What is the national character of Australia? I'm not really fishing for shitposting responses, I'd seriously like to hear what Australians consider to be their national characteristic or the unifying elements of Australia as a nation (which I believe it is). Is it different from the New Zealand spirit? What do you think led to the hypothetical "Australian spirit"? Also this can be a general Australian history thread, I think it's an underrated subset of history as an Ameriblubber.
What is the national character of Australia? I'm not really fishing for shitposting responses...
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Think of it as the same as the New Zealand spirit except much more obnoxious since they are more active internationally making them much more popular globally.
Persistently sunburnt and less inhibited Britons.
These are shitposting non-answers, please try not to emulate them
Hyperbole, perhaps. But not by too much.
Australia is known for its animals, not its "people"
In terms of the land, its wildlife and aboriginal presence. In regards to its people, they're hard to ruffle up as they're genuinely humble-hearted Just simple people who enjoy a little banter.
Can you talk to the banter aspect? Why do Aussies have such a penchant for banter?
only way to stay sane in a world of poms and seppos
Our culture keeps us whole and sane against the wildlife and weather youtube.com
There is no one australian culture desu i like to think that australian culture is an amalgamation of other cultures. Started with reject pommes. Then was added to by continentiel europeans fleeing the world wars. In recent history lots of asians have come over and immigrated with varying degrees of success. Some asians are fucking true blue while others may aswell have never left asia. Now we have arabs coming over which are obviously a whole new ball game. Problem with raggies is that the distinction between their culture and religion is blurred to fuck. I can tell you right now that the average australian gives zero fucks about religion so for middle easterns to become part of oz i reckon they are just going to have to completely change the religion or drop it altogether
There's a lot of slang in your post my kangaroo friend; why do you think that Australia is such a hub for slang in particular and has such a recognizable dialect in general?
Historically the homosocial masculine ideal of mateship has been very defining for australia.
This and a giving every cunt a fair go
Am I wrong in assuming that Australian culture is almost a 1:1 copy of lower class British culture.
What does "mateship" actually constitute? What is a "fair go"?
It's basically British convict culture + low class Irish culture + the occassional Turk/Yugo/Italian in a tracksuit and ten kilograms of gel in his hair. It's like someone was trying to engineer the ultimate pleb.
Origins of this mateship are the convicts, the gold miner camps, the stockmen and settler outback pioneers, the hate of the motherland's class society, the strong influence of the labor and chartist movement, and then the anzac ideals in ww1 and 2, but mostly the digger legend of ww1
Really depends on where you are. inner city folks use less slang than country folks. As to why? No clue perhaps its the weather... australia was seen as a wasteland back in the colonial days so perhaps slang culture was born from settlers trying to see the light side of things. Read any australian accounts of ww1 and you will see that slang culture goes back atleast that far. Peter fitzsimons for anything aussie war related btw. As to why its recognisable id say crocadile dundee was what started the whole australians are bootleg Cowboys meme
>No clue perhaps its the weather... australia was seen as a wasteland back in the colonial days so perhaps slang culture was born from settlers trying to see the light side of things.
Do you think that this feeling and this spirit also led to things like fair go and the banter-centric humor of Aussies?
Certainly. and the disaster that was ww1 only strengthened it. You dont get through battles like kokoda or long tan without the belief that your not fighting for yourself but the guy next to you and obviously your family at home. There really isnt anything worse than dogging the boys. Can remember watching a doco about the great depression and this guy scabed during industrial action ( went back to work) DECADES later he would sit alone in the bar cause no one would forgive him.
Recurrence of the ancient mannerbund
That pretty much sums it up
The white australia policy also was a strong influence on the idea of brotherhood and anglo-Celtic supremacy, which reinforced the tribal masculine mateship ideal, and was intertwined with the labor movement, settler pioneering and sinophobia. Obviously not as severe as the american south, but still.
Tall poppy syndrome.
Oh and what footy team you support is more important than your religion
Is FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL a cultural vestige of White Australia?
