Thoughts on Malta?

Thoughts on Malta?

Malta history thread i suppose

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I've never met a malteser before

They gave Britain a strategic position in the Mediterranean, and for this reason alone, must be assumed to be good.

*bombs you*

They need to all DIE and BURN for this atrocity.

Nice island with nice people. Getting around it without your own car is hell though. They have a big erection for anything concerning the great siege abd they like LARPing as crusaders one moment and calling them oppressors the next.

They speak a Semitic language because of how long they were under Arabic/Berber control
Which is cool I guess

I’m pretty sure that the government of Malta is complicit in the assassination of the journalist who exposed the Panama Papers. Joseph Muscat is a pretty fishy guy:

Literally all I know about them is:

>given to the knights of st john after the ottomans captured rhodes
>later besieged by the ottomans for months and they fire like a million cannon balls at them but still fail to capture the island
>a few hundred years later napoleon shows up and tricks them into opening their harbour to him, so he captures the island
>as soon as he leaves the british show up and capture the island
>nazis bombard the island autistically and fail to capture it

Am I missing anything of note? I don't think so, desu

>nazis bombard the island autistically and fail to capture it
>reeeee muh blitzkrieg never fails!

The megalithic temples

terroni in denial

they are rarer than pandas and so is their moonpseak

Int min fejn int, jekk int malti?

Tell me more.

They're never in their own package

The Ġgantijja Temples in Gozo (The second largest island in the Maltese Archipelago) were built some 7000 in the Neolithic Age. There are other Megalithic Temples in Malta but not as old.
An interesting one in Malta is the Hypogeum located in Paola, also built in the same era. It is a temple but dug underground.

7000 years ago

>thomas jefferson geronimo

Been there. The fortifications of Valletta are impressive.
The gozo temples not so much.

Most of the place doesn't look nice.

>They have a big erection for anything concerning the great siege
I mean can you blame them?

Maltese is simply Tunisian dialect + Latin + Italian + English.

Xanna xbin

Maltese user here ask me anything

true shitskin killers. good people.

Been there on vacation a couple of years ago: really nice historical sites to see. If you plan on going, book your visit to the hypogeum 6 months in advance.

Home of ancient giants.

Summary for you fags
>Pre-Historical Temple Builders
>Knights Hospitaler
>British Empire

Ejja kollha rridkom ja qatta pufti

I forgot
after the Umayyads

Tara anime?
X'tipreferi, in-north jeww south ta Malta?

>Blitzkrieg onto an island

Look up Operation: Herkules

OK, so I knew it was a small strategic island(s) in the Med, but the most famous use of the word, to me, is The Maltese Falcon. I've not read the novel or seen the film but understand that the title refers to a gold statue, which I assume is fictitious.
HOWEVER Wiki says that there is an actual living species of falcon from the Med area known as the Maltese falcon. never knew that until today. Wiki for the novel doesn't mention this. It does mention that the statue was created by the Knights Hospitalier in the story.

QUESTION: do the Maltese people give a shit about this American story? Do the Maltese people use the falcon imagery as a motif in statuary, national crests, or other artwork/cultural expressions, or was the use of it in the story more or less random because ancient Malta was exotic to Americlaps? If I go to malta today, do the tourist shops sell fake Maltese Falcons to Amerilards?
Any other exposition of Maltese history/identity vis-a-vis falcons to give or nah?

>or other artwork/cultural expressions
like, is the high school football team mascot the Falcon, for example. or how Ethiopia has the Lion Of Judah thing. stuff like that.

Was there any nazi amphibious operation that went well? Crete was a skin of their teeth success, Malta never went anywhere. Only one that did anything was landing in Norway.

me again.

found this, somewhat helpful.
does not answer "why a falcon?" chosen as a token of tribute. And this was a live falcon not a statue but at least that fiction makes more sense now.

^^^This 100%

Ive been studying history in Malta for 5 years now and ive never heard of this american bullshit , although the Maltese falcon is an actual species and one that we island cave people were proud of in the past.

When the Order of saint John arrived in Malta they had to pay a tax to the Holy Roman emperor by "gifting" one Maltese falcon every year. There is also the ww2 flying ace that was nicknames the Maltese falcon. Apart from those , ive never heard of any other instances of eagles in monuments and such.