Has political terrorism ever been effective in history?
Has political terrorism ever been effective in history?
For the other side mostly.
Breivik was a genius. You must fight the traitors before the you can fight the enemy, and he fought the traitors of the future.
Yes, the Jews managed to destroy their enemies by creating Hamas/the Muslim Brotherhood
As time goes on I believe most of the Western right will view him favorably.
This is why the right will never make a resurgence in the west
Literally wishful thinking
I hope your ideology gets relegated to backwoods inbred retards where it belongs
the Anglo-Zionists terror bombed Germany during WW2 for no apparent reason
while Germany was busy fighting the Bolshevik evil in the East
yes. Zionist terrorism was effective in strong arming the British into granting them authority over Palestine.
Islamic terrorism has failed horribly in the long run and will more than likely never make any real gains. Even Osama admitted this towards the end of his life. Brevik is a crazy retard who was literally trying to start his own al-qaeda which obviously wont work. Islamic terrorism only got to where it is because fringe elites within muslim countries supported it,while only middle class lone wold crazy people at best support any sort of neo-fascist or neo-nazi type of terrorism
All the time
Nelson Mandela freed his country from the whites
Brevik freed Norway from the Jews
Otoya saved Japan from the Chinese Communists
Well I'm not wishing or not wishing that will happen, it just seems that as the right gets more desperate and whites begin to lose their demographic grip, they will naturally show affinity to extremism.
>Nelson Mandela freed his country from the whites
>Mandela did it
More like increasing economic sanctions did it
Has anything else?
Jimmy Carter killed Rhodesia and George Bush killed South Africa
Worked out pretty well for the jews prior to 1948 with the british withdrawal
Honestly the whole world killed Rhodesia. SA was at least tolerated for a while before people decided enough was enough with apartheid, but Rhodesia was opposed internationally from day 1 and was never recognized as a nation.
For killing children? No way in hell.
Algiers in the mid 1950's used terrorism to bait French into retaliation while putting diplomatic pressure on the superpowers to force French occupation from the area.
Depends on what you define as effective, Sinn Fein and it's military wing managed to be recognized as legitimate and integrated into the political process of NI so you can't really say they were ineffective
How so? After Brevik murdered the kids Norway voted right wing and drove away the leftist extremists. Sucks for the teenagers but it was a highly intelligent move by Anders. Eliminating the enemy now saves you work later on.
I mean say what you want, but you have to kill enemies in the crib. Imagine what a headache Rome would have if the went easy on the Gauls.
The UK and Sweden killed Rhodesia.
They did go easy on the Gauls
>When you advocated killing kids over an ideology they don’t even know about.
>the Anglo-Zionists terror bombed Germany during WW2 for no apparent reason
>an ideology they don’t even know about.
? It was a camp for politically left children
It was a camp for rich peoples children.
I'm curious, who exactly were these kids, and were they being liberally groomed?
Are you under the impression the AUF is like a communist Hitler Youth or something?
I’m not condoning Brevik
I’m saying that those kids were being indoctrinated by leftists so they would campaign to unleash the entirety of Africa and Western Asia on Norway
It was cruel, but enemies have to be destroyed early
A few dead teenagers is a better strategy than sacrificing thousands to rape and murder by 3rd worlders, and then many more in the violent racial clashes to drive them out years later
I have no idea what the AUF is. That camp was for politically left leaning children and the political left is the biggest threat to Europe's future there currently is.
Whoa i guess killing a bunch of teenagers totally shifted the vote right.
>I have no idea what the AUF is
You have no idea about Norwegian politics by the sounds of it
No I don't.
They were in fact members of a Young Socialist organization on a retreat
Then don't talk about it
>Right wing wins
>5000 more Somalians in 4 years
Importing Somalians is hardwired into Scandinavian genes, look at Minnesota.
I just don’t get why Nordics love Somalis so much. They’re skinny, ugly, and bulbous looking.
We make jokes about it but they don’t even go for tall, muscular, coal black mandingo warriors with BBC.
It’s like if Africans wanted to be cucked by Europeans so they picked gypsies to be their bulls.
I honestly think they operate on "the uglier, the better". It must be even more insulting of an idea to have an ugly nigger plowing your wife rather than an ordinary nigger, so they love it.
I guess I’ll just kill you’re offspring if i let my political beliefs delude me into insanity. Surely you would have no problem.
>I hope your ideology gets relegated to backwoods inbred retards where it belongs
But user the opposite is happening. It started with inbred backwoods retards and has diffused out into middle class students and young professionals.
