
So what would the fate of Slavs be if Nazi Germany won WW2? Would the majority of them really be killed and the rest used for slave labour?

After Hitler dies, is there a possibilty that future Führers would say "it's current year" and stop killing them?

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Wtf why is the woman on the right taller than the Jerry


It's a doctored photo, here's the real version

10 mln kept as workforce
Those with education killed
The rest deported to siberia or just killed
Orbiters like croats kept as puppet "friends"

>Would the majority of them really be killed and the rest used for slave labour?

>After Hitler dies, is there a possibilty that future Führers would say "it's current year" and stop killing them?
the entire philsophy of nazism is "the weak should fear the strong" as in, stronger races should do whatever the fuck they want to weaker ones, as that is all in part with nature. They would view it as no different from lions hunting down and eating zebra. So no, theres no real possibility this brutality ever ends

They would just be colonised and ruled over by a German aristocracy. My guess would be, assuming Germany rules the region indefinitely, that over time the populations mix (even with racialist laws) and the salvic culture is eroded away and replaced with German culture.

>Would the majority of them really be killed and the rest used for slave labour?

>le >>>/poooooool/ XDDDDD

You OK user?

Why did Nazis hate Polacks so much? Was it just the fact that they were right beside them so they needed muh lebensraum or did they genuinely think they were more subhuman than other Slavs?
As far as I know Polacks are the only Slavs besides Russians who actually did shit throughout their history.

Because the Poles cucked them out of a land corridor to East Prussia

Also what's wrong with Estionians??

Idk, not easy to understand the wet dreams of a failed painter with a massive "we wuz" fetish


Yes. Hitler's plan for the east was based on the American westward expansion and he admired how the US had “gunned down the millions of Redskins to a few hundred thousand, and now kept the modest remnant under observation in a cage.” He often called the Russians "redskins" (no doubt the colour came in handy) and he wanted a massive continental empire that would be able to challenge the US. Probably would've been more slave labour than killing, if only for reason that to build a massive empire would've necessitated it.
>“Neither the current living space nor that achieved through a restoration of the borders of 1914 permits us to lead a life comparable to that of the American people.”

I think it was just the fact that poles were seen as more wiley since they had only recently got their country back from Germany and Russia and were more willing to fight for it. their goal was the complete eradication of Poland both as an ethnic group and culturally. They were going to erase it from history

> US had “gunned down the millions of Redskins to a few hundred thousand,
Hitler probably should have read a book because that never happened. There weren't even millions of Indians west of the Mississippi. The densely populated part of the continental U.S. pre-contact was the East coast, and them niggas got btfo by germs, not guns.

Who would have thought an Austrian corporal obsessed with race might not be historically literate?

Reading "Zweites Buch" and "Table talks" Everyone east of vistula would become neo-serf... Balts, slavs, tatars, finno-ugric etc.
East europeans would be reduced to lowest denominator/second class citizen and be segregated while krauts would migrate into big cities or create new ones.
It would be so fucking bad that natives wouldn't be allowed to be literate and taught in schools, just to be used as a farming stock...
Most unfortunate in big cities would be systematically starved to death, shot or forced relocated.
Poles would be literally genocided, only 10% to be "germanized"
Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusian to become serfs.
Balts to be forcefully assimilated.

>After Hitler died, is there a possibility that future Führers would say "it's current year" and stop killing them?
If NSDAP is overthrown as soon as possible and military or some other organisation takes over, but entire nazi philosophy is concentrated around "Le Superior German Nord Herrenvolk" so slavs wouldn't have any mercy.

>Posting faked fakes produced by Stormfront

Look at what the Germans did to Poland and imagine it on a larger scale, happening not just in Poland but in the Soviet Union as well

"Tens of thousands were murdered in the German campaign of extermination of the Polish intelligentsia and other elements thought likely to resist (e.g. Operation Tannenberg and Aktion AB). Catholic clergy were commonly imprisoned or otherwise persecuted and many ended up sent to their death in concentration camps.[55][56] Tens of thousands of members of the resistance and others were tortured and executed at the Pawiak prison in Warsaw.[57] From 1941, disease and hunger also began to reduce the population, as the exploitation of resources and labor, terror and Germanization reached greater intensity after the attack on the Soviet Union.[43] Poles were also deported in large numbers to work as forced labor in Germany, or taken to concentration camps.[41] About two million were transported to Germany to work as slaves and many died there.[52][i] Łapanka or random roundup, on streets or elsewhere, was one of the methods practiced by the Nazis to catch prisoners for labor.[58] Several hundred Wehrmacht brothels, for which local non-German women were forcibly recruited, operated throughout the Reich.[59] In contrast to Nazi policies in occupied Western Europe, the Germans treated the Poles with intense hostility and all Polish state property and private industrial concerns were taken over by the German state.[60][61] Poland was plundered and subjected to extreme economic exploitation throughout the war period.[62]"

Im genuinely surprised Stalin and russians didn't just fucking genocide every living kraut they saw in occupied zone.
DDR was probably biggest mercy gift germans could have ever received from slavs...

