>Hitler burned a newborn alive for not having "aryan" features
ITT: Ridiculous shit you were taught in school
>They killed 6 million Jews by gassing them with disinfectant and putting them in cremation ovens
>oil is a scarce, non renewable resource that came from dinosaurs that got squished over millions of years.
Mao killed 70 gorillion Chinese
Byzantium is Roman
>Hitler wanted to kill all Jews
>Hitler only wanted blonde-blue-eyed people to live
>Hitler was a reactionary
>Hitler was conservative
>Hitler was a tyrant
>Hitler cared about animals
>Fascism is far-right
>Diamonds are expensive because they are rare
>Whites are better than x
The most popular lie.
>oil is a scarce, non renewable resource that came from dinosaurs that got squished over millions of years.
Not dinosaurs per se, and not squished per se, but yes this is the gist of how petroleum in the ground came to be
>Latinamerican revolution leaders wanted to improve conditions for plebs
>the Holocaust
This. Funnily enough I bought into it for a while before realising no matter how emotional I am towards this event, it literally is impossible, has no proofs at all outside of "witnesses", and it's shady af when it comes to laws against questioning it.
Did anyone really teach you that? That Byzantium = Roman? Did you ask "why is it called Byzantium then?" ?
School is necessary.
The Chinese visited America on two separate occasions before Europeans.
Was told this by a person with tenure at a fairly prestigious university.
One of my teachers quoted 1984 as if it were a historical source.
>the Union fought the Civil War to end slavery
>Jews are evil
>Hitler is good
Sucks growing up in Nazi germany
Odd you don't complain about how many of the same laws outlaw denying the Armenian Genocide, the Holodmor, and other genocides. Questioning the Holocaust is not illegal, if it was then you would have schoolchildren being thrown in jail. Outright denial is illegal.
The bombs that were dropped on Japan were not nuclear bombs, since they were atomic bombs.
my 3rd grade teacher taught us a kilometer was longer than a mile cause "it's a thousand meters which are longer than a foot"
t. burgerstani
>has no proofs at all outside of "witnesses"
There are copious primary documents as well, such as this one.
>Re: Solution of the Jewish Question
>1. To the Reich Commissar for the East
>Re: Your report of October 4, 1941 in respect to the Solution of the Jewish Question
>With reference to my letter of October 18, 1941, this is to inform you that Oberdienstleiter Brack of the Führer Chancellery has agreed to collaborate in the production of the required shelters and gassing devices. At this time, the envisaged devices are not available in sufficient quantity; they will first have to be manufactured. Since in Brack's opinion, the manufacture of the devices in the Reich will cause much greater difficulties than doing it on the spot, Brack considers it most expedient to send his people to Riga, especially his chemist Dr. Kallmeyer, who will effect all further steps there. Oberdienstleiter Brack points out that the procedure in question is not without danger, so that special protective measures are necessary. In these circumstances, I request that you address yourself to Oberdienstleiter Brack in the Führer Chancellery through your Higher SS and Police Leader and request the dispatch of the chemist Kallmeyer and other assistants. I should inform you that Sturmbannführer Eichmann, the expert for the Jewish Question in the RSHA is entirely in agreement with this process. According to information from Sturmbannführer Eichmann, camps for Jews are to be set up in Riga and Minsk, to which Jews from the Old Reich territory may also come. At this time, Jews are being evacuated out of the Old Reich to Litzmannstadt (Lodz), and also other camps, to then later be used for labour in the east insofar as they are capable of work.
What about the third party witnesses, or SS that admitted to it, before any chance of torture was even remotely possible.
Why would people have been willing to literally risk their lives to inform diplomats of third party countries such as the Vatican, Switzerland, and Sweden, of atrocities being committed in occupied Poland if it was all a meme.
Person whom i'm primarily referring to btw
Still though, youd think kids could handle the idea of massive clouds of oceanic algae and zooplankton rather than just lying to them and saying dinosaurs.
But some oil/coal does come from dinosaurs you absolute spastic
But some of the crime is committed by white people, you absolute racist
it's kinda true though. If it was more common it'd be cheaper.
Why are you on Veeky Forums and not spending time with your great-grandkids?
>I still believe in the Holocaust.
>What is artificial scarcity
Diamonds being rare and precious is literal corporate propaganda. It's not like you can find them everywhere but they essentially are just carbon and are very common in comparison to most gemstones.
>Dacians were highly advanced
>Romanians put up a good fight against the ottomans and won many battles
Pope Benedict?