Nazis did well for themselves also arguably the Alt Right but time will tell.
They’re BASED Caucasian melanin-enriched Nordics! They’re exactly what Europe needs!
Anybody ever noticed how the Wikipedia article for Brevik has super politicized/moralizing language (like "atrocity") while the articles for Islamic terrorists are more neutral?
Can you point me to some examples user?
It's not all-or-nothing. A single articulate conservative intellectual is worth more than a thousand Breviks. What got us in this mess was bluster and cant, and so I don't see why the right can't lead through reason and truth.
>tfw no William Buckley
>The right can’t into reason and truth
Hmmm you might be on to something
How do you justify that?
What's wrong with killing enemy kids?
I wonder if Breivik knows how good he has it. Even though he killed 69 people, and even though his ideology is completely opposed to that of the mainstream of his nation, the Norweigan government is impartial and humane towards him and his complaints. They actually care. In my view, it should be enough to soften even the most belligerent radicalism into eternal gratitude. But, unfortunately, this seems not to be the case.
It's pretty it worked okay for the Assyrian empire, but it's also what made it so easy for Persia to take over
>It’s like if Africans wanted to be cucked by Europeans so they picked gypsies to be their bulls
>this is your brain on right wing politics
I've watched a couple of Varg videos (he's retarded, but I'm a Burzumpleb and he's hilariously dumb) and he says that the isolation that Breivik is under is tantamount to a torture all its own.
>murdering kids is fine because people never change their opinions as they grow older, in light of experience
>Breivik was a hero
Reichstag fire gave Hitler the power to legally become dictator
because nordics are literally just somalis with light skin and blue eyes, look at their skulls
You are now aware that Breivik campaigned to make prisons in Norway harsher, but now cries that he has it too tough.
Members of the Labour party for youths
Wouldn't a better form of activism be to humiliate the elite publicly
So yes basically
You mean kill
I didn't know this guy but apparently he's my hero.
>Implying communism ever had a serious chance of making ground in the U.S. vassal known as Japan.
Then why is the right resurging right now?
>I'm not condoning Breivik
>spends next 3 sentences explaining why what he did was fair, just, and intelligent with right wing scare rhetoric
Interesting take, user.
>Doesn't condone Brevik
>Immediately justifies the killings anyway
I don't support the refugee bullshit in Europe and I don't share the political beliefs of the left in Norway but you have some mental issues if you think that it's okay to kill children.
>the virgin labour youth
The IRA.
Funny how to Amerimutts the IRA are heroic freedumb fighters despite bombing shit but when Muslims do it its just terrorists.
Here is /pol/tard image i've saved while ago.
Don't know if true, but that's how /pol/tards see it.
> yfw attached pic is same person as 2nd row, 3rd from the right
who do you mean?
He got meme'd
Cucks. Do you hate your race that much to love Islam?
>all that projection over a mass murderer
Dude, you're embarrasing yourself.
how is criticizing a mass murderer, make me hate my "race" and love islam?
are you OK, user?
Do you know where the word "terror" come from?
Sure it was, Red Army Faction or Red Brigades in seventies was effective enough to make Europe a socialist shithole.
Because you are siding with anti-white leftist traitors. I don't care if they were young, they were willing traitors against their own country and people and sided with the enemy of the West which is Islam and liberals. If they didn't want to be executed for treason, they should have stayed home or renounce their beliefs so that Breivik would have spared them. Traitors get the bullet. I'm sorry but it wasn't murder, it was self-defense against the cucking of Europe.
t. Someone who emerged from the womb fully racially aware
So if i go into past, can i kill version of you who still didn't browse /pol/ all the time?
I would do a service to white race in killing every white person who still isn't "redpilled", am i right?
>hurr fuggin muslims I hate those terrorists!
>Oh wait terrorism is ok if the guy is white and follows my beliefs
Even if you're baiting, kill yourself.
>anti-white leftist traitors
>meanwhile the party whose members he murdered were literally throwing out 5000 asylum seekers a week from the country when they had power
Can't you fucking right-wing lunatics shut the fuck up about the politics of a country you literally know zero about?
Edgy preteen
South Africa?
Can you give an example of an actual anti-white policy? You appear to be genuinely delusional
Doesn't seem that strange to me. Why wouldn't he ask for a new PS2 if he knows the Norwegian government will actually consider giving it to him.
The Zionist terrorists operating in British Palestine after the war were pretty effective in getting what they wanted.
He's not justifying it. He's explaining Breivik's justification for it. From his perspective, his actions make sense.