"Mass rapes were committed against Polish women and girls including during punitive executions of Polish citizens, before shooting of the women.[88] Additionally, large numbers of Polish women were routinely captured with the aim of forcing them into serving in German military brothels.[89] Mass raids were conducted by the Nazis in many Polish cities with the express aim of capturing young women, later forced to work in brothels attended by German soldiers and officers.[89] Girls as young as 15 years old, who were ostensibly classified as "suitable for agricultural work in Germany", were sexually exploited by German soldiers at their places of destination.[89]"

"As part of the plan to destroy Poland, the Germans engaged in cultural genocide in which they looted and then destroyed libraries, museums, scientific institutes and laboratories as well as national monuments and historic treasures.[106] They closed down all universities, high schools, and engaged in systematic murder of Polish scholars, teachers and priests.[107] Millions of books were burned, including an estimated 80% of all school libraries, and three-quarters of all scientific libraries.[108] Polish children were forbidden from acquiring education beyond the elementary level with the aim that the new generation of Polish leaders could not arise in the future.[107] According to a May 1940 memo from Heinrich Himmler: "The sole goal of this schooling is to teach them simple arithmetic, nothing above the number 500; writing one's name; and the doctrine that it is divine law to obey the Germans. I do not think that reading is desirable."[107] By 1941, the number of children attending elementary school in the General Government was half of the prewar number.[36] The Poles responded with the "Secret Teaching" (Tajne Nauczanie), a campaign of underground education."

"Germany planned to completely remove the indigenous population of Poland beginning with the newly created Reichsgau Wartheland territory in 1939. According to the Lebensraum aim and ideology, formerly Polish lands were to be taken over by the German military and civilian settlers including Eastern European Volksdeutsche. The "Germanizing" of occupied territories by the Reich was repeatedly condemned by Nuremberg Tribunal which stated that the practice of expelling civilians was "not only in defiance of well-established rules of international law, but in complete disregard of the elementary dictates of humanity."[60] During the occupation of Poland, the number of Poles evicted by the German authorities from their homes is estimated at 2,478,000.[61][62] Up to 928,000 Poles were ethnically cleansed to make way for the foreign colonists.[63]"
"Himmler promised to eventually deport all Poles to Russia. He envisioned their ultimate end by exposure, malnutrition and overwork possibly in the Pripet Marshes where all Poles were to die during the cultivation of the marshy swamps. Plans for the mass transportation and possible creation of slave labor camps for up to 20 million Poles were also made.[67]"

In 1942 Gauleiter Erich Koch expressed thanks to Theodor Schieder for his help in Nazi operations in annexed Poland wrtiting: As a director of 'Landesstelle Ostpreußen für Nachkriegsgeschichte' you have provided material that provided significant service in our fight against Poles and continues to help us in establishing new order today in Regierungsbezirke Zichenau and Bialystok.[5]

Koch's first act as Reichskommissar was to close local schools, declaring that "Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters."[1] His brutality is best exemplified by his remark, "If I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot."[8] Koch worked together with the General Plenipotentiary for Labour Deployment (Generalbevollmächtigter für den Arbeitseinsatz) Fritz Sauckel in providing the Reich with forced labor. He was also involved in the persecution of Polish and Ukrainian Jews. Due to his brutal actions, Nazi rule in Ukraine was disturbed by a growing number of partisan uprisings.[1]

Statements about the Germans as a Herrenvolk (master race) belong to the Nazi officials of various ranks. In particular when Reichskommissar Ukraine Erich Koch said:

We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.