Yeah remnant of the White Australia Policy and all the bullshit back then. Really only a very slim minority (see Tony JUST Abbott) hold it dearly, and so most of us just meme it ironically
>when one of the tests for wogs and chinks to get in was for them to understand a literally dead language
>Australian identity is about mateship-
yes but also a subconcious understanding of the limited resources of australia
Is Australia as much of an idea as, say, America? Can a battler foreigner who wants to believe in mateship and having a fair go be an Australian?
Its the Larrikin behaviour we partly inherited from the aborigines, we're quite informal socially.
Easiest war into the hearts of an Aussie community is to set up a Kebab shop. Also if you live in a lower-income area say you hate foreigners and Malcom Turnbull. Don't think about the hypocricy
>when one of the tests for wogs and chinks to get in was for them to understand a literally dead language
No, Australian is just a bastardization of English culture.
I do think Australian culture is better than both English and all American cultures but being American is more of a thing in it's own right.
We kept the drinking culture, the community structure, and of course the value all Anglo's place on banter.
Australian culture is to take yourself less seriously, which is the largest divergence from Americans, who take themselves and their practices extremely seriously, hence their fetishisation of religion and freedom. Most Australians are fairly libertarian naturally, but as a nation we have pretty much rejected religion as useless bullshit, "spiritual" agnostics are probably the real majority its just everyone says they're a catholic on the census.
the early days were extremely tough. as a result mateship was born. to survive you needed to stick together or else you perished. mateship means complete and utter loyalty and devotion to your mates, friends and family through thick and thin no matter what. mateship continued on through the wars which is an enormous part of the national character. we are extremely proud of our military history. the war memorial in canberra is extremely moving. just say if you want more
>Most Australians are fairly libertarian naturally
wish this meant we weren't nogunz'd
but user, gun violence has decreased now. Dont you feel safer now that only the government is allowed to own guns? Why would you even need to have guns, lol, just call the racist evil pig nazi sexist police, who are like 15 minutes away at all times?
Like do you live out in the country, lmao, are you some sort of inbred retard who lives outside the city? kek
>what we think we are
easy going larrikins full of mateship for each other and ready to give everyone a fair go, but no tall poppies or toffs
>what we actually are
deeply authoritarian wowsers divided by strict class boundaries ready to do anything to be perceived as a normal subject
You mean what we were
and what we are.
Unironically have no problem with this, its part and parcel of being a moderately egalitarian society
>muh tall poppy syndrome, why can't we be like some Third World shithole where the proles bow and scrape before their masters?
Never dog your mates. To be loyal and good to your mates, almost unconditionally.
>Fair go
The embracement of egalitarianism
>Most Australians are fairly libertarian
You're living in a different country than me mate. Yobbo's always want the government in their, or someone else, lives.
What a dog cunt ay
Class egalitarianism, blue collar idolisation, an aspiration for laconic, rugged individualism with a laissez-faire attitude.
Meeting this ideal is difficult because Australians are really the same as other people, so they're neurotic, insecure, compulsive, sensitive types that try not to be.
Another bad thing is the class egalitarianism leads to anti-elitism and anti-intellectualism. We're also very entitled. I think at some level Australians believe the world is fair and so when things work out it's expected and when things don't we're entitled to more.
These two things I think will lead to Aus becoming a Second World country in the 21st century.
We're extremely egalitarian though, which is nice. I think some nations believe their egalitarian, but have little reference. The US and Canada are big examples of this.
Scandi countries seem to be as egalitarian as us, at least Norway is, but it expresses in a different way.
I haven't spent enough time in NZ or with New Zealanders to really get the gist of their differences from us, but a part of their culture is definitely insecurity about being in Australia's shadow. I don't know if this is a big or small part of their culture.
Nah mate. Australian culture is very pro state intervention, and actually a bit authoritarian. Remember when the government wanted to make cunts pay $7 to see a doctor? Nuh not crash hot on that
But we are a liberal society that is tolerant if you're a part of the Anglo Aussie culture, eg abos, wogs, slopes and raggies. Also egalitarian, you have to be one of the boys
We were a carefully managed convict society dickhead, having guns has been and never will be a major part of our society.