>USA funded Bin Laden
I still hear people unironically believing this
>the Spanish forcibly converted all the American natives to Christianity
>The civil war was about slavery
A vast majority of natural diamonds have too many imperfections to be considered jewelry-quality. Those diamonds are used for industrial applications while ones without cracks or impurities fetch high prices.
>what is Operation Cyclone
The Union fought the civil war to keep the South from seceding.
The South seceded because they thought slavery was in danger of being ended by the Republican dominated federal government.
USA did fund Bin Laden in the past. This isn't really anything shocking since the US funded many other radical groups for political gain or to fight communism in the past.
>The Hansa was a relevant piece of history
>Europe was a cultureless backwater hellhole before Abrahamism blessed us
>Giving money to Pakistani intelligence for funding the bulk of Mujahideen is the same as personally training and arming a future terrorist
>it doesn't count when we hire a middleman to do the job for us teehee
I want r/ptg/ to leave.
Welcome to the real world, my friend, may you finally shed the last of your orwellian shackles
I'm not even American you nigger, just that such conspiratard like allegations of the "creation" of Al Qaeda are laughable, especially when they were provided by more important assistance coming from Saudi and Pakistani forces (from INDEPENDENT funds)
He was posted in a thread a while back, right?
>I'm not even American
You'd probably wish you weren't either way.
Except the ISI did act as an intermediary for the CIA in Afghanistan.
>The Spanish Armada was blown over by a strong gust of wind, destroying all 130 ships
Well it is, its the Eastern half of the Roman Empire that didnt get eaten by barbs in 476. the culture just Hellenized over time.
hitler didn't care about animals?
>Hitler only wanted blonde-blue-eyed people to live
This was a fun one, I remember the teacher made people without blue eyes and blonde hair stand up and told us we'd all be killed.
Burger, I assume? If that's the state of knowledge people have about the thrid reich it's no wonder they turn into storm fags once they realize they've been punked.
Sounds like a fun class.
>be in 7th grade english class
>reading something about WW2
>teacher makes some comment about how Hitler was a hypocrite coward because he was a war monger, but never fought in a war
>"wasnt he a messenger in WW1?"
>teacher shoots me down and says no
>challenge her on this point
>she ends up saying Im 100% wrong because "my study plan doesnt mention anything about hitler being a solider in ww1"
>tell her that her sheet is wrong
>get sent to the principles office for arguing with teacher
female teachers are glorified baby sitters
I was taught that before Columbus people didn't travel beyond the horizon because they thought they would fall off, as if the earth was a cube. Not even kidding
Nah, I'm in England. Of course there's only so much you could fit into a history class for children, but we never even studied ww2 in secondary school, only primary. Looking back on it, we were subject to the same style of brainwashing that kids in nazi Germany would have been subject to. But yeah, you are right that people end up going off the scale when they realise the lies they were taught as kids. I went through that and came out the other-side thankfully.
They should have just shown this this picture if they wanted to discredit the Nazis, desu.
Looks quite cool desu, nice try though.
>why do you know so much about hitler, user?
Nice non-argument friendo
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter
>independent newspaper proves that the government supported a thing
Definitely the Holocaust
The CIA operation was to fund Afghans only, not foreign fighters/arabs like Osama. His entire philosophy was to not take money from the US, and for muslims to only defend themselves.
Peter Bergen, who is a journalist to first interview bin Laden and is the defacto best historian of him/al-Qaeda also rejects this conspriacy theory. This is from a QandA he did
>Q:If it's true that bin Laden once worked for the CIA, what makes you so sure that he isn't still?
>A:This is one of those things where you cannot put it out of its misery.
>The story about bin Laden and the CIA -- that the CIA funded bin Laden or trained bin Laden -- is simply a folk myth. There's no evidence of this. In fact, there are very few things that bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and the U.S. government agree on. They all agree that they didn't have a relationship in the 1980s. And they wouldn't have needed to. Bin Laden had his own money, he was anti-American and he was operating secretly and independently.
>The real story here is the CIA didn't really have a clue about who this guy was until 1996 when they set up a unit to really start tracking him.
Also, in the article you posted, bin Laden says he never received any help from Americans
The US created Islamic terror by funding far-right extremist Muslims in order to contain Communism. It's time to own up to this and stop blaming Islam as a whole. Nobody would blame Christianity as a whole if Putin funded a far-right insurrection of frogmen, neo-nazis and KKK members to take over and destabilize the USA, so why do people make this logical fallacy when it comes to other cultures?
