stalin could coup and puppet them
Spain, had a civil war, there were many radical leftists but they fought one another as much as the nationalists
france, couldve gone commie during ww1 or the great depression and cam damn close to revolution in 46 and 67
Italy, communists were the main opposition party for like 40 years after ww2, unfortunatley for them the usa was basically openly manipulating their elections
Greece and turkey both fought communist insurgencies in the 20th century
Finland and austria fough minor civil wars post ww1
Britain had the 1923 general strike but was never really that close to revolution
Least likley were probably scandinavia and the low countries
Japan had serious problems with commies in the 50s and 60s and has a strong communist praty to this day
Though the chances of them seizing power are super low since theyre super pacifist
Based nips, nukes truly are the best medicine.
>Japan had serious problems with commies in the 50s and 60s and has a strong communist praty to this day
Thats completely wrong. Especially the "to this day" part.
The communists have always been a joke in Japan even during the hayday of communism. The nationalist government so crushed it completely.
The history of japan podcast did a good episode on communism in japan if you're interested in this topic.
Hungary in 1918 if Communist managed to stay in power
Finland if communists won the civil war
France in 1930's, Popular front was gigantic and would've took power if french government was more pushover.
Spain, if republicans won the civil war
Italy post-ww2 had tons of communists and tried to coup d'etat the shit out of it but failed due to americans and far-right oppositions
Greece if communists won the civil war
Japan might have turned far-socialists but never communist since americans and japanese nationalists wouldn't allow it