>kiwis still salty
This is Aussie banter at its finest
we need to legalise cannabis (hemp, sativa, indica) and decriminalise soft drugs.
apart from that, im happy to be born australia and value my family, friends, loved ones, and peace in life
New Zealand's 9/11
>we need to legalise cannabis (hemp, sativa, indica) and decriminalise soft drugs
this social pressure is brilliant for enabling the homogenization of society, especially in the face of non-anglo immigration
alright maybe the libertarianism is unique to my circles, I still think there is anti big-government sentiment at the heart of Aussie culture.
City dwelling soy consumers and upper middle class women are not good examples of traditional Australian culture IMO, and those are the pro state cunts
mateship, hard work, getting it done, helping a someone in need, being realistic about situations, trying not to be too obnoxious or pompous, hating most politicians, general distrust of authority
you have egocentrism, probably other mental illnesses
if u want references see food of the gods by TK and BNW revisited by alduous huxley
t. northqueenslander
the Florida of Australia
Sorry to burst your bubble but im from adelaide
Everything flows from this
The Aussie wants to get away with things but will also applaud if someone gets taken in
We trust the screws but will still go around them
Ie like a prison gang
We don’t care if people have success, but if they hold themselves superior they’ll be destroyed
Whoever is the fresh fish will be beaten with mob violence into assimilation then be accepted
We will not mock our ruling class or the British aristocracy
It’s an ethos
If you follow the rules or break them in a cheeky way, if you’re beaten in, if you respect certain protected groups like lifeguards, if you stand up for yourself, if you help other Australians, if you don’t hold yourself as better than anyone, sure
It’s an accurate statement but also a test to see if you’ll get in
Better than having wanking rolling around hating the poor like Britain and America. Here the ceo has to be one of the boys
Why would someone dog the boys like that?
There is a sense of newness in Australia. That we’re a new land where anything can happen. There’s also a strong military tradition where Australia punches above its weight while also being cheeky. We have a labour movement that wants better conditions for workers to a point and is also racist.
There is some fear of being invaded from the north because we’re a White Island off the edge of Asia and our mainland was attacked by Japan.
We take pride in doing what we’re told by our superior but wouldn’t phrase it that way.
We have a history of getting roped into pointless engagements by yanks and the British, but of fighting bravely and being honourable (treating locals well, not being motivated by malevolence).
We like Asia but are skeptical of importing it.
Our tragic heroes are criminals and we still idolise the bush ranger (stick-up man) Ned Kelly.
Our national song translates to “Being a Hobo” and is about a homeless man next to an oxbow lake who steals a sheep and then drowns himself to avoid capture.
Do the Australian equivalent of brooklynite millennials vote for this labor party or do they vote liberal?
They vote greens, which is far left
the spirit of australia is dead. melboune and new south wales are just california but with more asians, queensland is just a tourist hotspot now, northern territory is just abo's. south australia and perth are the only places with actual aussie's left, but there are so few who can be called 'spirited' due to how the financial situation is there. australia died 20 years ago, people have been making fun of its corpse not realizing it.
we may have bantz, and we may have funny accent, but thats all we have. so few actually embody the old australian spirit that there is no return to it. anyone who thinks the culture of australia is somehow keeping us sane against the wild life is larping, they are inner city second generation asian immigrants who pretend they are a true blue aussie ranger, all the while never seeing a fucking emu or kanga in their life.
brisbanite here, the asian are everywhere, also, do you have a lot of homeless in like the last 2 year? theyre popping up everywhere in the city here :/
the cbd down here in melbourne is 10% homeless at this point.
South Australian here, but was recently in Melbourne staying with local friends.
While I did notice the city is completely inundated with asians (proper foreign, still speaking gook asians), I still think the aussie spirit lives on to some degree. My mate and his mates, while being extremely far left as typical in melbourne, were still quick with their banter and easy to relate to.
A colony of Anglo criminals which will become a vassal state to Xi Jinping's empire.
north Queensland fucking sucks, don't fall for the 'tropical paradise' meme.