—Erich Koch, March 5th 1943, [9]

half of germany used to be slavic, their capital has slavic name. any diggs concerning 'eastern germany' showed mostly slavic corpses and slavic pottery, this made them butthurt beyond any level. especially since they were digging for ancient aryan germanic warriors.

germs were also very obsessed about slavs even before wwII

Every Russian and probably Slav feels joy when he thinks of how we raped G*rms. I know, being thankful to your ancestors and that shit, but we really are.
>start a war
>start a war of extermination, against Slavs, who barely bothered Germans historically
>try your hardest, commit unspeakable atrocities
>push us back to the brink
>war ends with Soviet flag flying in Berlin
Thank you.

then how come slavs are so retarded that there are a good amout of neo-nazis in slav countries?

>good amount
because you're on Veeky Forums

Because it's the ultimate edgy thing to do, Nazi imagery is used by anyone trying to look intimidating and say "fuck you dad"

Another boring WWII/nazi/genocide thread.

Im not talking about edgelords, Im talking about legit neo-nazi groups

>Poles cucked them out of a land corridor

You mean, Poland regained a Polish-majority province that was once taken from her.

Maybe not all Slavs. Most remember how the Red Army was just as evil as Germans.

That's not how the Germans saw it

Getting some serious projection from this, are you from leftypol and taking estrogen pills?

>Germans invaded Poland because they wanted access to their exclave

>It's not edgy to wear Nazi imagery when your grandfather fought against them
I'd say exactly the same thing about South Koreans LARPing as commies

Sid Vicious and the whole punk movement started wearing nazi imagery specifically because their parents had fought the nazis and they wanted to be edgelords and piss them off. Same thing for gangs in the New York.

It was probably like an ecstasy trip for russians, ukrainians, belarusians and poles going through ruins of Berlin.
>Hanging soldiers of so called "herrenvolk" on lampposts or anything that comes close to hand
>Raping and impregnating the precious aryan barbies krauts so desperately tried to defended
>Demolishing or vandalising every memorial krauts were so much proud of
>Doing the same shit this "Herrenvolk" did to Roman Empire thousand year ago
>Taking revenge for all the suffering krauts caused slavs for these hard 6 years
And to this very day, memorials of this glorious moment still stand in their capital to remind krauts to control their foolish and autistic hubris.
Vae Victis indeed...

I know. Those men truly lived.

The ones doing all the looting and raping were the same soldiers that the germans had captured and brutalized for the last few years. These guys were legit pissed off.

Yeah and doing the same things to every other nation on their way even if they were their nominal allies. Not that they were any different in the years 39-41.
Fuck them. Both deserved to die. I don't feel any justice. It was just one criminal killing the other.

>that image
I truly do not understand how some humans can do these kinds of things to others.

Slavs are subhumans

Whats a slav?

And germs are below subhumans.
Nigga they're microbes lmao!

It's alright, it's not a real picture

>Kraut scream in pain when he hit you.

something doesn't add up here. why would so many Estonians, for example, have fought in nazi foreign legions if there was evidence the nazis planned to kill half of all estonians? why would they continue to honor the nazis as heroes to this very day?

How can he keep getting away with it

Most of those units were only raised when the restriction on the SS conscription was lifted, they were not volunteer formations

that still doesn't explain why they continue to venerate the people that forcibly conscripted and planned to genocide them

because they are retards. There are still Russian neo-nazi groups


Why is hating on Germany in general such a party for the guys on this board?
Are you all commies and poles or what?

Duck my nutthole

Cause G*rms are subhumans and need to be destroyed.

that aint nice.

t. german

thats not nice.

t. german

thats nice

t. commie Pole

>Because the Poles cucked them out of a land corridor to East Prussia
The animosity goes waaay further back.

Yeah, when the Russians were pushing west the Germans just swept up anyone of fighting age and pushed them into service. My grandpa's friend is from Estonia, that's what happened to him. He managed to make it out on a ship when they were evacuating Danzig.

Well, there's a funny sentence one guy who is Estonian said to me once.
Estonians celebrated Victory Day, which is meant to represent them winning against Germans who oppressed and raped them for several hundred years. And during the first republic Estonians didn't like Germany and Germans or Soviets that much (Russians weren't hated) and tried to be neutral.
But then, something happened after 1940 that in a few years their blood enemy (Germans) from their earlier history became their best friend against the Russians. Think about it, what makes a nation do a 180.

>Would the majority of them really be killed

Nothing of the sort was planned

>the rest used for slave labour

There were no such plans either, however, it's conceivable that forced labor would continue in some sectors after the war. Most of Eastern Europe's economic capacity could be exploited through regular capitalistic wage labor though, there's no need for outright slavery from an economic point of view


>Nothing of the sort was ever planned
Provide evidence.