The US didnt fund or support bin Laden though. This is a stupid conspiracy theory that clueless morons continue to spout out depsite the fact that they have literally NOTHING backing up this claim other than that one newspaper headline for an article they clearly didnt read since bin Laden says in the article himself that he wasnt funded or trained by the US. Youre in the same company as truthers, flat earthers, and holocaust deniers
It's very relevant for the Baltic Sea region.
Btw, why don't you faggots call it the Eastern Sea like normal folk?
>Medieval Europeans didn't ever bathe or clean themselves, even if they were covered in feces
>Galileo was excommunicated from the church/burned at the stake for being a scientist
I know that saying political things that are right of Mao Zedong is a death wish on this board, but I'll just say that I wouldn't be surprised if the person who wrote this garbage in our textbooks turned out to be a Semite. Just saying.
He killed 6 million of them
>catholic church was anti science and galileo dindu nuffin
Everyone gets taught that.
That was in our year 7 history textbooks but our teacher told us it was wrong and went on a rant about it
based mr hartman
>Hitler wanted to kill everyone that wasn't White
>There was a dedicated effort for genocide against Native Americans
It has more proof and witnesses than Holodomor or the Polish ethnic cleansing of Germans.
I'm not saying Holodomor didn't happen, the holocaust and holodomor happened. The Polish ethnic cleansing of German citizens PRIOR to the invasion of Poland is fucking bullshit though.
>wwii got us out of the great depression
>islam was peaceful and got their land peacefully
>The Union fought tin the Civil War for a noble cause
>Hitler only liked people that were blonde and blue eyes, and he may have killed brunettes if he had the chance
>the Holocaust is the biggest tragedy in history
>The Rosenbergs didndu nuffin and the evil government executed their children as well
>Nelson Mandela was a peaceful guy
that the three branches run the government
come chat
er not that
>The crusades, the inquisition and colonization caused many human deaths.
They told me that wh*Te women didn't want a BBC to impregnate them.
They were proven wrong though.
>why do you know so much about 9/11 user?
I am highly skeptical.
>Was told this by a person with tenure at a fairly prestigious university.
>prestigious university
confucius institute?
Cool, but supremely autistic.
They were Germans, though.
>the Dark Ages existed
>they were caused by the Church
>the Crusades were totally unprovoked and bad
Natives lived in peace with each other and nature until the white man showed up one day and stole their ice cream.
I remember when the teacher picked some "Aryan" looking children, said they would be the only germanized, and after it the entire class started insulting them as krauts, and even one blond haired classmate was repeating "no... I am not german, I would rather kill myself than live as a nazi" and that he is ashamed of looking "aryan"
This is quite cringy when I now think of it.
>northern ireland predates any Kingdom or collective rule on Ireland
>northern ireland wasn't always called northern ireland and used to just be british ireland until the IRA beat us back into a corner where we held them off
>Ireland sided with Germany in WW2 and WW1
>Michael Collins wanted to be part of the British Empire
>northern ireland predates any Kingdom or collective rule on Ireland
do they really teach this? Sounds like wewuzzery
Basically if they're sure there are no taigs in the class they will tell you that Northern Irish planters and Loyalists have literally never done anything wrong and that 100% of the atrocities in Ireland were either committed by the Irish or done to stop the Irish doing something 100x worse.
didn't know orangeism was still that relevant in northern irish schools...well that's one hell of a brainwash
>non renewable
>technically is, just not at a rate that can sustain global industry without massive reserves
>when staggering deposits run dry that's it for long enough for man to destroy itself countless times over
Oil may not be a once and done thing, but the conditions that produce it sure as fuck won't happen any faster and we're too dependant to last until the planet shits out more
>China paid doctors and taxi drivers the same amount
>Nazism and Communism is the same thing
Hitler being “the most evil man who ever lived”. Also that memory, even if it conflicts with history, is still a valid form of knowledge (learned this in the mandatory-to-purchase book on the holocaust in our state-organised English unit “history and memory”. A Jew literally got most students in the state to buy his book about why you have to accept contradictory holocaust narratives. I have seen kikery that would makes your balls itch.)
But education is much more about what’s left out. Eg the reasons why it was so easy for Hitler to “scapegoat” Jews.
Our history teacher also taught us horseshoe theory in class.
El Paso is in Mexico (teacher was adamant that El Paso was on the Mexican side).