Envy is a sin, you know.
Anyone who talks about convicts having a lasting impact is some Centrelink cunt.
eyyy I'll fight you outside pancake kitchen cunt
Have you read The Fatal Shore?
We're an informal people. Hence, we banter in order to not appear too polite.
what would you like to know? meeting someone and having a laugh with them is the best way to reduce social barriers
fuck off seppo
i think it has more to do with non-interventionism in international politics, or perhaps the idea of being slightly isolationist. I don't think many people out in the country care more than beyond their local community and when it comes to governance, i rarely hear them mention international things.
i feel like Australian culture has a lot to do with who you associate with in terms of people in your community, especially when it comes to the workplace. i often hear, person x who is a fiend of y kind of thing.
>oldest landscapes, flora, fauna, and indigenous people on earth
>sense of newness
what did he mean by this?
>Yeah nah, she'll be right
That's about it.
>dies of brain cancer after smoking weed EVERY DAY FOR 35 YEARS
not only have we only been here for 300< years but as part of the "new world" australia really represents a possibility for those in the old world to escape the bindings of it for freedom and a second shot at life in the new world
Abos don't count. Neither to shitty marsupial rats that instantly go extinct when they so much as smell a non-native predator.
>we partly inherited from the aborigines
Yeah nah. It comes from the working class and underclass convicts who were sent over here. That's why South Australians are on average cunts - because they were lower middle class settlers, not transported convicts.
I'm a Kiwi so throwing that bias out there. The Aussie and Kiwi spirit are naturally very similar. We are both British Colony's, we're right next to each other, we fought the same wars even the same battles. To be honest I can see why any foreigner would not see any difference between us.
Some differences between the 'spirit' of our nations are
Acceptance of other culture. Not saying we are a bastion of multicultural shit, but our experience with a native population that actively and effectively fought back compared to Aussies shitting on the abos has made us less "fuck of were full" types.
Until very recently we had a way worse culture of tall poppy syndrome than Aussie.
We are probably a bit more environmentally conscious given we have so much national parks and endangered birds.
I think the New Zealand spirit is best described by the whole Number 8 wire idea, that Kiwis are resourceful and inventive and punch above their weight generally. Pretty much Muh per capita, and even that is a little similar to the Aussies.
It's mostly a fucking LARP - the cities, lacking history, are huge proponents of the selfish, close minded global monoculture and while rural areas to an extent host the iconic larrikin they are mostly made up of the same inbred meth head and norms that you see in every isolated place.
The reason you're less "fuck off we're full" types is that very few migrants have historically come to NZ other than the Anglos. Now you're getting your fair share of Chinese and everyone outside the Auckland CBD loves to bitch about how Auckland is nothing but ching-chongs nowadays.
Kiwis are also convinced that there is some sort of sharp mutual rivalry between NZ and Australia, when in fact it's only from the Kiwi side. Australians are mainly just pleased whenever NZ does something.
That's pure bullshit, huge numbers of working class people settled in SA.
No criminal underclass though. Without that key element, the Australian pavlova fails to rise.
>The reason you're less "fuck off we're full" types is that very few migrants have historically come to NZ other than the Anglos
Thank god for that, imagine all the Greeks/Italians/Balkaniggers
I'm real sure that heritagefagging by the small proportion of people with convict ancestors in Australia, who were stopped by the border despite major early ports in Victoria like Portland being so close and none of whom have moved since, explains why you got harrassed by some lebs down Hindley street that one time you went to Adelaide
>Australians are mainly just pleased whenever NZ does something
Fuck off your shitty companies are trying to claim Manuka honey now, not to mention the Pavlova, theres a rivalry alright. Worse than Bosnians and Serbs that is
We had a few Czech and Scandinavian communities set up here in New Zealand back during colonisation. Asian miners in the South as well back during the gold rush.
>explains why you got harrassed by some lebs down Hindley street that one time you went to Adelaide
Its not your fault
There's no rivalry, just some inaccurate NZ reportage concerning the pavlova. We're just glad you're doing so well, considering everything.