>there's no need for outright slavery from an economic point of view
There was no need for it in Germany either, it was a conscious and philosophical choice. Alfried Krupp and a handful of compatriots wrote repeated memoranda and letters to the other major industrial firms on behalf of the Nazi regime that claimed they had an ethical duty to use Jewish slaves, despite the difficulty their use caused with quality control. There is no real reason to assume that, given some miracle victory in the east, they would suddenly decide to make the more economical decision with an other people they had marked as undesirable.

>Provide evidence.

One cannot provide evidence for the non-existence of something. I'm familiar with the Generalplan Ost and there is nothing about mass killings there whatsoever.

>There was no need for it in Germany either, it was a conscious and philosophical choice. Alfried Krupp and a handful of compatriots wrote repeated memoranda and letters to the other major industrial firms on behalf of the Nazi regime that claimed they had an ethical duty to use Jewish slaves, despite the difficulty their use caused with quality control. There is no real reason to assume that, given some miracle victory in the east, they would suddenly decide to make the more economical decision with an other people they had marked as undesirable.

Forced labor during WWII was economically speaking a sane decision since there was no other way to make millions of workers go to Germany under the conditions the Germans could offer in war time; as for Jewish forced labor, the more economically minded people in the Third Reich endorsed improved rations for Jewish workers for efficiency's sake, which was implemented to some degree. A hypothetical slave economy of the greatest part of Eastern Europeans is a whole different case, and the economical disturbances it would cause don't make it seem a likely scenario.

/pol/tards aren't called 4tards for nothing

of course not

>The ones doing all the looting and raping were the same soldiers that the germans had captured and brutalized for the last few years. These guys were legit pissed off.

IIRC, from what i read here, the same thing happened during the Arab-Israeli war.
Any arab military prisoners were praying their captors were Ashkenazim, not Mizrahi.
The former were euros that didn't hate them especially, beyond the current circumstances.
The latter were guys that had in many cases had it rough and/or fled their homes to a place where the arabs were openly gloating about wanting to exterminate them, and likely tortured any captives to death.

Because cannon fodder. Make them think they're being liberated and they'll willingly die for your cause.

It happened in Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia etc etc. The Nazis were so successful in making them think they were trying to help them that nearly a century later, people still believe it.

Also, what and said.

name some

>One cannot provide evidence for the non-existence of something. I'm familiar with the Generalplan Ost and there is nothing about mass killings there whatsoever.

We are just non retarded

I've read somewhere that the general consensus among the tops was that atleast half of the populations in slavic areas were to be killed and/or forced away and the rest used as slave labor.
The young who had sufficient germanic traits were to be germanized and absorbed in to the volksdeutsche. Correct?

yes, by "sufficient germanic traits" they meant looking like a Jewish Mongol, see Heydrich


Holocaust is lie. Nazis just used jews and shit as workforce. I suppose tge same would have happened to slavs

The Soviets faked this picture.

Slavs are subhumans and disgusting drunks.

Nazis and Poles actually had good terms before Pidulski cucked out for the Brits and Soviets

based on what?
everyone drinks

>replying to epic trolle

Poles are literally nigger-tier:

>the entire philsophy of nazism is "the weak should fear the strong"
then why /pol/tards don't suck communist dick if Soviets BTFO'd krauts and proved to be stronger?


Do you think they marched in, gathered everyone in a big meeting and told them all their plans?

The Republican party

>historical enemy of Germans
>sided against Germans at every given opportunity
>massacred, deported or polonized German civilians whenever they could get away with it
It's a mystery.

Croatia and Slovakia was allied to Germany so it's understandable. What puzzles me is why there are neo-nazi groups in America even though Hitler went on record to say America is a disgusting half-negrified and half-judaized shithole, or neo-nazis in England even though England got bombed to shit by Hitler.

>>massacred, deported or polonized German civilians whenever they could get away with it
oh god, not this stupid meme again

t. Jacek Kurwiak

Don't project german actions against poles on everyone else. It was germans that were doing stuff you wrote.

Those bloodthirsty Poles massacred poor Germans so often that they had to do a false flag operation to invade Poland...

>achtung! never forget the innocent 6 bajillion germans killed by the poles?
It really is amazing how much stormfags argue exactly like the jews they always bitch about

t. Krzysztof Dupobolski